Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Steamed Bun

"Military Technology (

Unlike Wu Hao and Lin Wei's imagination, this steamed bun restaurant, which is said to be as famous as dogs and recognized by the old Jinmen, is actually very ordinary, just like an ordinary steamed bun restaurant.

Because the noon peak period has passed, there are not many people in the shop, only a few people scattered. The waiter is cleaning, and the aunts who make buns are also resting.

Seeing Wu Hao and a group of people coming in, the shop owner and the crowd were taken aback for a while, and then smiled at him and greeted them.

"Yeah, come, eat buns?"

"Yes, eat steamed buns." Wu Hao asked with a smile: "What kind of stuffing is it?"

"Our special minced pork with water filling, three fresh foods, pure meat, vegetarian stuffed buns, lamb buns, pork plums, mushrooms and **** buns. In addition to buns, we also have wontons, wontons, porridge..."

Wu Hao looked at the menu on the wall, and then said with a smile: "Then give me two or two for each kind of steamed buns, and then bring me a bowl of porridge."

As he said, he looked at Lin Wei and said, "What do you want?"

"I want porridge too, I'm bringing two bottles of Arctic Ocean." Lin Wei answered with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded, then directed at Li Wenming and the others: "Order yourself what you want."

"Yes!" Li Wenming and they nodded with a smile.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei came to the table near the inside and sat down. As for the security personnel, they sat on the periphery, isolated them from the rest of the shop, and observed the environment of the shop from time to time.

"Relax, what are you doing so nervous about eating a steamed bun?" Wu Hao couldn't help but reprimanded when he saw this, and then waved his hand at Li Wenming with a smile: "Hurry up and let everyone eat better."

"Yes!" Li Wenming smiled and nodded, then walked to the steamed bun shop, looked at the other people, and then smiled at the boss who was still looking at them: "Boss, minced meat and water filling, three fresh meat, pure meat, lamb buns, Give me a pound of pork and plum buns."

"Each catty?" The boss was stunned, a little uncertain.

Li Wenming nodded and said, "Yes, each one of these types of meat is a catty. First order so much, not enough."


The boss opened his mouth, then looked at the others, and finally nodded.

On the other side, Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei who was still looking at the store environment and smiled: "What's the matter, you are not used to eating in this kind of restaurant?"

Lin Wei smiled and shook her head: "No, I used to eat in such small restaurants, but the taste is not worse than those of big hotels.

It's just that I'm not used to being stared at like this. "

Wu Hao looked at the diners in the restaurant that was still looking at them, then smiled and shook his head: "Let them go, leave them alone, what should we do."

The authentic steamed bun restaurant must be on-demand, so it is relatively slow to come up. Wu Hao and Lin Wei were not in a hurry, so they drank soda and chatted.

It didn't take long for the steaming buns to be brought up. Wu Hao looked at the white steamed buns in the cage, smiled and said.

"Hurry up, I'll eat it first." As Wu Hao dipped the vinegar bowl, he took a bite and puffed out the meat in the buns wrapped in soup, making him hot.

"Slow down, no one will rob you, it's anxious to see you." Lin Wei gave him a blank look and then gave him a tissue.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and took the tissue and wiped his mouth and said, "It tastes good, you can try it too."

"Okay." Lin Wei nodded, then tucked her hair, then picked up a bun and lightly dipped it with vinegar, then put it in her mouth and took a light bite, and the unique fragrance of mushrooms and **** filled the inside. The entire snout.

Lin Wei's slightly wrinkled forehead immediately relaxed, and bright light appeared in her eyes.

"It's pretty good." Lin Wei wiped her mouth with a tissue, and then drank the porridge.

"Try these three fresh fillings, it's really good." Wu Hao recommended with a smile.

On the other side, several young people who were eating steamed buns, while looking at Wu Hao and Lin Wei, whispered to each other.

"Is it Wu Hao?"

"It's him, look, isn't it Lin Wei next to him? Why did you think these two people got here."

"Eating buns, how can we say that Jiang Ji's buns are unique in Tianjin."

"You said, can we two go forward and ask for a photo with them?"

"It's awful, look at the big guys in front, the five big and three thick, we have small arms and thin legs, so I can't make it through."

"No, I have to take pictures of them and send them to everyone, Wu Hao is here to eat buns."


As more and more buns were delivered, Li Wenming and the others also ate them. However, the way they eat is simply gobbled up, and it is not too hot, and the big buns are stuffed in two mouthfuls.

While eating, these people looked around very vigilantly.

As for Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they couldn't help laughing as they watched these people's somewhat embarrassed way of eating. It's really difficult for them, and they don't forget their own responsibilities in the face of food.

"The buns are good, we will bring some for others." Wu Hao suggested.

Lin Wei heard his words and said: "They should have had lunch now. UU Reading"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "I was busy this morning. I guess many of them haven't even cared about eating. Even if I ate, I guess they are all packed with lunch.

In any case, I have come to Jinmen. Let the big guys taste this authentic delicacy. It is also our heart and sympathy. "

Seeing Lin Wei nodded, Wu Hao immediately beckoned and motioned for the boss to come over.

And the owner of the shop who had been looking over here, always paying attention to the movements of this side, rushed to him quickly.

"Wu, Mr. Wu, what's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

Haha, Wu Hao smiled helplessly at Lin Wei, and then said to the boss: "Nothing is wrong, the buns are very delicious. You give me another five kilograms of everything, and I want to pack it away."

"Another five catties each!" The boss was stunned for a moment and then his face showed a bright smile, okay, okay, I'm going to prepare it for you. The owner immediately nodded his head excitedly.

But he didn't leave there, but smiled at Wu Hao: "Um, Wu, Mr. Wu, I don't know if we can take a photo with you as a memorial.

It is a great honor for you two to come to our store to eat buns. "

Wu Hao smiled upon hearing the words: "Yes, wait for a while when we leave."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to prepare steamed buns for you." With that, the shop owner ran out in excitement, his expression seemed to be a teenager younger for an instant.

Wu Hao shook his head, then looked at Lin Wei and smiled bitterly.

As for Lin Wei, she joked at him: "What, I said, this bun is not so easy to eat."

As for Wu Hao, he didn't expect Lin Wei who was teasing him, but picked up a bun and ate it fiercely.

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