Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 367 Tell A Joke, The Army Of The White Elephant Kingdom Is Number One In The World (Please S

"So this time only the Type 89 infantry fighting vehicle was brought over." Zuo Qingyun asked Lieutenant Colonel Qian Shuwen, the person in charge of the equipment.

"Yes, Chief." Qian Shuwen nodded. This time, the general staff only brought over the Type 89, which was behind the Type 4 infantry chariot. They already know that Yanhuang has developed a new type of combat vehicle, but they have never seen it with their own eyes. In the matters of the Inca and the Southwest Campaign, they actually did not use the four-type infantry chariot too much.

"Okay, even the Type 89 can't be easily investigated by the other party." Zuo Qingyun said, although it is an indisputable fact that the performance of the Type 89 is lagging behind, Yanhuang can't replace them all at once, after all, economic construction requires money , The speed of replacement can only be replaced by three brigades per year, and all of them are frontier main combat troops.

"Yes, we will definitely do a good job in defense." Qian Shuwen assured, "In addition, we have prepared a big gift for Baixiangguo."

"Really? Then I won't ask. I look forward to your performance during the military parade. Zuo Qingyun smiled. Qin Weiguo had already told him that there was a big gift. As for what the big gift was, Qin Weiguo didn't tell him, and he didn't say too much asked.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Zuo Qingyun said to Qian Shuwen as if remembering something, "As for everything provided by Baixiang, we must carefully check it, especially the food that our own people eat must be let the cooking team Prepare it by yourself, even if you report it by air from the country, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t have anything to eat, you can eat field food. "

"Boss, what do you mean?" Qian Shuwen's tone suddenly turned cold, Zuo Qingyun meant that he naturally got it, he was worried that the white elephant would make small moves secretly, and now they and the white elephant are also having issues on the border issue There was friction, and they invited Yanhuang over, apparently a weasel who wished the chicken New Year's greetings.

"These things are only against gentlemen, not against villains." Zuo Qingyun said lightly, "I suggest that you conduct a thorough search around the camp."

"Yes, Chief, we will arrange it immediately." Qian Shuwen said with a serious face, and then he called the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon to search carefully with their equipment.

"Outside, be careful with everything, I'll go first." Zuo Qingyun patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, Chief!" Qian Shuwen saluted, Zuo Qingyun would never have imagined that his casual suggestion would save the team at a critical moment.

Zuo Qingyun returned to the tent and saw that only gay men were here, and realized that Long Xiaoyun and Miao Xiu had already gone to his tent. He could have lived in the embassy as the team leader, but Zuo Qingyun was still the same as usual , to sleep with them.

Two days later, in the capital of Baixiang, the grand military parade kicked off. Logically, his rank of colonel is not enough to have a seat on the viewing platform, but Zuo Qingyun, as the highest representative of Yanhuang, is impressively on the list.

The military parade started amidst the cheers of the Baixiang people. Next to Zuo Qingyun sat Yingjiang's Vice President Owen. He looked at Zuo Qingyun with a cloudy look in his eyes. No matter how he looked at it, he was upset. overwhelmed their plans.

"What's the matter, Your Excellency Vice President, is there anything strange about me?" Zuo Qingyun's pure Wudu accent directly surprised Owen, and he didn't speak.

But what Zuo Qingyun said next pissed him off, "If you're not convinced, I still suggest you take a good look, it's a fatal thing."

"Mr. Zuo, why don't you think carefully about your Yanhuang's own affairs. In the past few years, you have destroyed a lot of peace." Owen was not in the mood to continue talking with Zuo Qingyun, he snorted coldly, then turned his head to look at A military parade was held.

However, the reality of this scene surprised Zuo Qingyun and the eight special forces members, because the so-called mechanized infantry divisions are all motorcycles. What is even more exaggerated is that there are 58 people standing on a motorcycle, fifty Eight, Long Xiaoyun and others said that they have never seen so many people on a motorcycle in their life, which is really eye-opening.

"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Zuo, what do you think?" Prime Minister Bai Xiang asked them proudly.

The corner of Owen's mouth twitched, and then he said something really good. He had never seen such a scene before. If the Eagle Sauce Army looked like this, it should be disbanded as soon as possible.

The smile on this guy's face was even wider, and he looked at Zuo Qingyun. After all, Zuo Qingyun is also considered to be a commander who is in the limelight in the world.

"Well, it's not bad. If a war breaks out, such a troop projection capability should be world-class." Zuo Qingyun said lightly.

"Even Mr. Zuo's Iron Army can't do it?" Prime Minister Bai Xiang seemed to have a flower blooming on his face.

"Well, it really can't be done." Zuo Qingyun said so on the surface, but in his heart he was complaining crazily. Such an army could not do it, let alone any country in the world. And does this guy really think that his troops are used for acrobatics? Not to mention the road conditions on the battlefield, just like this, soldiers don't need to aim at all, as soon as a rocket goes down, it's gone

Seeing the arhats on the motorcycle and various performances, the senior military officers from various countries present were stunned. Yes, they were stunned by their acrobatics. They never thought that the troops could use it like this.

"Mr. Zuo, do you think our soldiers are excellent?" Prime Minister Rixiang didn't notice the abnormality in Zuo Qingyun's tone and continued to ask.

Zuo Qingyun looked at him, and I would burst out laughing if you asked me again, he nodded calmly and said: "Amazing, absolutely amazing, it seems that this is just a motorcycle performance, but in fact it is a combination of perseverance and courage , teamwork, body art, competitive sports, military literacy, endurance, etc. are integrated and integrated into one, which is worthy of the army of the White Elephant Kingdom, and I really admire it."

Owen on one side could hardly control his expression, the twitching corners of his mouth exposed his heart, this Zuo Qingyun is telling jokes, this irony is called a slip, the key is that this guy has not heard Zuo at all What Qingyun said was ironic.

"Everyone, this is just an appetizer. Our main battle tank is about to debut. This is world-class."

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