Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 383 Quick Response Force, Attack (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Order the first battalion and the second battalion to enter combat readiness immediately from now on. Zuo Qingyun, who returned to the station, said to Chief of Staff Gong Yong.

"What happened to mobilize the troops?" Gong Yong asked suspiciously, mobilizing troops is not a trivial matter.

"Just in case, tell officers and soldiers at all levels to stop all going out and vacations from now on. There may be major combat missions in the next few days. Let the political commissar come over, and we will open a party committee." Zuo Qingyun said seriously. Gong Yong nodded, and then someone called Xu Wenlong.

"I have already met with the Military Intelligence Bureau and Chief Executive Shen Yugang. From now on, our army's attitude will change from watching fire from the other side to active action. In principle, we are on Shen Yugang's side." Zuo Qingyun said with a sigh.

"After exchanging information with them, we can already confirm that there are many malignant tumors of corruption within the government, hostile forces have infiltrated, chief executive Shen Yugang's power has been emptied of most of it, and gangster forces are colluding with hostile forces. The situation has become serious. so much.

"Should I report to the superior?" Xu Wenlong's expression was already serious to the extreme.

"No, since the commander-in-chief has given me full responsibility for this matter, it is up to me to decide. As for the consequences, that is all my responsibility." Zuo Qingyun said, "Let's wait and see, who will win this matter?" .”

In the commander's office, He Zhongxin, director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, is talking with the commander.

"Commander, this is the situation report provided by the Pearl Island military intelligence team. Senior Colonel Zuo has decided that the troops will intervene in this matter." He Zhongxin said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Yeah!" The commander nodded, took a sip of water, and then said with a slight smile: "Our Colonel Zuo is still a practical man, very good, he has already started the situation, and it seems that some guys are going to be nervous myself."

"By the way, commander-in-chief, there is another very important piece of information." He Zhongxin's expression was slightly serious, "Eros of Maoxiong Kingdom has gathered a large amount of capital at this moment in an attempt to short the economic market in Southeast Asia. According to the analysis of our agency, they The first choice target is the Buddhist country. Now the economic situation of the Buddhist country has begun to collapse, I think we need to be vigilant (dbci)." 1

"You mean they might attack Mingzhu Island?" The commander frowned. According to the current situation of Mingzhu Island, once the opponent makes a move, the government of Mingzhu Island who is not at one mind will not have any power to resist. Commander-in-Chief Lighting a cigarette, he thought for a while and said, "Let the National Bank do a good job of preparing funds and formulate a plan according to the actual economic situation of Pearl Island. It’s the Pearl Island government.”

"Yes, Commander, then I will go first."

"Let's go!" The commander took a puff of his cigarette, then pondered, there is really not much time left for Yanhuang to prepare, Zuo Qingyun, I hope you can hurry up.

Eagle Sauce Group

"Now that Zuo Qingyun and Shen Yuguo know about our existence, it looks like our actions will speed up." Joseph frowned and said, "We must win over the Waffle Gang, Thunder God Gang, and Hongxing Gang as much as possible, otherwise we We can’t continue our plan at all, as for those chaebols, let Airos contact them, and after Airos finishes solving the Buddhist and Philippine countries, he will quickly mobilize a large amount of capital to impact the economy of Pearl Island, and let the powerful people start to act immediately.”


The time passed to the third day Zuo Qingyun came here. In the Second District, the most prosperous area here, many people wearing black clothes and covering their faces gathered from all directions, and many pedestrians around He looked at them apprehensively. They naturally knew that this kind of action would happen once every three or four days recently, and they wished to stay as far away from them as possible, lest they be accidentally injured. These people do nothing but sit in the second district and shout slogans loudly.

"Yanhuang people get out."

"Fight for freedom and democracy."

Gradually, as more and more people gathered, the daily order has been seriously affected. Some people have already called the police, but the police's reply is only perfunctory words such as "hmmm" and "I see", and they don't want to intervene in this situation at all. One thing, there are a few young people who want to stand out, but the other party has a large number of people, which makes them timid. At this time, the traffic had been completely paralyzed, and the police were long overdue. Faced with the demands of some people, they can't control it. After all, the law does not say that these people cannot gather here.

"Enough, are you still Yanhuang people? Ah!" A middle-aged policeman shouted at these people angrily, "Go home."

"Down with the lackeys of the Yanhuang people." As someone in the crowd yelled, a soda can fell on the policeman's head, and the situation suddenly got out of control. These people suddenly broke out in fierce conflicts with the policemen at the scene.

"Back, back!" The policemen with explosion-proof shields yelled loudly, but these people remained unmoved and gradually narrowed the police's range of activities. Many policemen were even beaten.

At this time, Zuo Qingyun had already seen all this on TV, his eyes were full of murderous intent and coldness, didn't he do it so quickly? Give yourself a blow? Okay, very good, he walked out of the room directly, everyone Shouted: "The Army Aviation Brigade quickly took the sudden troops to the sky and headed for the central area. I want to see who is so courageous!"

Following Zuo Qingyun's order, a company's troops quickly assembled and boarded the helicopter, and Zuo Qingyun immediately opened the hatch and sat on it.

"Chief of Staff, follow and watch." Xu Wenlong said to Gong Yong. He knew that Zuo Qingyun had made up his mind, so he could only let Gong Yong go and have a look.

"Okay!" Gong Yong also quickly got on the helicopter, and in just ten minutes, the quick reaction force had already gone to the sky and quickly headed towards the central area.

Just when the police in the central area were almost desperate, a huge roar of engines came from not far away. As the sound approached rapidly, more than ten transport helicopters flew from afar. The red five-pointed star on the fuselage Very conspicuous. As the helicopter went up to the sky, Joseph also realized that things had changed, but there was no time to stop it at this moment.

"Quick, quick!" Following Zuo Qingyun's order, a company of soldiers quickly descended, fully armed, and landed in the center of the police. At this time, the leader of this group saw the troops appearing, and had a premonition that things were getting worse. He wanted to leave, but the periphery was surrounded by the arrived marine troops. .

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