Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1076: It’s not that we don’t work hard, but people have up to

"Military Technology (

"Here!" With an answer, only a few security department agents dressed in casual clothes and bulletproof vests came in with their guns, followed by a group of heavily armed secret service personnel.

The dressing and weaponry of these special services are actually very similar to the special police, but the weaponry is much better, and they look more capable.

However, after these people came in, they were first surprised by the severity of the battlefield in the park, and the yellow heavy machinery exoskeleton standing in the middle of the park blocking the laboratories to help protect the combat armor.


Wei Bing obviously knew the yellow heavy machinery exoskeleton in front of him to help protect the combat armor, and then raised his voice and asked, "Who is inside, is it all right?"

"I, Meng Hai, it's okay. Those people hid in the laboratory building." Meng Hai turned around wearing a yellow heavy mechanical exoskeleton to help protect the combat armor, his mask opened automatically, and Meng Hai's face appeared inside.

"Director Meng, leave it to us here, you don't have to worry about it." Wei Bing looked at Meng Hai, whose hair was soaked in sweat, and quickly comforted.

"Okay, okay!" Meng Hai nodded dumbly, and then walked to one side. And the armor on his front was already full of bullet impact points. Obviously Meng Hai, who had never experienced these, has not recovered yet.

"Quickly, surround the laboratory building, seize the commanding heights, and block the entrances and exits." A security agent immediately commanded.

"Yes." These special service personnel started to take action and surrounded the entire park. The goats who directly responded outside saw this posture, and knew that the sailors inside were in a disaster, so they got into the car and fled hurriedly.

"Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded by us, immediately hand in your guns to surrender and strive for leniency, otherwise we will take decisive measures."

"Sailor, what should I do now, I can't charge it anymore." One of his men said in a panic with his gun.

"What are you afraid of? The big deal is a death." The sailor stretched his head and glanced at the situation outside, and then reprimanded the man.

Hearing what the sailor said, several of his men fell silent. Although they will have to face such a time sooner or later in their business, but when they really meet, everyone is not very reconciled.

In the face of the heavy surroundings, the forest barrels, and the invulnerable robot outside, the chance of them trying to rush out is basically zero.

And the young man with glasses who turned on the access control system previously covered his right chest. Just now, a drone slammed into his right chest, and its ribs were shortened several times by the huge impact, which made him feel painful. In addition, the debris from the impact of the drone also cut several wounds on his face.

He looked at the sailor and a few others, then resisted the pain and said, “Now we have only two choices. The first is to follow Viper’s advice. Buy time to crack the hard drive and remove the contents of the hard drive. Uploaded to the Internet. In this way, he may be able to think of a little old friendship and fight for a good pension for our family. Of course, this is only possible, who knows if it will, anyway, the biggest taboo in our business is to believe in peers. ."

He sneered, looked outside, and then said: "This second one, that is, let's not spend it here. Let's just hand in our guns and surrender. After the surrender, everyone actively cooperated and strived for meritorious understanding. It will definitely not die, and it will come out after a ten-year sentence."

"Let's surrender!" The sailor stared at the man in a bad tone.

The young man with glasses was not afraid, but smiled lightly: "At present, we have these two choices. It is basically impossible to stand out. Even if the siege is prominent, can we escape? Don’t Forget, this is the hinterland, not the coast, nor the border.

Under the skynet, we have nowhere to hide. "

"The people inside listen, immediately hand in their guns and surrender, otherwise we will take decisive action and give you one minute to think about it."

Hearing the shouts from the outside, the sailor struggled, and then said to the crowd: "I don't believe in vipers, let alone **** vultures. Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. It's better to survive than to die. Let's surrender. It’s better to be jailed than to lose your life. It’s not that we don’t work hard, but people have a high

. "

Seeing that the others had no objection, the sailor shouted loudly, "Listen to the people outside, we surrender!"

The security agent outside smiled involuntarily, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. If they encounter deadly and stubborn enemies, they will really have to go through a lot of setbacks, and they may even pay the price of casualties.

"Let down your weapons, raise your hands where we can see them, and then slowly walk out."

"Don't shoot, let's get out." The sailor took the lead to throw the gun, then got up and raised his hands, and then walked out. When the other men saw this, they threw their guns and raised their hands and followed the sailor slowly Walked out.

"on"! With an order, the secret service team who had been waiting for them stepped forward to control these people.

Then the other special service members entered the laboratory building with their guns, and began to investigate and sweep the tail.

A security agent stepped forward to check these people and then found four hard drives in the backpack.

"I need a room right now to conduct surprise interrogations of these people. They must have responders and accomplices. We need to catch these slippery fish as soon as possible." This security agent walked towards Wei Bing. Said to Wei Bing.

Wei Bing nodded, then rushed his hand and beckoned: "Go, find them an office."

So the security agent nodded at Wei Bing, and then escorted these militants to the office building.

Wei Bing finally breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over there, looking at Meng Hai who had come out of the yellow heavy machinery exoskeleton to help protect the combat armor, smiled and asked, "Director Meng, isn't he injured?"

Meng Hai sat on the ground and waved his hands and gasped, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Come on, let Director Meng go to the house to rest, it's cold on the ground!" Wei Bing greeted, and then tapped the side of the temples of the smart AR glasses he was wearing with his finger.

Soon, through smart AR glasses, Wu Hao's figure was projected in front of him.

"Mr. Wu, the situation is under control, so all the invading enemy spies have been captured, and no one was injured.

In addition, the park experienced fierce preemption. Director Meng Haimeng used the heavy machinery exoskeleton in the institute to help protect the combat armor, and blocked these enemy spies in the experimental building until we arrived. "

"Huh?" Wu Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Meng Hai to be so brave. He put on yellow heavy machinery exoskeleton to help protect the combat armor and confronted the enemy militants, and a gun battle broke out.

"Meng Hai is not injured, right?"

"No, I was just frightened."

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