Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: Nightmare of criminals

"Military Technology (

Looking at the miniature attack drone displayed in Wu Hao's hand, that is, the smart bullet, the eyes of the many leaders present could not help but show their spirits.

"Is this thing safe?" The old man took the micro-attack drone from Wu Hao and asked him, "I mean, in terms of reliability, is it safe enough?"

As for Wu Hao, he also gave a very certain look and said: "Its principle is the same as that of a missile. It can automatically lock on to the target and guide it. Of course, if you are not assured, you can also remotely control the guidance.

In other words, its control is in the hands of our controllers, and the attack can be cancelled even halfway after launch. "

"Then its lethality, is it too small to cause a fatal blow to criminals. Or is it too powerful to spread to other surrounding hostages?" A leader asked immediately.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said, "You can rest assured that we have set up a directional explosive device on the head of the drone. When it attacks and contacts criminals, the directional explosive device will shoot out explosive metal jets, thereby killing the criminals. .

This is similar to the armor-piercing projectile used by the tank, which also uses a directed explosive metal jet to penetrate the tank's armor, thereby destroying and killing the equipment and personnel inside.

And we applied this technology to this micro-attack drone, which can not only reduce its killing range so that it will not affect surrounding hostages, but also ensure its excellent killing performance, which is fatal to criminals. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao pointed to the large screen demo next to everyone and said: "It may not be intuitive to say that. We have a set of attack test videos of this micro-attack drone here. You can take a look."

With that, Wu Hao signaled to start, and the related test video started to be played on the big screen.

I saw a two-person sniper team wearing black training uniforms on a wide test field, each with equipment, went to a sniper position and got down.

The sniper is holding the special sniper launcher shown on the platform just now, while the observer is wearing smart AR glasses and holding the control device in his hand.

I saw the sniper put the smart bullets, which is the folded miniature attack drone, into the magazine of the sniper launcher, and then installed the sniper launcher.

Turn on the insurance, and the sniper began to search.

Through the sniper scope, everyone can see that there is a small building about 400 meters away. A figure suddenly appeared in the window on the second floor of the small building, and then he hid behind the window.

And through the camera inside the small building, it can be seen that this is a dummy model dressed as a criminal with a gun. Next to this criminal dummy is a dummy model dressed as an adult.

Bang! Just like the sound of opening champagne and opening the lid, the sniper pulled the trigger, and the micro-attack drone spun out.

Hum! With a buzzing sound, the micro-attack drone spread in the air quickly started flying towards the target.

The screen also switched to the first perspective of this micro-attack drone, and saw the drone flying at high speed in the air, getting closer and closer to this small building.

Then with a swiping sound, the micro attack drone flew in from the window of the small building, then took a turn in the house, quickly locked the criminals’ family models and flew over, and then the screen went black.

And through the surveillance video in the small building, it can be seen that after flying in, this miniature attack drone quickly flew towards the criminal dummy model, and then directly hit the head.

In a flash, the head of the criminal mannequin was penetrated.

"Okay!" everyone present cheered. At a position of 400 meters, the enemy hiding behind the window was killed with a single shot. This kind of accuracy is probably impossible for any top sniper in the world.

However, some people immediately questioned: "This speed is still a lot slower than bullets. If you encounter a well-trained criminal, it may be easy to dodge."

Hearing this sentence, many people present also nodded in agreement. There is indeed such a possibility that some well-trained armed personnel can rely on keen intuition and insight to dodge bullets, let alone this kind of micro attack drone with a speed of only more than 200 kilometers per hour.

As for Wu Hao, he smiled and replied: "This is indeed a problem, but you can continue to look down."

At Wu Hao's reminder, everyone then focused their eyes on the screen.

On the screen, the second test starts. It was these two sniper teams, this time they moved to a position closer to the small building, perhaps only sixty to seventy meters away.

And this time, the sniper launcher in the sniper's hand was replaced with a 24-unit modular launching nest.

As the order was issued, the modular launch nest with 24 units quickly launched seven micro-attack drones into the air. The seven micro-attack drones did not immediately launch an attack, but quickly lifted into the air, and then slowly hovered over the small building.

Looking down from the first point of view of these seven micro-attack drones, the criminals hiding behind the windows and small buildings can be clearly seen in the lens.

Immediately, I saw the observer, who was also the manipulator, and clicked on the dummy models that simulated criminals on the screen to confirm. All these dummy models were locked, and then clicked the attack button.

Hum! The seven mini-attack drones swiftly fired at the simulated criminal dummy models in the small building, and then concentrated on the head ~ ~ the chest and other vital parts.

Happiness...Everyone present applauded when they saw this scene.

"In cluster attacks, we can use multiple drones to attack multiple targets at the same time, or we can use multiple drones to attack a target at the same time.

This is difficult to achieve in previous attacks, and we can achieve it very easily.

This type of micro-attack drone hovering and cruising in the air can also be used for hostage rescue operations in some narrow areas.

Some criminals take hostages, often hide in some corners, and then block the hostages in front.

In this way, our snipers can hardly attack him from the front. As for our mini-attack drone, you can launch a sudden attack on it from other angles, or you can achieve arc attacks, bypassing the hostages and launching attacks. "

After that, Wu Hao pointed to the small building on the big screen and said to everyone: "In some operations, it is difficult for us to judge the location of the hostages and criminals in the small building, so it is difficult to launch an attack.

As for our micro-attack drones, they can act as commandos individually or in groups to attack and clean up criminals hidden in small buildings.

And in some hostage rescue operations, we can also use through-wall radar to lock and guide micro-attack drones to attack criminals.

Even this kind of smart bullets can be loaded into specific firearms or launchers and used by our SWAT team.

Use the same way as normal firearms, aim at the target and shoot. Unlike normal firearms, these micro-attack drones launched can target criminals who have been targeted to attack, making criminals inevitable and inevitable, and become a nightmare for criminals. "

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