Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: I'll treat, enough for lunch!

Da Da, with the sound of high heels, Shen Ning in a white shirt and black skirt walked in from outside the office.

Looking at Wu Hao who was still working, he couldn't help but whispered: "Mr. Wu, it's lunch break."

"Oh?" Wu Hao looked up at the time when he heard the words and found that it was half past eleven.

Immediately he closed the folder, then took a sip from the water glass, and then said to Shen Ning: "Call Mr. Zhang (Zhang Jun)'s office to see if he is gone. If he does not leave, let him come to me. here.

In addition, help me call Mr. Yang from the technical department, and say that I will treat me for lunch and come here to eat. "

Okay, Shen Ning nodded and was about to leave, but heard Wu Hao interrupt her: "Also, help me order some dishes from the restaurant and bring them up, pick some of us that we usually like to eat."

Although it is not clear why Wu Hao wanted to entertain Zhang Jun and Yang Fan in the office, there must be something, so Shen Ning did not ask much, and then nodded in response.

As for Wu Hao, he leaned on the back of his chair and looked at Shen Ning who was standing at the desk. He couldn't help laughing and teasing.

"Why, our usual heroic, chic and capable Secretary Shen, how can we dress so feminine today and fall in love?"

"No, no." Shen Ning quickly denied it, then lowered his head and looked at his clothes, then his face flushed.

"Then, Mr. Wu, there is nothing to do, I will go out first."

Seeing Shen Ning's panic and shy look, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Go."

Watching Shen Ning leave, Wu Haoyou resumed work.

And Shen Ning walked out of Wu Hao's office, closed the door, and immediately let out a long sigh of relief, his face flushing. But after calming down for a while, she glanced at the closed door, and she couldn't help but look disappointed on the floor.


Soon, with a knock on the door, the door was opened immediately, and Zhang Jun and Yang Fan walked in with a smile.

Looking at Wu Hao, who was still sitting behind his desk? Zhang Jun couldn't help laughing and joking: "What's wrong? Is the restaurant downstairs bad? Why do I have to eat box lunch in this office?"

Wu Hao greeted with a smile upon hearing the words: "I'm free? I still have a little work here? It will be over soon."

Seeing Wu Hao said this, Zhang Jun immediately waved his hand: "Are you busy with you? Leave us alone."

With that said, Zhang Jun is familiar with the road? Take out two cans of drinks from the freezer? Then threw a can to Yang Fan, and immediately sat down and drank.

After Wu Hao finished his work and went to a toilet, he found that Shen Ning was bringing the restaurant staff to put food for them.

Although it is a boxed lunch? But boxed lunch is different from boxed lunch? These are cooked by the chef and delivered right away. The dishes are still steaming.

Where is Wu Hao, he uncovered the collar of his shirt, then sat down? Picked up a bottle of beer and drank.

It stands to reason that alcohol is not allowed in the company? The company restaurant also prohibits all alcohol. But, everyone secretly drinks a little in private. Especially in this summer? Many people will drink a bottle or a can to cool themselves down. As long as it doesn't affect the work? Naturally, no one will really bother about this.

Of course? Some special departments are no longer among them, and still have very strict regulations. For example, researchers in some laboratories, and even security personnel in the Security Department, expressly prohibit drinking during their work and within a few hours before work.

The reason for this is to avoid some accidents and risks that may arise.

"Come on, do it!" Wu Hao raised his beer.

"Fuck!" Yang Fan and Zhang Jun each touched each other with beer, and then drank a big chunk.

"Eating, these are your favorites, I ordered them specially." Wu Hao smiled and picked up his chopsticks to greet.

"What's the matter today, you did it like this, I can't eat this meal reliably." Zou Xiaodong frowned at Wu Hao.

Although they usually eat some box lunches, they have never done so deliberately. There must be something, so Zhang Jun, including Yang Fan, didn't even bother to eat.

Wu Hao smiled and put the chopsticks in his hand, then picked up the rice and said with a smile: "Eat first, let's talk while eating.

Just in the process of processing the files, I suddenly had some thoughts and wanted to chat with you in private.

In addition, I have also noticed that there have been some voices within the company recently, and I also want to exchange views with you. "

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan also relaxed immediately, then picked up their chopsticks and staple food and ate them.

"I have to say, we haven't eaten box lunches in this office for a long time. Sometimes, I still think of the days when a few of us ate fast food for twelve yuan in the broken classroom of the school." Zhang Junbian While holding the food, he said to Wu Hao and Yang Fan.

"Oh, I don't miss it at all. I don't have any oil or water in the days of three vegetarians and one meat every day." Yang Fan couldn't help but complain. Perhaps because of Zhou Xi, Yang Fan's personality has become more cheerful.

And under Zhou Xi's dressing up, Yang Fan also completely transformed, both in terms of dress and conversation.


Hearing what Yang Fan said, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both laughed. As for Zhang Jun, he lighted Yang Fan with his chopsticks and said, "Don't be unsatisfied. At that time, we had limited funding for starting a business. I hate to break a penny into two.

However, I did not treat you badly in the matter of eating. In order for the aunt in the cafeteria to put more broth on your rice, I cheeked for a long time.

Especially you, just a drone, you say how much you bought. I really don't know how expensive Chai Mi is. "

"I know about Hao smiled and nodded: "At that time, it was indeed financially nervous, but the fat man often put money in secretly, and his living expenses were basically put in it.

He hadn't bought any new clothes until our first support fund arrived. "

Hey, what are you talking about? Zhang Jun waved his hand and hurriedly said to Wu Hao: "Don't talk about me, what about you, when you took out all the money, you lost more than ten catties a month.

I stayed in that broken classroom for several weeks. If I didn't let you eat well, I'm afraid your body would be too much to eat.

That's why I changed the law to ask for money from my family. My family thinks I am causing something, and I have to come and see it.

Finally, I lied to my family and said that I had a girlfriend and needed money to get through. "

"You never told us about this before." Wu Hao said with a smile, but he was still very moved in his heart. If it weren't for Zhang Jun to be arrogant behind, they might not be able to persist.

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