Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 396 First Contact (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

According to the coordination of Beiban, the first formation led by Li Baomin arrived at Koryo City, which is located behind the second line of defense on the west coast of Beiban. He did not deploy the artillery position in the city, but arranged it in a place called Beiyuling, and Li Baomin also sent an engineering unit to create a fake artillery brigade position target.

"I didn't expect them to penetrate the first coastal defense line so quickly." Li Baomin learned the specific firepower information of Yingjiang from the Beibang Coastal Defense Force. In fact, they already knew enough about Yingjiang's firepower configuration. I believe Eagle sauce does the same for them.

At this time, the United Fleet was chasing the Third Fleet. The Marine Division, which could not get fire support, suspended the offensive and began to build a line of defense on the front line of Kaifeng. When they evacuated from Kaifeng City, Beibang had already destroyed most of the military materials that could not be taken away. Therefore, the material supplies they received were very limited.

"Normal." The staff officer's expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest, as if everything was in his expectation. If it was him, he would decisively choose to give up the beach position and concentrate his forces to fight street battles with the Marine Division in Kai 31 Feng. How can we not delay The main force of the enemy for several hours. Such an arrangement of exposing one's own forces to the enemy's superior firepower cannot be done by a commander with a normal mind.

"Now that they occupy Kaifeng, we can't send heavy troops to fight street battles with them in the city." Li Baomin was thinking. After experiencing the defeat of the first line of defense, the organization and morale of the Beibai army declined sharply. They can barely hold the second line of defense, and this is still in the case of Yingjiang not attacking. Therefore, they are the only troops that can take the initiative to look for combat opportunities.

The two heavy armored brigades that Li Baomin brought were for field battles, not for street fighting against the enemy. After entering the urban area, the tanks did not have any advantages at all.

"Order the Tiger Brigade to advance to Sangji Village, the Red First Brigade to advance to the mountains around Highway No. 3 to hide and stand by, leave the tank unit in the D4 area, and let the military engineering corps build a formation for our main force to gather in the C3 area.

"Without tank cover, our light infantry is very dangerous." The staff officer reminded.

"It's okay, the A Division of the Marine Corps opposite us is also light infantry, not to mention they don't have fire support, what can a division's artillery do?" Li Baomin chuckled

"But let them pay attention to concealment. Although they must know that we are going to unseal it, it is useless if they don't know where we are."

After all, the action at night is far better than during the day, at least the satellite capture resolution will be affected to a certain extent, which is enough to confuse Yingjiang in a short period of time.

"Report, the satellite found signs of large forces gathering in the C3 area." At this time, Marine Division Commander Martini received the analysis information provided by the Intelligence Bureau, and they judged that the Yanhuang troops were gathering in the C3 area. , Martini thinks it is because it is far away from the front line, 70 kilometers away, and can avoid the artillery attack of the eagle sauce, but their combat concept is still too old, do you really think it is still fifty years ago?

"Let the Henggou base launch cruise missiles to bomb that area." Martini immediately applied. After all, there is a great possibility that this army is coming for him. Now they do not have the support of the fleet, and they are going deep alone, so they have to Proceed with caution, "Send Reconnaissance Company C to infiltrate enemy lines and hide.


"Order the reconnaissance company to open the way, and be sure to find out the enemy's troop deployment and firepower configuration during the early reconnaissance." At this time, Qian Weihu, who received the order, ordered the reconnaissance company to quickly leave the brigade formation and move forward.

"Hurry up, catch up." Qin Junguo, the commander of the reconnaissance company, is directing his company to advance quickly in the forest. They are only 30 kilometers away from Qifeng City. To be honest,

When he received the reconnaissance order, he was very excited. He almost did not issue a military order with the battalion commander. Yanhuang soldiers have always had the tradition of being happy when they hear the battle. Because the reconnaissance company's combat mission is special, they have conducted a lot of night training, so this kind of rapid nighttime interspersion is almost no pressure for them.

"Company commander, we have arrived at the outskirts of Jincun, do we need to go in and search?" At this time, the company staff officer Xiao Yaguang ran back from the front team and said. Qin Junguo immediately ordered the troops to stop their movements and take cover on the spot, and then took out the topographic map made by Beibang himself.

Jincun is just a small village. After the first line of defense was defeated, everyone in the village had already evacuated. Qin Junguo checked the map with the faint light of a flashlight, and he memorized the surrounding terrain of twenty kilometers.

"Let the first class approach quietly." Qin Junguo said, Xiao Yaguang nodded, and then conveyed the order.

A squad leader quietly approached the edge of a house with a few people from his own squad. The squad leader led four people, the deputy squad leader led four people, and the non-commissioned officer led four people, perfectly presenting an inverted triangle offensive formation. The two groups hid behind a house, and when the squad leader signaled the deputy squad leader to lead the people forward, 063 suddenly heard a dog barking in the silent night.

All of a sudden, everyone quickly entered the fighting state. Qin Junguo, who was watching not far away, immediately ordered the machine gun team to seize the commanding heights, and the mortar platoon began to build a firing position. You must know that dogs generally don't bark indiscriminately. Dog barking in the middle of the night can only explain one thing. Someone alarmed the dog. Obviously there are no other friendly troops nearby except them, so the answer is ready to come out.

Soon, the barking of the dog stopped quickly from a series, which shows that the enemy is also aware of this and has dealt with the dog. Obviously, the enemy's combat readiness awareness is not weaker than his own

Qin Junguo signaled the platoon leader to lead a platoon of disengaged troops to detour around the enemy's rear flank from their right side. The platoon leader nodded, and then led his own platoon's personnel to quickly leave the army, while the rest The two platoons were also maintaining their offensive formation at the moment, and the atmosphere in the silent village seemed to become tense in an instant. Many people were tightly holding the steel guns in their hands. They couldn't help but think that they would have to face the enemy face to face so soon. Yet?

Everyone was waiting, and every soldier stared at the village through the night vision goggles. At this moment, there was a rustling sound. .

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