Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1078: Bird and mouse

"Military Technology (

"Vulture, it's my Viper. The mission failed." The voice of Viper came from the headset. Chen Mingcheng looked around, and then replied very calmly: "I already know. Let's retreat according to the previously planned route and meet at the predetermined place."

Immediately, Chen Mingcheng hung up the phone, then turned it off directly, put the old fruit phone on his body and wiped it, then threw it into the trash can.

Seeing a taxi coming in the distance, Chen Mingcheng waved his hand immediately. This taxi also drove slowly to him and stopped.

"Master, go to the high-speed rail station."


On the other side, after obtaining the drone monitoring screen and relevant coordinate information provided by Wu Hao, Xu Hui immediately took action.

"Report, I just made a call from this car, it's very short."

"Can you follow it up?"

"The time is too short, we can only know the approximate call area, the error should not be more than a hundred meters."

"Immediately rush to the relevant location and do a good job of arresting. In addition, the special service is notified to block and arrest the two vehicles immediately." Xu Hui promptly said.


After receiving the order, the relevant police, special police officers and special services quickly carried out control at the intersection of various blocks and intercepted suspicious vehicles.

At the same time, several black special off-road vehicles, flashing their warning lights, began to fly away from the street.

Seeing the flashing police lights, Viper was a little flustered, and could not help speeding up, galloping through the streets of Anxi at night.

But no matter how he accelerates, Meat still can't get rid of the police car that follows. And he also found that there were warning lights flashing at the street junction in front, waiting for him to go.

Seeing this scene, Viper's heart slammed, determined to slam on the accelerator, put in gear, speed up and rush to the street, hoping to break through the obstacles in front.

Watching the speeding vehicles, the policemen and special police officers who were about to stop them evaded one after another. At the same time, the police tyre breakers laid on the ground quickly activated, erecting hollow thorns.


With a harsh sound, all four tires of the off-road vehicle driven by the Viper burst in an instant.

The rim of the vehicle rubbed on the road, and there was a very harsh metallic sound. The car with a broken tire didn't slide far because of huge resistance, and stopped at the center of the intersection.

The special police officers who had been waiting for a long time quickly pressed on with their guns.

"Don't move, raise your hand and put down the gun."

The Viper, who was about to take the gun, looked at so many gunpoints outside the car, he suddenly lost the courage, and then raised his hands to surrender.

Upon seeing this, the waiting agent opened the door of the car, then pulled the Viper from the driver's seat and pressed it to the ground, and held the gun against his head.

"Be honest!" A special service team member began to fumble for the Viper, searched out all his belongings, and put them in the evidence bag.

"Open your mouth!" An experienced veteran agent knelt down and opened the Viper's mouth, then took a look at it with a flashlight.

In order to avoid being caught, some spies and enemy agents will hide this poison in their mouths. Generally, they are hidden in artificial teeth. You only need to bite hard and the artificial teeth will break, and the poison inside will quickly kill them.

However, such surrenders generally do not, but for the sake of safety, they must be carefully investigated.

"Seven minutes ago, who were you talking to?" the old agent held up the chin of the Viper and interrogated him.

The Viper did not struggle, but did not cooperate, and remained silent.

"Take it away, I need to conduct a surprise interrogation on him." The old agent ordered a special agent next to him, and then handed the evidence bag with the mobile phone to the young apprentice next to him: "Give it to the technical department, I need All his call records and related information."

"Master, this person is a diehard at first sight. It is not easy to interrogate." The young apprentice took the bag of evidence and said to the old agent.

"Hehe, since he didn't resist stubbornly and chose to surrender, it shows that he cherishes his life and knows how to recognize the situation. Such a person may have a strong psychological quality, but it is not without weakness. Taking advantage of his just being caught, he will be interrogated in surprise How many valuable information can be asked. Otherwise, it will be difficult to clean up when he recovers." The old agent smiled and explained patiently to the young apprentice.

The same scene was staged on the other side, and the goat that escaped was also caught.

Tonight is doomed to sleepless, and police sirens can be heard from time to time throughout Anxi City, and police cars with flashing lights pass by from time to time.

Looking at so many police cars along the road and special police officers, Chen Mingcheng sitting in the taxi felt an unprecedented crisis.

He himself is not optimistic about this mission. If it is not too tempting as promised above, he will never sneak into the * country again, and he will go deep into the hinterland.

Because of the limited time and the sound of walking, this action is simply difficult to achieve. For this reason, he also ingeniously designed a good show of Mingxiu plank road and dark Chencang, attracting the attention of Haoyu Technology and Anxi Security Department to its newly released "Dao" super photon computer, but he failed to expect it. .

What he didn't expect was that this operation actually encountered the opponent's heavy machinery exoskeleton to help protect the combat You must know that their goal this time is this heavy machinery exoskeleton to help protect the combat armor. data.

With such sophisticated weapons and equipment, there is absolutely no possibility of success.

Now Haoyu Technology and the security department are also ready, it is basically impossible to act again.

Moreover, the entire Anxi has been under martial law, and Chen Mingcheng has no intention of tasking again. He now wants to escape from Anxi as soon as possible, and then escape from the country. As for the rest of the mission, let them all go to hell.

"Master, how did you stop?" In a daze, he found that the taxi had stopped.

The taxi driver in the driver's seat motioned to the front and said, "Did you not see, the police at the intersection ahead has set up a card, and they are queuing to check. Wait."

When Chen Mingcheng heard the words and looked into the distance, he saw several police officers wearing police uniforms and flashing lights.

"Should the Anxi police and security departments not recognize me?" Chen Mingcheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"No, you can't take this risk. If someone recognizes you, wouldn't it be a self-inflicted trap."

Thinking of this, Chen Mingcheng couldn't help but urged: "Master, can you hurry up, I'm in a hurry, can I go around?"

"No way around, here is the closest to the station, wait, it will be our turn soon." The taxi driver lighted a cigarette and said slowly.

"If this is the case, then I will get off here." Chen Mingcheng said as he paid for it.

"Hey, is it our turn?" The driver looked at Chen Mingcheng who got off the car and persuaded him.

Chen Mingcheng waved his hand, took the change from the driver, and walked over in two or three steps.

As for the taxi driver, looking at Chen Mingcheng's back, he couldn't help but spit out: "This person, isn't it a crime, did you see the police counseling?"

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