Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: Shangxi Court

The summer in Anxi is coming very quickly, and it has already started to get hot unconsciously. The whole city seemed to be in a furnace, as if to melt everything.

In this way, compared to the development zone headquarters, Linghu has become a place everyone yearns for. It is located in the suburbs and is accompanied by Linghu Wetland Park, without the urban heat island effect, so the temperature is relatively low.

Of course, for Wu Hao and the others, there is nothing wrong with taking a vacation from the summer, mainly whether they have this time.

Soon there will be this year's summer new product launch in August, and they will also launch their own experimental spacecraft.

So for Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, it is obvious that there is not much time to go out on vacation this year.

But there is still time to rest and relax for a day from time to time.

No, their villa on the side of Linghu is finished, so after a weekend, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun are going to visit their new home in Linghu.

Except for Zou Xiaodong, Wu Hao brought their girlfriends. As for Lin Wei and others, they also called their best friends and girlfriends.

So a group of people got seven or eight cars and came to the villa area mightily.

It may have been the news in advance that the property and developers are there to greet them.

Seeing Wu Hao getting out of the car, the big belly manager who had received them before greeted him with a smile on his face.

Mr. Wu, welcome, welcome! The big-bellied fat manager quickly took Wu Hao's hand and said enthusiastically.

Haha, Manager Pang, I'm causing you trouble. Wu Hao smiled and took his hand out of the chubby hand of the big belly manager.

No trouble, no trouble, you can come and make our whole Shangxi Garden flourish. The manager Pang flattered with a big smile on his face.

Haha, I'm sorry. We are here to take a look at the house this time, you guys don’t need to do such a big show, let everyone go. Wu Hao looked at the people standing behind, then waved his hand.

Then they nodded with Lin Wei and Zhang Jun, and then went to their own villa area.

As for the manager Pang, his face changed instantly when he heard Wu Hao's words, and he waved his hand at the people standing behind and hurriedly followed.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lin, let me introduce to you. The fat manager quickly followed Wu Hao's footsteps, and then quickly introduced them.

At present, our entire Lingxiyuan Phase I plant has basically been completed, and related finishing work is currently in progress? However, the peninsula area where you and Mr. Zhang and their villa are located has been completed first.

With that? The manager Pang squeezed into the shuttle bus Wu Hao and the others were riding in, and then continued with a smile.

"From the community to the peninsula where your villa is located? You must go through this road. So we have set up a security booth at the intersection? Our security guards are on duty around the clock to ensure that the residents of the community cannot approach the peninsula where you are? More Will not disturb and affect everyone's living life.

In the community, we have introduced a complete set of intelligent security systems to monitor and patrol the entire community, especially the peninsula area where you are located, to ensure your safety.

We have introduced a variety of precious trees for greening the entire community, especially in your peninsula area. We have introduced dozens of precious tree species, many of which are 100-year-old trees. In addition to trees? We have also cultivated many rare flowers and plants? To ensure that everyone feels the charm of nature here.

In addition, I have equipped the community with our own gold medal property company, which provides very naive services. Equipped with its own dedicated butler for each resident, to meet the needs and help of the resident, and make every living comfortable and happy.

You are our distinguished users, and we have specially created an exclusive property butler service for you. If you have any other needs in this regard, you can also tell us that we will do our best to meet them. "

Under the introduction of this fat manager? Everyone passed through a huge green willow forest, and then their vision suddenly opened up.

In addition to the shimmering lake scenery in front of everyone? There are also several villa buildings with different styles hidden in the woods.

It can be seen that He Xiangrong and the others or the developers have indeed taken a lot of thought.

The row of huge green willow trees in front? It happens to separate the peninsula from the other villa areas outside? This can serve as a green landscape plant for the community? It can also block the line of sight and ensure that the environment on the peninsula is relatively independent. , Privacy is protected.

On the huge peninsula, there are five villas scattered in a very open space. The neatly constructed lawns, the giggling waterbirds by the lake, and the two sika deer grazing leisurely in the woods are all refreshing and full of expectations for their new home.

"These two sika deer are specially bred here. Don't worry, they are very docile and will not hurt people.

Moreover, we have also taken adequate measures to prevent the epidemic, vaccinate them regularly, and have special personnel responsible for stocking them. "Manager Pang said proudly.

Wu Hao heard the words and looked at the two sika deer leisurely walking on the lawn, then turned to the manager Pang and asked, "Is it only here, or the entire community is stocked."

Manager Pang looked at Wu Hao and nodded: "There are in the entire community. We have stocked a herd of sika deer in the entire community.

In addition to sika deer, we also stocked rare birds such as swans, mandarin ducks, and egrets in the artificial lake. "

Hmm, are these all right? Lin Wei's eyes lit up, but she said with some worry.

No problem, these are all cultivated artificially, as long as you have a special breeding license. Besides, we are only for viewing, not for food, UU reading www.uukanshu. So there is no problem with com, so don't worry. Manager Pang charged them with a ticket.

Hearing what Manager Pang said, everyone immediately relaxed. In fact, many high-end communities in big cities also raise rare animals and birds, such as sika deer and swans.

Another example is H's Songshan Lake headquarters, which raises two swans.

These swans are cultivated by artificial breeding, and in addition to being used for viewing, a large part of them are put on the table.

So it was a blessing for them to be stocked in this artificial lake.

The same is true for sika deer, which has been artificially bred on a large scale now. The antlers sold in the market are basically cut from artificial sika deer.

Although Wu Hao is not too interested in this, it is very good to live in such an environment.

Running around the lake in the morning, pulling a handful of grass and feeding sika deer, feeding swans, seems to be a good life experience.

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