Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: I'm not "mature"

It seems that someone took aim at this project and came to this deputy director Qi as a lobbyist.

For them, it is naturally beneficial to have new owners and customers join in. But for Wu Hao and others, it's different.

They are private commercial companies, and their pursuit is nothing more than profit. Now that it is said that the sponsors have joined in, it seems advantageous, but in fact they are seeking to share their existing interests.

Therefore, Wu Hao immediately expressed his attitude, although he did not directly refuse it, he was still relatively tough.

In fact, among the people present, they are the only privately-owned commercial company on the court. In that respect, they are all at a disadvantage.

Of course, this does not mean that they passively accept it. In fact, they also have their own way of fighting.

The core of this project is the intelligent unmanned driving technology. Is this an absolute advantage? Not only do they provide relevant technologies, but also relevant scientific researchers are involved in the research and development of this project.

So as long as Wu Hao is willing, he can interrupt the research and development of the entire project at any time.

Besides, Wu Hao and the others also started from this. They have been in the military industry for so long, and no one can come to them.

Doesn't anyone know someone yet? Doesn't anyone matter?

Wu Hao looked at the people present and smiled. In fact, these people also understand, they are just testing him.

Sure enough, when he heard Wu Hao's words, the deputy director Qi immediately explained to Wu Hao: "Is this matter? It's just a suggestion. At present, some airlines have intentions in this regard.

As for the ability to cooperate with them, I think we must fully respect the opinions of all parties.

In my opinion, letting these airlines join is very beneficial to our entire project. Not only can it solve our large amount of research funding, but it can also lock in the market in advance, and it can also obtain technical and other support from these airlines. It can be said that it serves multiple purposes. "

Originally, Wu Hao thought it was almost here, but he didn't expect the deputy director Qi to convince him again. This made him frown.

I don't think there is any problem with this matter. Does everything follow the contract we signed in advance? As long as the conditions are met, I agree with both hands. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Deputy Director Qi still wanted to speak, and Luo Kai on one side immediately smiled and said first: "Is this problem? Let's discuss it next. Now we are discussing the problem of this project.

I don’t think so. Let’s rest for fifteen minutes before we talk. "

Seeing Luo Kai speaking, everyone nodded immediately.

Deputy Director Qi smiled at Wu Hao, then got up and walked out, sending injection and Tang Shizhen sitting there and chatting with their heads down.

Luo Kai touched Wu Hao and smiled: "Go, follow me to smoke outside."

Wu Hao knew that this was Luo Kai talking to him, so he clicked on the projection and followed Luo Kai out one after another.

Director Song and Tang Shizhen glanced at the two of them, then bowed their heads and talked again.

The two came to the window at the end of the corridor, Luo Kai took out the cigarette and handed it to Wu Hao, and Wu Hao took the cigarette with a smile, then took a look and passed it to his own mouth.

My cigarette is no better than yours, I will just smoke. With that said, Luo Kai took out a lighter and lit it for him, then lit his cigarette and took a sip.

Wu Hao opened the window screens and smiled at Luo Kai: "I, I don't have much smokers now. I want to quit, but I can't smoke too much, so I don't pay attention to anything."

Luo Kai smiled and flicked the cigarette ash, and then said to him: "This is not a good thing. You can quit as soon as you have a small addiction.

It seems that I can't quit an old smoker like me. "

I want to quit, but I fail every time. I blame myself for not having enough willpower. Wu Hao laughed at himself.

Hahaha, Luo Kai smiled, and then said to Wu Hao: "This matter has just been mentioned. It is not yet time to make a decision. Don't bother you, let alone worry about this matter. ."

As for Wu Hao, he smiled and shook his head: "This is obviously trying to test us. In fact, after thinking about it, I know why. It is nothing more than these airlines who have targeted this project, so I found this deputy director Qi.

Although a bit snobbish, who made us a company? Our own responsibilities and tasks are for profit.

It is not profitable. Our company has tens of thousands of people. Who feeds them and who pays them.

So in this matter, I want to force me to make concessions, it is impossible. If it doesn't work, I will launch this project. "

What to say, be childish. This project has been approved, and relevant funds and personnel have been put in place. When you launch it at this time, how do you let the top think about you, and how do you trust you.

Luo Kai glared at Wu Hao, and after reprimanding him, he calmed down and calmed down: "Don't worry, there is still our military. With me, they won't be messed up.

Besides, the leader of this project is you, what are you afraid of. "

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "It's not that it's afraid, but that it's unnecessary and not worth it.

For us, there are many profitable projects, which one is not a choice. We don't do such lucrative projects, but to do our best to do this project, do this technical research, to put it bluntly, still want to make a difference in this field.

If the resistance or problems and difficulties in this area exceed our expectations, then decisively giving up is undoubtedly the right choice for us.

To put it bluntly We are just a private enterprise, we don't need to take on the responsibilities and obligations that we shouldn't bear, or what ambitious ambitions.

The reason why we are still doing this is not because this field is really profitable, but our group of people has this passion for serving the country through industry. It is the sense of responsibility and mission inspired by our hearts that drives us to do this. thing.

I also want to take advantage of my passion and blood to do something really.

But, maybe I am too young, or I am advised by many people, I am not mature enough, or I am too naive. "

Luo Kai shook his head again and again, then looked at Wu Hao very seriously and said, "No, you are not naive, let alone immature. It is because you have lofty ambitions, a sense of national and national mission and responsibility that many people lack.

Your enthusiasm is not in vain. What you do and your heart are in our eyes, leaders and chiefs are in our eyes, and the people of the whole country are also in our eyes.

Don't be discouraged, let alone give up. Please believe that there are many people who are standing behind you, watching you, and supporting you. "

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