Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 348 Lost To People's Heart (Please Subscribe! Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

At this time, the people on the island can't hide it now. Even if the government implements control, there is no way to prevent a few people from knowing the news of Yanhuang's attack, but at this moment they have no choice but to leave, because Yanhuang's air force has blocked the airspace, and they All field airfields have also been completely destroyed in the first wave of strikes.

Yanhuang did not attack the city, in order to minimize the casualties of the people, but at this moment, countless citizens rushed to the streets, and the governments of various cities could not control the situation at all.

"Drop your weapons and surrender to Yanhuang."

"Don't fight anymore, we will definitely lose, my child, woo woo..."

"Don't be stubborn, surrender as soon as possible, and return to the motherland."

Many people shouted slogans and marched towards the government. It is obvious that so many people can be gathered in a short period of time. Someone must be behind the scenes. The police standing in front of them are in a dilemma. After all, these people also have their families .

"Little Sanzi, if you still walk with them, don't recognize me as a father." A somewhat elderly man said to the captain of the police district who blocked them the cheapest, his hand on crutches was still trembling slightly.

"Dad, why are you still messing with them..." The captain was a little helpless. Now he is really in a dilemma, not only him, but also the police around him, and because all the troops in the city have been transferred out, 820 is now able to maintain law and order. Only the police remained.

"What to do, Captain?" The surrounding policemen looked at the captain with wry smiles. They all felt that if they stopped them, they would have no face to stay here.

"You ask me, who do I ask, forget it, don't stop them, they do whatever they want, maintain law and order, and don't cause casualties." The district captain said helplessly.

"Yes!" Such scenes are still being staged in major cities, but the garrison in Beishi expressed a tough attitude towards the parade. They are all troops controlled by diehards who are absolutely loyal to the government, so bloodshed also occurred in Beishi events, while several small cities and villages have been completely mobilized due to lack of control.

On Zuo Qingyun's side, the follow-up landing troops have also arrived at the two brigades.

After Zuo Qingyun's troops reacted in this way, the troops in the trenches behind them responded enthusiastically.

"Brothers, come with me." A squad leader stood up, and the crowd became excited. They quickly turned their guns and aimed at the military police behind them.

"Are you planning to rebel..." Before the gendarme could finish his sentence, a bloody hole appeared on his head. Immediately afterwards, fierce gunshots erupted from their own positions, but only a few dozen people Where are the military police and these officers who tried to stop them against thousands of people.

"What's the situation..." Just when Zhao Kai heard the voice and wanted to go out to check, two guards walked in with indifference.

"What do you two want to do?" Zhao Kai frowned.

"I don't want to do anything to the teacher, as long as you cooperate obediently, we will not do anything to you." The guard said lightly, and then glanced at everyone in the staff department, "I advise all of you not to act rashly, or don't blame us The gun in his hand does not recognize anyone."

"I, Zhao Kai, boast that I take you well on weekdays, and this is how you treat me?" Zhao Kai suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Not mean? Dare to ask the teacher, feel your conscience and say, are you really treating us well?" The guard was very calm at the moment, "Look, our captain of the guard did not punish us. With a lot of wages, I eat fat and strong, but we eat pig food, not only us, you can ask the brothers below."

At this time, the sound of guns outside gradually stopped, Zuo Qingyun looked at the white flags on the opposite position and smiled, he said to Li Bingxin: "Let's go, we have not taken over the position for the coup d'etat

"Let me go, brigade commander, what if they are fake..." one of the staff officers said, Zuo Qingyun knew that they were thinking about their safety, but he refused.

Seeing him slowly walking towards his position, with only a few guards (dbcd) around him, everyone was very touched, which showed that he trusted them, and this young and outrageous colonel belonged to this team Supreme Commander.

"Sir, hello~~" A soldier saluted him tremblingly, Zuo Qingyun and Li Bingxin returned the salute solemnly.

"Welcome." Zuo Qingyun smiled and said to the soldiers who were looking at him. He said to the guards around him: "Go to Staff Li and send a report to the General Staff and Fleet Command. The 36th Mechanized Infantry Division Uprising before 11:37."

"Thank you, sir..." All the soldiers were very grateful. Compared with the defeated army, this is already very decent.

"Sir, we have arrested the division commander Zhao Kai, please come with us. Zuo Qingyun followed the guards and came to an open space. There were dozens of officers who were tied up by them. The only ones who were not tied up were three Zhao Kai, the commander of the Sixteenth Division, Zuo Qingyun recognized him at a glance through his military rank.

"Are you Zuo Qingyun?" Zhao Kai stood up and looked at him expressionlessly. As the chief officer at the division level, although he didn't know Zuo Qingyun, he knew that he was the youngest colonel in the Yanhuang Army.

"It's an honor to meet you, General Zhao. It's a pity that I still have a mission and I don't have time to chat with you." Zuo Qingyun chuckled.

"It's ironic that we still lost to ourselves after all." Zhao Kai smiled self-deprecatingly. In terms of years in the army, he was longer than Zuo Qingyun. He didn't lose on the battlefield, but he lost to Xinxin.

"Political Commissar, I will leave the combat support battalion and the electric resistance battalion to you, make sure to arrange them properly." Zuo Qingyun turned her head and said to Ji Bingxin.

"Don't worry." Li Bingxin nodded, and the political affairs were naturally left to him.

"Then I'll go first." Zuo Qingyun left immediately and met with the remaining two landing brigade commanders.

"According to the order of the Fleet Command, the main task of our three brigades is to attack from south to north. According to the deployment of the enemy's troops, one brigade attacks the right side and two brigades attack the left side. Do you have any opinions?" Zhou Wei, commander of the fifth brigade of the Marine Corps, looked at the two of them and said.

"I have no objection. I'll attack from the right side." Zuo Qingyun volunteered to take up the task. Although there were fewer troops on the right side, the terrain on the right side was more severe.

"Okay, then we will leave it to you." Zhou Wei said reassuringly, "We must use the fastest time, when the enemy is all retreating into the city, we must destroy the local troops, but make them surrender. Let them surrender, unless it is absolutely necessary, they are all Yanhuang people."


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