Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Huang Shanshan's Adventure


After graduating from university, I gave up many very good job opportunities, but chose to return to my hometown and go to work in a special education school in my hometown.

I am actually not as great as Brother Hao said, and the reason why I choose to go back is largely because of my own reasons.

Although I work hard to make myself strong enough, I am a girl after all, and sometimes very weak, so I long to live with my parents and hope to be sheltered by them.

On the other hand, I want to live with my parents and take care of my parents who are getting older.

As for why I go to a special education school, it may be because I am really comfortable there, so I don't have to face strange eyes.

Huang Shanshan laughed at herself.

However, her own confession did not arouse everyone's ridicule, but instead greeted warm applause of encouragement from the audience.

"Believe in yourself, you are the best!" a fat young man sitting at the stage shouted at her.

Thank you! Huang Shanshan looked at the fat young man with a sweet smile, then smiled and continued.

Of course, although as I have been in school longer and longer, I feel more and more the meaning and responsibility of my job. Facing such a group of angels with broken wings, I really hope that they can get out of the shadows, out of inferiority, and embrace the sun and society again.

For these children, the physical trauma is difficult to treat, and the psychological bed is even more difficult to heal. Despite our great efforts, this is not something that a group of us or many people can achieve. This requires the attention of the entire society, and it also requires the entire society to extend a helping hand.

My life is the same. Although I have worked and made some friends, I still live in a small circle, which is very closed.

My age is too early to fall in love, but I still dare not take this step. Over the years, there have also been very good boys expressing their feelings to me, but I am still afraid that it will drag people down.

Although they do not dislike it, I dislike myself, and I am not worthy of them.

This was spoken from the mouth of such a girl. Although it was a self-deprecating tone, it was enough to impress many people, and the eyes of many people who had just recovered became red again.

After a few seconds of silence, Huang Shanshan quickly adjusted, then raised her tone and said with a smile: "At this time, my life finally ushered in the most important opportunity of my life.

Those of us have a special group, and we will exchange some experience in treatment and maintenance, medicine, doctors, hospitals and so on.

Many people have never given up standing up, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up.

I accidentally heard in the group that Haoyu Technology is recruiting relevant patients as volunteers to test new medical products.

At the beginning, I actually didn't believe it, and didn't even know what Haoyu Technology did.

In my impression, this company seems to have been doing digital products such as AR and VR, and seems to have little connection with medical equipment products.

So my first reaction is that this shouldn’t be a liar. After all, there are too many'famous doctors' who cheat money under the guise of getting rid of the disease in recent years. I immediately sent a message to remind everyone not to be deceived. Up. "

Ha ha ha ha... the guests in the audience laughed when they heard Huang Shanshan's words. Even Wu Hao, who was resting in the audience, also smiled. They were not treated as liars once or twice anyway. They have long been used to this, and even Wu Hao sometimes laughs at himself.

Huang Shanshan smiled and said: "My words naturally caused everyone in the group to laugh. A very good uncle also worked hard to explain to me what kind of company Haoyu Technology is, and showed me what Haoyu Technology has developed. The intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis helps many people with disabilities to resume their normal lives.

After listening to this uncle's introduction, I suddenly realized that I had seen the news a long time ago, and I was still envious of these people. As everyone knows, the company researching this smart bionic electronic prosthesis is Haoyu Technology.

Immediately, I chose to sign up with everyone in the group, and held the attitude of giving it a try. Anyway, such a big company won't lie to you for money. "

Hahahaha...Everyone in the audience laughed again, and there was a burst of warm applause.

Hearing applause, Wu Hao rubbed his nose with his finger depressed. It's really uncomfortable to be said by a little girl at her press conference.

While he was depressed, Huang Shanshan on the stage went on to say: "I didn't return hope at first, but I didn't expect that the **** of luck would finally take care of me.

Until the phone call to confirm the information to me, I was still in a trance and felt that it was not real enough.

I told my parents the news, and they also thought it was a liar, some unreliable, etc.

After I introduced Haoyu Technology to them in detail, they decided to participate and give it a try. Like me, they always thought that a company as big as Haoyu Technology would not come to me to lie to a paralyzed little girl.

There doesn't seem to be much cheating. I don't think Lin Weilin, who looks like a micro-media, is always pretty. "


Applause from the audience rang out instantly, and then everyone's laughter broke out.

As for Wu Hao, black lines are all over his forehead. This Huang Shanshan, how do you like to make fun of him now?

As for Lin Wei, who was sitting in the VIP table with her parents, she blushed in response to the laughter of everyone in the audience, even parents and parents-in-law.

"So our family came to Anxi. Originally, I wanted to come by myself, but my parents were worried about me so they followed. Maybe they think that their girls are pretty, so they don't feel relieved."

In the laughter of everyone, UU Reading Huang Shanshan tightened her tone slightly and said: "Here, I have come to know the researchers of the medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton development team.

They are really young, and several of them are even younger than me, but they are all amazing. I feel like I have joined the hidden school of one, and these researchers are all peerless masters.

The whole test process was very bitter and very long. Originally I thought it might be possible to test, and then I came back. I didn't expect this stay would be one year.

Fortunately, with the help of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. and several charitable organizations, the school's leadership is also very good. He felt that this was a rare and precious opportunity for me, so I approved a long vacation.

So my family has lived in Anxi since then, and at the beginning, the company we lived in was the hotel prepared for us.

After a long time, we felt that it was inconvenient to stay in a hotel, so we moved out and rented a house around the laboratory.


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