Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: 1 snap finger, 1 world

Latest website: Looking at the guests who were immersed in the virtual world, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Yes, straightforwardness is the advantages and disadvantages.

We will not brag about how advanced a certain technology is, blindly fooling around, no, it should be to convince everyone. "

Hehehehe, upon hearing Wu Hao's words, the guests present showed knowing laughter.

"In this new technology field, we have only scratched the surface. Therefore, as to the development prospects of this technology, this also requires the entire industry and the entire society to explore together.

In this technology, we cannot be called an authority. However, as a pioneer, our region has some experience and experience to share with everyone. "

This is comfortable to say. It’s not like a certain company, it’s impossible to catch a technology that's bragging about, as if the technology is so advanced, but in fact it's quite ordinary. A netizen who was watching the live broadcast complained.

However, his words immediately drew responses from other netizens: "What's this, there are some companies that are more powerful, and directly boast of others' technologies and products as their own."

Hahaha, you two are enough, do you really think you don’t know which companies you are insinuating from?

If you know how to drop it, you will even sue me for defamation.

Let’s not talk about the MR technology, but Wu Hao’s attitude is worthy of my praise.

Yes, Haoyu Technology has always been pragmatic and humble, and it is indeed well-known in the industry, which is recognized.

In other words, they are all companies started by technicians themselves, and there is no such criticism of excessive operation and excessive marketing as other commercial companies.

This technology is also very good, MR. I thought it would be possible to realize this technology in a few years, but Wu Hao and the others had already taken it out, and the effect was so good.

Not only MR, Wu Hao and their achievements in AR and VR technology are still dazzling.

It was really shocking. We felt so real through the video. It was shocking and more harmonious. These audiences were so envious that they could go to the scene.

Envy plus one, you can see the shocking degree of the virtual image from the reaction of the audience.


Wu Hao, who is on the round stage, obviously doesn't know what the netizens are saying now, and he is still introducing it very easily.

"As you can see, our MA technology can'change' the surrounding environment, allowing everyone to be immersed in the virtual world, and may even touch the objects in the virtual world and smell the smell. , Feel the wind and even the mist.

This is a bit like what 4D and 5D movies we have seen before, or like our smart VR immersive glasses and smart AR virtual reality glasses.

But there are also big differences. First of all, we have changed reality quite thoroughly this time, and it can even make people confused about which is reality and which is illusion, which has the effect of being fake. This is in other products and methods. I can't feel it at all.

Secondly, we have changed from the one-to-one smart VRAR glasses to the current one-N. There are almost 800 people at the scene, and all of them are in an MR virtual world.

It seems to be very simple, just like a gathering of characters in the virtual world. But in fact, the difference is very big, it can be said that the difference is huge.

First of all, these eight hundred are not characters, but living people. How to make these eight hundred people enter the MR virtual world at the same time is a big problem for us.

And this is just the first step. It is not easy to include all these people in the virtual world. Everyone has to see each other, and everyone has to feel real enough. This is not easy.

In addition, it is our reality matching technology.

This time, the people who enter the virtual world are all real people. They are completely immersed in the virtual world. They can't tell which is real and which is illusory, so we must match the real world.

Plan relevant venues for everyone, such as which can walk around, which areas have obstacles, which areas are dangerous, etc.

For example, the scene you are seeing now is actually matched by system intelligence. It matches our meeting place, so some objects in reality did not disappear in the virtual world, but existed in a different form.

It's just like the seats you see, and the round table I occupies. In the real world, they are ordinary stages and plastic seats.

In the virtual world, the round table on which I stood has become a beautifully carved marble round table, and everyone’s seats have also become carved solid wood seats.

The biggest advantage of this technology is that it allows everyone to feel the existence of reality in the virtual world. Remind everyone that those places are dangerous.

Of course, it also brings you a more real world, touch, hearing, and even smell. "

As he said, Wu Hao raised his right hand, then snapped his fingers again under everyone's attention.


With a sharp snap of the fingers, the virtual world in front of the crowd quickly evaporated like ink particles and turned into a white that can't be seen.

Just when everyone was stunned, the scene became a new place. The environment here is a bit like the architectural style of the Colosseum Opera House in the Western Roman period, and Wu Hao still stands on the middle round platform, but the round platform has changed from our traditional style to the white marble platform in the Western Roman period.


Many people at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing this scene. With a snap of your fingers, you can change a world, which is simply Thanos.

Papa papa... everyone could not help applauding ~ applause continued.

In the end, after Wu Hao pressed his hand and signaled everyone to stop, he said with a smile, "Thank you, thank you for your affirmation.

In fact, this technology is not perfect. For example, some white screens will appear when switching between two virtual world scenes, which will make our wearers' eyes a little uncomfortable.

It's not that we don't want to solve this problem. The main reason is that the amount of data in each virtual scene is huge, so when the data is changed, it will be a little bit unable to keep up, so this few seconds of white screen will appear.

At present, we are conducting technical research on this problem. I believe this problem should be solved, and we can also solve this problem. "

Hearing his words, the guests at the scene, including netizens, began to discuss. In their view, this is not a shortcoming at all.

Normally playing games and changing maps requires some time to read files, not to mention such a huge virtual world. So many people started to complain, even one of Wu Hao's faults, and even many people started to complain that they were pretending to be 13 for a show.

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