Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 356 Panic Like A Lost Dog (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Talk, what are your conditions?" Seeing the other party getting serious, Zuo Qingyun corrected his attitude and just watched him perform quietly.

"Let us leave, we will announce the return of the island to Yanhuang, and then the troops will lay down their weapons, and the safety of the citizens of Zhubei can be guaranteed." The Minister of Defense set out their conditions.

"We? Who are we referring to?" Zuo Qingyun couldn't help chuckling.

"All native officials and officers."

"It's impossible." Zuo Qingyun snorted coldly, "Your plan is really good, return to Yanhuang? This is the land of Yanhuang, do you need to return? As for these so-called local faction officers and officials, I am very sorry, We don't have the ability to send you to the beautiful country, but if you want to swim in the Pacific Ocean, I can send you a ride

"Since that's the case, then we have nothing to talk about?" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Minister of Defense. If he must die, it would not be a loss to bring this guy down with him.

"Why, you are so angry that you want to do something to me?" Zuo Qingyun could see his thoughts at a glance, even in the enemy camp, he was still calm, "The 31 local faction of the government can leave, I won't stop them , but military officers can't, as for the family assets you senior officials belong to, you can also take them away, to be honest, we don't care about your choices."

"Is this the bottom line?" The Minister of National Defense asked suspiciously. In fact, Zuo Qingyun paid the price back and they were quite satisfied. As for these low-level local military officers, they are just a group of ants who have no value to them. Wait for them When you arrive in the beautiful country, bringing these people along is nothing but a burden.

"Actually, our bottom line can be even lower, that is, only you and your family members can leave, and the rest, sorry, will be nationalized." Zuo Qingyun said casually, looking at the five people in front of him. "Of course, if you are willing to stay, at most I will give you a prison villa package with no worries about food and clothing."

"We agreed." The Minister of Defense turned his head and discussed with several people around him.

"Okay, Jail ordered your training team to put down their weapons." Zuo Qingyun said lightly.

"No, you have to send us away first. We are going to Beishi Airport and take a plane to the beautiful country." The Minister of Defense said.

"Okay, you can contact your Eagle Sauce fathers to see if they are willing to accept you. I remember that the destroyer Joyasen of the Eagle Sauce Seventh Task Force is only fifteen nautical miles away from the main island, and the range of the helicopter is more than enough." Zuo Qingyun's words made the Minister of Defense's face turn pale and green, and Zuo Qingyun let him sit there and make a phone call, and felt disgusted seeing his tone of a pug-dog pleasing his master.

"They've agreed, we're leaving now to keep your air defenses from attacking."

"Good!" Zuo Qingyun said very calmly.

At the heliport, Cai Xiao looked at the few people who were boarding the helicopter, and felt that his loyalty was worthless like wild flowers on the roadside, and Zuo Wei was watching from his side.

"In the past, they were still the heads of the government here. Ying Jiang might look at them with high regard, but now, they are just a group of bereaved dogs." Zuo Qingyun's eyes were full of pity, any external force is not really powerful, real Strength comes from the heart of the nation, "General Cai, do you really think it is a bad thing to return to Yanhuang's arms? Yanhuang has changed a long time ago."

"Maybe." Cai Xiao's eyes were very calm. He called the chief of staff and said to him: "Let the troops lay down their weapons. It's ridiculous to say that we are all abandoned."

"Lian Kai, can't you come up?" At this moment, the Minister of Defense urged Lian Kai who was still under the helicopter.

"No, I want to stay here." Lian Kai's slightly aged face showed a trace of fatigue, after all, it depends on other people's faces, and if he stays, he can still be a good person.

"I don't know how to flatter you, let's go~~" The Minister of Defense cursed viciously, and then the helicopter took off directly and headed in the direction of the destroyer Joyasen. Zuo Qingyun did what he promised. Regarding his actions, the commander of the Second Fleet No one in the department objected, even to the commander-in-chief and the whole country, these few people were nothing more than small people, they left as soon as they left, and the fate of the bereaved dog was probably predictable.

But at this moment, Prime Minister Oda Zhenping was pacing back and forth in the Nihong Prime Minister's Mansion. The fleet he sent was severely hit by Yanhuang, and most of it was destroyed. Now he really didn't get any benefits, only saw the pie painted by Ying Jiang. Now, he realized, he was really the loner in the East Asian monster room.

Although both of them and Nanbang are Yingjiang's younger brothers, there are also irreconcilable conflicts between Neon and Nanbang, the most important one being the war 70 years ago. Thinking of this, Oda Zhenping couldn't help cursing, a group of short-sighted Nanbang people, didn't they just kill some of you? As for being so fussy? Now their common enemy is Yanhuang.

"Prime Minister, now Yanhuang has completely controlled the place, and our secret service organization 757 there is being purged." A staff member hurried over and said.

"Tell them to withdraw quickly." Xiaotian Zhenping gritted his teeth and said, Yanhuang's secret service organization is not comparable to those trash, and if it is one step later, the entire army will be wiped out. After giving the order, he was a little depressed, and then said: " Go, hold a cabinet meeting, we have to discuss increasing military spending.


At this time, Yingjiang Presidential Palace, the entire battle report has been placed on Yingjiang President Nelson's table, he took a deep breath, in the past few years, Yanhuang has given him too much stimulation

"Your Excellency, if we don't restrain Yanhuang, our plan there will fall short." The chief of staff hurriedly said that after the Inca War, the Southwest Counterattack and the Restoration War, Yanhuang's national strength has greatly increased, and the government's reputation among the people has reached its peak. . Although it still does not have an aircraft carrier, the development of its conventional fleet has greatly surpassed Yingjiang's navy.

"Go and hold a meeting. It's time for those old diehards to take a look. We need to increase our military spending. As for the weapons that were originally banned from sale, they can also be put on the agenda. By the way, arrange a meeting with Nanba for me." There is a tripartite meeting of the President and the Prime Minister of Neon."


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