Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: Cast a pair of steel wings for the broken-wing angel

The artificial intelligence system can also make relevant adaptations and optimizations based on the patient's daily exercise data, and gradually conform to the user's habits.

Of course, it also needs to give patients a process of adaptation. In this way, patients can use this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton very easily and flexibly.

Having said that, Wu Hao paused, revealing a look of regret: "There are many causes of paralysis, so we can't completely solve this problem, so that everyone can stand up and resume their normal lives.

However, we are still working hard in this field to help more paralyzed patients. "

Papa papa... His words fell, and there was applause from the audience. Everyone understands what he said, there is no panacea, and there is no panacea.

So this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton can help most paralyzed patients stand up again and return to normal life is already very good. As for those few people, although it is a pity, there is no alternative.

Our introduction may not be comprehensive and intuitive, so let us look at a case where we use medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment to make a patient who has been paralyzed for many years stand up again.

As for me, I will introduce you to everyone with a relaxed picture and text.

A picture was suspended in the air next to Wu Hao. In the picture was a beautiful girl with a sweet smile and a very sunny face.

The girl in the photo is named Huang Shanshan. She is 24 years old and very young and beautiful. Originally at her young age, it should be the best time in a girl's life.

But when she was fifteen years old, she was in a car accident after she had just finished dancing lessons. The driver who caused the accident drove away. Although he was eventually arrested, Huang Shanshan was paralyzed in a wheelchair because of serious spinal nerve injuries.

After paralyzing Huang Shanshan, although she gave up her favorite dance class, she did not lose hope in life. On the contrary, she embraced the whole world with a very positive and optimistic attitude.

With the encouragement of her parents and relatives and friends, she started to go to school in a wheelchair and actively participated in some social activities.

In the end, she was admitted to a top double-class university in China with a high score. Huang Shanshan in the university likes another sport, which is marathon.

As a result, she began to actively participate in city marathons across the country and achieved very good results in the competition. With her perseverance and sweet smile, she was affectionately called the Angel of Broken Wings.

After graduating from university, she declined many invitations and returned to work as a teacher in a special education school in her hometown. She hopes to help more of these children with physical defects, get out of the underestimation of life, and embrace the whole society positively and optimistically again.

In addition, she is also a volunteer of the local Disabled Persons' Federation, and is actively helping disabled people locally and even across the country.

Therefore, everyone kindly called her "Shanshan".

After we developed the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, we were actively looking for relevant volunteers to participate in the testing of this product.

We have selected many qualified paralyzed persons from all over the country, including Huang Shanshan. Finally, after we carefully screened, we thought that such a sunny and strong girl, we should give her a chance to stand up again.

So she was selected as our product testing volunteer to participate in the entire product testing process.

The initial testing work was actually not smooth. The medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton has just been developed, and there are still many problems that need to be improved and solved.

So for a 24-year-old who is paralyzed for a long time, such as frail Huang Shanshan, this is indeed a difficult challenge.

The initial medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton prototype is far from what everyone sees now, it is very heavy, so even male testers are very difficult to wear, let alone girls.

But Huang Shanshan has never screamed bitterness from beginning to end. Because the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton needs to be restrained for a long time, Huang Shanshan’s legs, feet and body have strangulation wounds, some of them are very bright and bright It's liquid blisters, some of them just rub away a layer of skin.

This makes the technical testers of straight steel men feel distressed, but Huang Shanshan has never flinched, let alone complained.

Our testing work is often busy until late at night, and Huang Shanshan often accompanies our testers to work overtime until late at night, and sometimes even lives directly in the laboratory.

Also worthy of praise are Huang's father and Huang's mother. The couple are also very supportive of this. It can be said that they accompanied Huang Shanshan all the way.

During the testing phase, the couple basically went to the farmers market early every morning, and then bought fresh ingredients for soup.

At first, it was for his daughter Huang Shanshan, but later, the technicians and testers in the entire laboratory became the objects of hospitality for the couple.

This also gave the staff a great feast. Many of them have gained a few kilograms of weight, and it is said that they have recovered their stomach problems. By the end of the test, the entire laboratory has basically become a big family.

After a year of hard work, ours also fulfilled that promise and made Huang Shanshan stand up successfully.

With that, a large floating screen appeared above Wu Hao, and Huang Shanshan's test documentary began to appear inside.

The entire documentary lasts about six but it is from the first day Huang Shanshan came to the laboratory to successfully stand up, and then began to try walking, running, and some simple exercises.

Of course, the whole process was not smooth and bumpy. For example, there are several scenes of Huang Shanshan crying, and there are also some conflicts and even the content of wanting to quit, but in the end these difficulties and problems were overcome by everyone's efforts.

At the end of the video, Huang Shanshan realized her long-term dream and used the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton to dance the dance she had dreamed of for many years, day and night.

Although it is the wearer's medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, Huang Shanshan, who is dancing again in the exercise room, is so happy and so beautiful.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and many people's eyes turned red. And these red eyes are not only girls, but also many rough guys.

This is really remarkable. Wu Hao and the others not only helped the broken-wing angel stand up again, but also cast a pair of steel wings for her to spread her wings and fly high again.

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