Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: Incentives from space authorities

"Military Technology (

In fact, Wu Hao once worried about this. Although they knew that the country now supports and encourages the private space sector, they still have some undecided decisions about what it is.

So before the aerospace project, Wu Hao specifically asked relevant leaders about this issue, and even visited the aerospace department.

The answer is the same, that is to let them do it boldly. As long as it is not out of line and does not violate the law, the state will definitely support it.

It was precisely because of this that Wu Hao felt relieved and started their space project.

In fact, during the development of the entire space project, Wu Hao and the others received strong support and help from the space department.

These help and support not only provide great support in terms of funds and policies, but also in the development of some technologies and projects.

It is precisely because of so much support that their project develops so quickly.

After the successful launch of the first rocket, and after the successful launch of the first Kehui-type rocket, they all received great praise from the leaders of the space department.

And this time, the success of the two rocket launch missions ten days apart, and the successful recovery of the fairing, made the relevant leaders personally call to congratulate them.

In their words, go bold to develop, there will be them behind. Efforts to develop "Haoyu Aerospace" into a private aerospace company like SpX in the US.

And related leaders also promised them that in view of their excellent performance, they will be given greater support in the next step.

In addition to related policies and steering support funds, it will also win more space load orders for them.

In addition to conventional satellite payloads, they will also be actively encouraged and supported to develop a variety of space payloads.

Such as experimental spacecraft, space station equipment, and even the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft. The premise is that Wu Hao and the others have the ability to launch these spacecraft, space equipment and Tianzhou cargo spacecraft.

Take the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft as an example. It has a total length of more than 9 meters, a maximum diameter of 3.35 meters, a mass of 13 tons, and a maximum upward cargo capacity of 6 tons.

To launch this big guy into space, that is to say, they must have enough rocket load transport capacity of at least 13 tons.

Now their improved "Jianmu-2" rocket has a maximum launch load of just over six tons. There is still a long way to go before launching the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft.

This is both affirmation and incentive. Now that such a good opportunity and such a large order are in front of you, if you want to seize it, you have to work hard.

Of course, for the aerospace sector, this also helps it reduce the cost of space station maintenance.

Whether it is in the construction phase of the space station or in the operation phase, a large amount of equipment, components, and materials are required.

The cost of these equipment, components, and materials is not particularly high. The cost of rocket launches is really high.

Take the cost of a single launch of the Tianzhou spacecraft, materials and spacecraft can account for half of the cost, and rocket launches can account for more than half of the cost.

If the rocket launch price can be reduced, it will greatly save the cost of each material transportation, thereby reducing the operating cost of the space station.

Although the country's investment in the aerospace field has been increasing over the years, there are too many places to spend money. Various satellites, space stations, lunar exploration, Mars exploration, solar exploration, outer space exploration, etc., are all waiting for the rice to be cooked.

Therefore, saving a sum of money is a sum of money. From the perspective of the freight replenishment once every three months, four replenishment is required a year. All of these add up to a considerable cost.

So now the aerospace department is also very eager to find cheaper launch vehicles, and the strong rise of Haoyu Technology naturally gives them hope.

Of course, for aerospace state-owned enterprises, this is naturally not good news. But this is the end, they can only work harder to maintain their absolute advantage in this field.

However, Wu Hao and the others have a bit of advantage that these state-owned aerospace companies cannot match. That is, they have no official background, so they are more suitable for some international space missions.

Moreover, Wu Hao and the others have insisted on adopting a business model from the beginning, so their rocket launch costs are lower and more flexible, which is unmatched by these space companies.

Of course, this is also Wu Hao's disadvantage. In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, they are definitely no match for these giants.

But having said that, the development direction of the two sides and the responsibilities and missions they undertake are different. Relatively speaking, Wu Hao and the others do not have too much burden, and they concentrate on commercial aerospace and take the market path. At this point, the responsibilities and missions that these state-owned aerospace companies have to bear are much heavier. "

I talked with Xiao Ma for about half an hour, and the two sides had a lot of talks in the aerospace field.

At present, Penguin has just set foot in the aerospace field, so it may take a long time to deepen cooperation. UU Reading

And Wu Hao would not think that a penguin's consistent style, both of them can get along happily for a long time, and win-win cooperation.

Therefore, Wu Hao still has to make some preparations for Penguin's entry. First of all, we have to take precautions to prevent penguins from digging corners from them. They, or the major companies, have not done much to do this kind of thing, especially now that the development of "Haoyu Aerospace" is fierce, all parties are staring like wolves with red eyes.

Especially the experts and technicians of their rocket team. For many companies and giants who want to get involved in this field, this is very sweet.

In addition to the aerospace field, Wu Hao and Xiao Ma talked about many things. For example, the lithography machine research and development and chip manufacturing projects that they participated in together.

At present, this project has taken root and is proceeding smoothly in all aspects. It is expected to be the fastest, and there will be results in a few autumn.

As one of the companies with the largest shareholding, both of them do have too much room for cooperation. For example, restrict the right to speak in this aspect in a, and negotiate some things together, and so on.

For Penguin, their biggest competitor is actually a Li, followed by Haoyu Technology.

As an old rival and as a company that enters the chip industry together, Penguin naturally wants to limit the influence of a in it. So it needs to find several powerful allies, and among them, Wu Hao and others are the ones he most want to fight for.

Wu Hao naturally knows this, and he also knows the battle between Penguin and A Li. But in this respect, he doesn't want to get involved. And Wu Hao also wants to weaken Penguin's influence here, so everyone has their own plans.

In fact, Wu Hao was thinking, I am afraid that Xiao Ma and Lao Ma had private exchanges in this regard, to jointly weaken Wu Hao's influence in this area.

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