Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1125: Aircraft intelligent assisted driving technology

Seeing everyone here nodded, Wu Hao continued: "Secondly, let's talk about the capture of dynamic information. In this regard, even well-trained pilots surpass artificial intelligence systems.

Let's not talk about the processing speed of the human brain and the computer, just say that there is a very big gap in the ways and methods of capturing this information.

Most of the relevant data that the pilot sees is basically from the aircraft's equipment and instrument data. These data need to be displayed on the screen and in some dials, and then our pilots get the information through the eyes, transmit it to the brain for processing, and then make corresponding reactions or actions.

This way of obtaining data and information seems to us to be ordinary and straightforward, but compared to computers and systems, it has been much slower.

Our artificial intelligence system can exchange and transmit information within milliseconds or even microseconds, as well as rapid response processing.

This has been demonstrated on our intelligent unmanned attack aircraft. In the free air combat contest with the Air Force fighters, our intelligent unmanned attack aircraft has achieved very good results by relying on this advantage.

Director Luo is familiar with this aspect. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone turned their heads to look at Luo Kai. Although these confrontation exercises are strictly confidential to the outside world, everyone is considered to be a member of the aviation system, so we also heard some rumors.

Unexpectedly, this time it was directly confirmed by Wu Hao.

Luo Kai smiled bitterly. Wu Hao's remarks were equivalent to hitting him directly in the face, or the Air Force's face. This matter is actually not beautiful when it comes to it. Several excellent airmen of the Air Force were actually defeated by drones, and they were embarrassed.

Seeing that Luo Kai didn't refute, everyone had different thoughts. It seems that the wind heard some time ago is true.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly became interested in the intelligent drone that Wu Hao said. What kind of drone is actually capable of defeating good pilots.

After carefully observing the look on everyone’s faces, Wu Hao then continued: “So in this respect, our intelligent unmanned driving system is actually not worse than our excellent pilots, since it can adapt and be perfect. For the implementation of free air combat, there is naturally no difficulty in daily flight.

Speaking of this, in fact, the meaning of this system is not all to completely replace the pilot and completely unmanned. It can also be a good helper for pilots, and in some emergency situations, it can activate and replace the disabled pilot to control the aircraft, and can fly the aircraft back to the base and land according to remote instructions or the pilot's verbal instructions. Continue to carry out some combat and attack missions or other missions.

Let me cite a few examples or assume a few scenarios. First of all, everyone knows that in all plane crashes, in addition to the failure of the plane itself, the failure of the pilot is a major factor in the crash.

There are many reasons for pilot disability, and many cases in the past also illustrate this point. For example, the overload caused by super agitation can cause pilots to have black vision, blood vision, and short-term dizziness, or even long-term dizziness and unconsciousness.

In this case, it is easy for the aircraft to lose control of h, resulting in a drop in altitude, or even a crash.

At this time, if our intelligent unmanned pilot system can be activated in time to control the attitude of the aircraft, it will save the lives of the aircraft, as well as the lives of the passengers and pilots on the aircraft.

Of course, there are still many factors that cause pilots to lose their capabilities. For example, in wars, if the pilots are injured, the fighters will easily lose control and crash.

At this time, if this intelligent unmanned driving system can intervene in time, then this situation can be avoided.

And at the same time, it can be based on the original plan of the system. For example, in a similar situation, if the intelligent unmanned driving system intervenes to take over the aircraft, the aircraft will follow the route when it came over and fly to the departure airport and land.

Or, according to the relevant pre-stored instructions, fly to the target airport and land.

It can even fly under the guidance of a fellow formation wingman or other partner aircraft.

Another example is how to deal with the pilot's sudden illness during the flight. This aspect may be relatively rare on the military side. After all, the military will strictly monitor the body of the pilots, and they will not be ill.

But in terms of civil aviation, management is relatively loose after all. There have been several cases of this before. The pilot who got sick in the air always had accidents. It was the co-pilot and even the passengers who flew the plane back.

Not every time is so lucky. If the pilot and co-pilot are disabled or have an accident, what should be done at that time? There are no passengers on the plane who understand the plane, so let the plane fly in the sky until the fuel runs out. Did you fall last?

With this system, we can guide the aircraft to return and land, and even remotely control the aircraft for forced landing. These are all possible.

And I think that future takeoffs and landings can be completely handed over to the intelligent unmanned driving system.

Compared with different pilots, our intelligent unmanned driving system can control all take-off and landing in the same way and always make passengers feel comfortable. U U Reading

Even the whole flight can be controlled by the system, and the pilot is only responsible for monitoring and intervening in time when an unexpected situation occurs.

In the long run, the rapid development of air transport can be said to have become one of the main tools for people to travel long distances.

For our country, the air transportation industry has just begun to develop, and its potential is far from being released.

With the development of our domestic air transportation industry, its routes will definitely become more and more dense.

In this way, how to dispatch these planes in the air, how to effectively control these planes in the air, and how to make these planes in the air fly on time, all require us to study and find solutions.

From this perspective, the development prospects and applications of our intelligent unmanned driving technology are bound to be broad. At least in this series of issues, it has played a very important role, and I am still full of confidence in this aspect.

Intelligent and unmanned is not only the aviation industry, but also the future development trend of various industries. This is irreversible and unstoppable. "

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