Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 362 Yes Yes Yes Yes (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Colonel Zuo, we sincerely invite Yanhuang to participate this time. What do you mean?" The ambassador was a little annoyed, "We will show our advanced technology this time, and we will not be inferior to your Yanhuang?"

"Really? For example?" Zuo Qingyun couldn't help laughing. Just their weapons made by Wanguo? Now they still use light machine guns of the model fifty years ago. Dogs don't even want that stuff.

"We have become the only cutting-edge missile technology country in the world that has successfully developed a supersonic cruise missile with the fastest speed in the world, exceeding Mach 5, and flying at a full supersonic speed." The adjutant on the side said very proudly, looking into Zuo Qingyun's eyes With a touch of contempt, "You Yanhuang will definitely not be able to develop it."

"If my guess is correct, you are talking about your Alimos?" Zuo Qingyun had a strange expression on his face. As a commander, he naturally had a certain understanding of the military equipment of the surrounding countries. The Sri Lanka missile has only two words in the information of the Military Intelligence Bureau—garbage. The teeth that can make the very strict Yanhuang Military Intelligence Bureau mark it as garbage can only show that it is not bad to describe it as garbage.


"According to my understanding, the maximum speed of this thing is only three times the speed of sound. I really don't know where the five times the speed of sound you mentioned came from. Did your Allah bring it to you?" Zuo Qingyun looked at it expressionlessly. This adjutant, these words surprised all the Baixiang people present, how could this guy be so clear.

"And as far as I know, 80% of the parts of this so-called Alimos missile need to be imported, and you are just assembling it, not to mention not even a single one is in service now. Is this the only one in the world that has developed a full-range supersonic missile? Flying missile technology power?"

The ambassador gritted his teeth, and he was speechless at this moment. When did the Yanhuang people know their internal information so clearly? They have always regarded Yanhuang as the object of their comparison. How can they bear their humiliation now? He said coldly said: "Even so, it was developed by us, and we are now working on missiles that exceed seven times the speed of sound

"Moreover, we are also the only country in the world with cutting-edge missile technology equipped with a general vertical launch system for warships with long-range ballistic missiles with a range of 1,000 kilometers."

"Yes, yes, what you said is correct. I really hope that you can say this without changing your face when facing Ying Jiang. Oh, you have thick skins, and you don't change your face when you see anyone say it." Zuo Qingyun He nodded, expressing a very appreciative attitude, "I really should learn from your thick-skinned Yanhuang. But before you say it, can you turn your head and look at the faces of your military officers?"

Hearing Zuo Qingyun's words, the ambassador turned his head and saw the ugly military officer stationed in Yanhuang. He looked at himself, the ambassador, with some helplessness. Does he have some brain problems? These things can deceive outsiders, but for As far as they themselves are concerned, they can only be described in two words—garbage. Moreover, this person in front of him is the famous Zuo Qingyun Zuo Dazhan, who has slapped the existence of the southeastern countries, and it is meaningless to show off his tongue in front of him.

"However, your ideas are quite ahead of the times. After all, it is unprecedented to install ballistic missiles on the rear deck of a warship. Yanhuang and Yingjiang must learn from you." Zuo Qingyun's words are superficial It seems to be a compliment, but the irony in it is obvious.

At this time, the ambassador's face was livid with anger, and he didn't believe it. He continued: "We are the fourth major country after Yingjiang, Maoxiong, and Saudi Arabia to master the technology of anti-ballistic missiles in the atmosphere."

"Yes, yes, yes~~" These military officers turned their heads away, why are these politicians so bragging. A military officer couldn't stand it anymore, and he walked to the ambassador's side.

"Don't talk about it, ambassador, Yanhuang has already had these things. In some respects, they even surpassed Yingjiang." The military attache said in a low voice, he was afraid that if the ambassador continued talking, they would lose face.

The ambassador looked embarrassed, and gave the military attache a dissatisfied look. Didn't you fucking say earlier, "What about our one-shot technology?"

"They mastered it 20 years ago." The ambassador suddenly felt speechless. Could it be that there is nothing comparable to Yanhuang in the huge Baixiang country?" And those things can only scare outsiders. As military missile warheads, we At present, there is no such technology, and ten stars with one stone is just bragging.

Seeing the two chattering, Zuo Qingyun didn't care, these guys couldn't handle their own internal conflicts and came to Yanhuang to find a sense of presence. This so-called leader of the third world turned out to divide the people into several levels within himself, and he always felt that his system was very advanced. To be honest, the Military Intelligence Bureau's evaluation of their troops is that they have poor fighting will, poor weapons and equipment, and a chaotic logistics system. In a real fight, their Wanguo brand weapons are enough to directly paralyze the chaotic logistics system.

"々.Okay, I'm not here to talk nonsense to you." Zuo Qingyun knocked on the table to interrupt their conversation, "About us being invited to your military parade

Our Yanhuang plan is to transport our combat equipment and personnel to you in 15 days. I hope you can cooperate. The person who will lead the team may be me or not. I hope you will not be in the military of various countries in the world. In front of him fell down. "

In fact, this matter was discussed between the commander-in-chief and the senior management of Baixiangguo (Hao Nuo Hao). In addition to the two teams of Yan and Huang, some troops from Western countries will also participate.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, I will let you take a good look at the advanced technology of Baixiang Kingdom." The ambassador looked at Zuo Qingyun, who was sitting opposite him and drinking tea leisurely, and said coldly. They are not idiots, and at least they can do their superficial work well.

"That's good!" Zuo Qingyun put a document on his desk. "Here are the details of our transportation of equipment and personnel. You can refer to it. I still have something to do, so I will leave first."

Seeing the back of Zuo Qingyun leaving, the ambassador slapped the table angrily, but in the next second, he was horrified to find that the White Elephant Kingdom has fallen far behind Yanhuang, and Yanhuang is steadily suppressing them both economically and military On the one hand, if there is any change in the future, they may really lose like forty years ago!.

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