Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: Our products are trustworthy

"Military Technology (

"During short-term missions, the advantage of this function may not be obvious enough. But if it is a long-term patrol, surveillance, detection and tracking mission, then the advantage of this function will be very obvious.

Especially when used with our intelligent unmanned patrol security system, it can automatically complete the round-the-clock uninterrupted patrol alert, surveillance and reconnaissance tasks of a certain area. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled at the crowd and said: "We can assume two scenarios. First, in the police field, when our police are dealing with some emergencies, such as suspects absconding, our police need martial law throughout the city. Search and arrest, even when it is necessary to patrol and monitor a certain area, investigate, or track the target person,

Our second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system and the ‘peregrine’ four-tilt-rotor aerial patrol warning drone can be used.

Our ‘peregrine falcon’ four-tilt-rotor aerial patrol drone can complete deployment and control in a very short period of time, and carry out round-the-clock patrol monitoring and reconnaissance search on related areas.

Its own powerful reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities can quickly detect and identify the target after the target appears, and lock and track the target.

We have already shown this point in the suspect search operation in Tiananxi a few days ago. If you are interested, you can find out about it. I won't say more about the specific situation here. "

Of course, Wu Hao can't say more, this case belongs to the security department system. Moreover, it is sensitive and special. Although it is a criminal suspect, anyone who has a little knowledge of the situation knows what is going on.

Many police leaders at the scene naturally understood or heard about this case, but Wu Hao just stopped it.

"And the second application scenario, we set it as the aspect of post-disaster rescue. If there is a major geological disaster, the infrastructure in a certain area is completely paralyzed, and rescue must be organized as soon as possible.

If you want to organize rescue as soon as possible, you must first understand the disaster situation and monitor and grasp the situation in the disaster area in real time to prevent the possible second disaster from causing greater damage.

At this time, our second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system and the "Peregrine Falcon" four-tilt-rotor aerial patrol alert drone can perform a very good task, monitor the disaster area in real time, and assist the rescue department in the scene. command.

Moreover, the lidar module on our UAV combined with the optical imaging system can scan the target area without blind spots in a short time, generate true color point clouds in real time, and realize complex scenes in a very short time. High-precision data is reproduced.

And this technology also supports our cluster array control technology, that is, we support multiple drones to work together. This not only greatly improves the scanning speed of related surveying and mapping, but also improves the accuracy of its scanning and mapping.

In other words, we can achieve very accurate 3D modeling of relevant areas in a very short time, so as to provide our rear emergency rescue and disaster relief headquarters with very accurate and timely intuitive three-dimensional map data.

So that our rear headquarters can intuitively and accurately understand the situation in the disaster area in real time, so as to make accurate decisions and deployments. "

Having said that, Wu Hao paused for a while, then pointed to the'peregrine falcon' four-tilt-rotor aerial patrol drone and continued speaking at the crowd.

"In fact, at the beginning of the design of our'Peregrine Falcon' four-tilt rotor aerial patrol warning drone, its adaptability and reliability under extreme weather conditions such as strong wind, rain and snow, and even dense fog were considered. Sex.

We know that weather has a huge impact on aircraft, especially small and medium-sized aircraft. And this kind of small and medium-sized drones, because of their limited size, it is difficult to adapt to flying in extreme weather.

Makes it able to fly normally under various bad conditions, ensuring that the chain is not dropped at critical moments. "

Hearing his introduction, everyone present couldn't help but nodded in recognition. No matter what equipment it is, whether it is used for military, police, or fire and disaster relief, even for civilian security, reliability is the most important and most important to everyone.

No matter what advanced equipment, if the reliability is not good, if the chain is dropped at a critical time, then no one dares to use such advanced equipment. Even if it is used at risk, it is cautious and does not rely heavily on it.

And this kind of reliable equipment, even if it is not advanced enough, can be useful at critical times, which is too important. Sometimes this thing can not only determine the victory of a battle or even a battle, but also save lives.

After listening to his introduction, the old man, who had been listening carefully, couldn’t help but smiled at him and asked: "I said, you kid, you’re talking about the heavens, your mouth is full of words, this thing is really like what you said. Is it awesome?

Don't let us spend money on small things. When we are locked in, we will lose the chain and affect the mission, and even the life-threatening thing is a big deal. "

"Look at what you said, can I tell a lie in front of everyone." Wu Hao was not angry, but immediately returned to you with a smile: "We are not selling ordinary goods, but special equipment. We develop Once something goes wrong, it will cause serious consequences, so in this regard, we have been through repeated tests and experiments to ensure that there is nothing wrong, I dare to say this to you If I say I was panicking. If there is a problem with the equipment one day, even if you don't kill me, I am afraid I will have to go to the cell."

After looking at everyone, Wu Hao continued: "Our reputation and credibility have always been good, and I think it can be trusted.

Of course, can we also apply for a trial and then pay? We are confident in our equipment. "

Hearing what he said, everyone laughed. One leader laughed and joked: "When did your Xiao Wu be so generous, you are not afraid that we will take your equipment and turn around to repay the bill without paying?"

Hehehehe... everyone present laughed knowingly.

Of course I am afraid. Wu Hao said in his heart. However, he smiled confidently on the surface: "Since I can let everyone try it before paying, I have the confidence to ensure that everyone will pay the bill after using it."

Faced with the puzzled expressions of everyone, Wu Hao explained with a smile: “Although this system and drone are delivered to everyone for use, our logistics department will actually help when there are some problems during use. Everyone dealt with it.

And this system also needs regular maintenance and some system upgrades and optimizations. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao stopped. The meaning is very clear, that is, after taking this set of systems and equipment, you can't enjoy after-sales service without paying, and you can't upgrade and optimize the system.

In fact, Wu Hao didn't say that these systems were unlocked without activation during the trial period. Once the set trial period expires, the system will be automatically locked and can no longer be used.

Unless payment is made and the secret key is used to unlock and activate, the system and equipment can be restored to normal use.

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