Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Artificial vision technology

Next, I will show you our relevant research results. Some animal experiments will be mentioned. Here I want to make a simple explanation first, that is, all our experiments are performed in accordance with strict procedures, and all animals used for experiments are also from legal sources.

Experiments on animals may seem cruel and inhumane, but this is a common method used by the medical industry all over the world, and it is driving the huge advancement of current medical technology.

"We conducted an artificial vision technology experiment on a rabbit for the first time. We tested the artificial eye device we developed on a rabbit who was blind.

The special electromagnetic and electrode generator is made into a special headgear, and then put on the rabbit. A small "artificial eye" is installed and connected to the headgear, which is actually a special camera, and the test starts immediately.

Everyone knows that the rabbit itself is relatively timid, especially this rabbit under test. It is blind and frightened to a certain extent, so it will be more impatient and want to find a place to hide.

Therefore, we set up a cave for it to hide in the test field. If there is no vision in this cave, rabbits are basically not found.

Everyone, please see, the test began, the rabbit started to panic, but after the artificial vision system was activated, the rabbit seemed to suddenly find its direction and ran directly to the cave with a very clear goal. This shows that the rabbit ran to the cave after seeing the cave.

In order to demonstrate the fairness and reliability of the test, we immediately conducted multiple tests. We placed the openings in various parts of the experimental area, even on the steps with a certain distance from the ground.

It is basically difficult for blind rabbits to find this cave. In the next few tests, we can see that the rabbits found the cave very quickly and got into it.

Of course, this is not enough. We then replaced the rabbits and re-tested and got almost the same results.

We even saw that after regaining vision, these rabbits no longer panic, even eating fruits and vegetables leisurely there. "

Hehehehe... everyone in the audience smiled knowingly, and then they applauded.

Wu Hao smiled and waited for the applause to fall before continuing to preach.

"These alone are not enough. The rabbit is too small. We need to change the experimental target, so we set the target on the domestic pigs.

In our traditional culture, pigs are the representative of laziness and dumbness. When we scold someone for being stupid, we will say, "How can you be stupid like a pig."

But in fact, pigs are actually very smart. Pigs are among the top few in the world's smartest animal rankings. If you are interested in this ranking, you can check [Note 1].

Pig brains are also very developed, even smarter than the brains of pet dogs that we think are the smartest and understand our humans best.

And to a certain extent, the brain structure of pigs is actually very detailed with our human brain, so we tested it on pigs.

The test results are also very gratifying, wearing an electromagnetic electrode array hood and artificial eyes on the heads of blind pigs.

We can see that the pig has restored its vision and can successfully find some food and find the gap in the fence.

This is not an accidental result. We have conducted such tests many times and will continue for a long time.

On the one hand, we need to verify that these animals can really restore their vision and see things after they are worn on our artificial vision system.

On the other hand, we also hope to test whether this artificial vision system has an impact on the brains of these animals when worn for a long time.

Everyone, please see, this is a comparison chart of EEG, CT, and related unplaning data of these animals before, one day, one week, one month, three months, and six months after the test.

After comparing the relevant systems, we can see that there is no obvious change in the comparison of the relevant data of these animals before and half a year after the test. In other words, this long-term use will not adversely affect the brains of these animals.

Of course, this is only our preliminary test in the laboratory. Next, we will continue to carry out related tests and upgrades in depth to fully verify the reliability and safety of this technology.

In the next step, we will start related tests on primates and macaques. As you all know, we are also primates, so this test will further verify the reliability and safety of this technology.

Only after fully confirming its safety, we started on-site experiments and recruited relevant volunteers for testing. "

Having said this, Wu Hao showed a trace of regret and said: "I know that everyone is the same as me, and eagerly hope that this technology can be applied to our people as soon as possible to help those blind patients regain their light.

In fact, we also hope to speed up, and our research and development speed can be said to have been very fast. If we change to another company and research team, it may take five years to ten years.

Although we have accelerated the speed of research and development, the necessary time and the necessary procedures are necessary.

This is also for the personal health and safety of our patients, and is also responsible for them. I hope everyone can understand.

In addition, regarding the testing and experimentation of medical technology products on animals, this is a very helpless but necessary process for us.

I'm sorry, we have sacrificed a lot of small animals for the successful development of this

But as I said, all medicines and technologies in medicine today, including our doctor training, are based on the selfless dedication of these small animals.

This is cruel, but who makes us the Lord of all things.

Originally during the rehearsal, many people persuaded me not to tell this paragraph. Although these are facts, they are the facts that we are least willing to accept.

What Wu Hao said from my mouth would cause some criticism and even bad influence. However, in my opinion, this is about the health and life of each of us, and there is nothing to avoid.

It is foreseeable that after my remarks, there will be some accusations and attacks from the biological mother*.

But, I also ask you to think about it before attacking, have you really not enjoyed these results? "

[Note 1: Pigs are indeed ranked among the most intelligent animals in the world. The specific rankings are different, but they are definitely the top ones. 】

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