Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: As long as you are willing, you can definitely sell for a good price

"In addition to the equipment itself, there is actually another problem, which I want to appeal on stage today."

Huang Shanshan said to everyone, "Whether I am going home or when I am invited this time, it is actually very troublesome.

Because I am wearing this medically intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, I will encounter certain obstacles during the security check, especially at the airport security check.

For safety reasons, the airport security check cast doubt on me, a medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. Although we explained it many times, we eventually missed the flight.

Fortunately, with Haoyu Technology's certification and the airline's coordination, I finally got on the plane.

Here I hope that the society and relevant departments can consider and solve these problems as appropriate. We do not ask for special care. We only hope to understand the actual situation and come up with a practical solution.

Let those of us who could not go out for a walk have the opportunity to really go out to see the beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland, and feel the beauty of this society and the world.

thank you all! "

After speaking, Huang Shanshan bowed deeply to the audience.

Bang bang bang...

With warm applause, Wu Hao returned to the stage and smiled and said, "Thank you Shanshan for this wonderful speech. You are really very strong and very sunny. We are all worth learning from you."

Watching Huang Shanshan exit, Wu Hao stood in the middle of the round platform to organize the language, and then smiled at everyone and said: "In addition to Shanshan, we actually have several testers who participated in the whole process. Because of time, we just They were invited to the stage to give speeches one by one.

In order to repay them for their hard work this year, we will also give them a medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for free, and it is our latest carbon fiber model that has been developed and improved.

I hope that this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton can change the rest of their lives and help them find the light and color of life. "

After the applause, Wu Hao continued: "In fact, the testing work is far from over. We are still looking for relevant qualified testers to participate in the subsequent product testing process.

However, such testing is still too limited after all. We still hope that more people can participate in it and enjoy the surprises and changes brought by this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton.

Therefore, we will continue to cooperate with Anxi Hospital affiliated to the Air Force Medical College to jointly carry out treatment research in related fields.

If you are interested, you can actually call them now. Of course, we can also consult, and our channels are also open to the outside world.

Next, we have invited experts and professors from the Department of Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to Air Force Medical College, and Director Sun Qiyang.

He is also one of the important participants in the testing of our medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. Let us hear how authoritative experts view this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. "

Bang bang bang...

After a round of applause, the gate of time and space flashed again. A young middle-aged man in his fifties dressed in a white shirt, trousers, and leather shoes wandered onto the stage.

Standing in the middle of the round stage, Sun Qiyang smiled at the audience and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wu, for giving me the opportunity to stand on this stage and share with you my experience or thoughts during the entire R&D and testing phase. .

The treatment of paralyzed patients has always been one of the problems in the medical profession. Although the current medical technology is developing rapidly, there are very few interventional methods in this field, and it can even be said that there are few practical and effective methods.

Nerve damage repair has always been one of the problems in the medical field. Minor nerve damage can gradually restore function under medical intervention.

The recovery of severe nerve damage is relatively slow, and it may not be able to recover for life. Nerve injuries that can lead to paralysis are basically serious cases, so it is so difficult to recover.

There is another reason, that is, the treatment risk is relatively high, the effect is not obvious, and the effect is slow. Therefore, many doctors and hospitals are reluctant to treat this part of the case.

Because drugs are generally difficult to reach for repairing spinal nerves or cranial nerves, surgical intervention is a more direct and effective treatment.

But these two positions are also one of the most complicated positions in the human body. A slight difference may cause serious consequences and may even threaten lives. So naturally no doctor is willing to take such a risk to receive such cases.

Of course, there is another reason. For us, as long as the disease is not life-threatening, we will recommend conservative treatment unless we have full confidence.

This is also one of the reasons why our development in this field is relatively slow. "

In fact, there are many other related reasons, and it is naturally impossible for Sun Qiyang to speak on such an occasion. If I say it, I am afraid it will really catch fire.

After a pause, Sun Qiyang continued: "Our hospital has been cooperating with Haoyu Technology for several years. Initially, Mr. Wu and I also met on the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic project.

At the beginning, I felt that such a technology company, such a young boss, could have any good things, and had no hope at all.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu and the others really gave us a big surprise. When they put the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis in front of us, to be honest, we all couldn't believe it.

The subsequent cooperation also deepened my understanding of such a company. Especially seeing their efforts and achievements in the field of medical technology, I can't help but admire them.

Everyone knows that the research and development of every new technology requires huge investment. For every medical technology investment, UU Reading requires massive investment.

The research and development investment of a new drug in the world is basically more than one billion US dollars, and a medical device is almost the same, or even higher, not to mention this high-tech bionic electronic prosthesis and this kind of medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. .

Although we have treated and treated nearly 6,000 disabled patients, the benefits brought by these patients are only a fraction of the entire R&D investment.

Even among the nearly 6,000 patients, many of them were exempted or even exempted patients who came in through public welfare and charity funds.

As long as Mr. Wu is willing, he can sell this smart bionic electronic prosthesis at a good price. The medical equipment giants, whether it is domestic or international, are waving cash and lining up to beg him.

However, Mr. Wu has never agreed, and still provides intelligent bionic electronic prostheses for these disabled patients at a very low price in my opinion.

And the price of this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis is not even as expensive as the high-end artificial prostheses sold on the market. "

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