Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: Intelligent electronic eye

Taking advantage of the applause, Wu Hao picked up a bottle of water and drank it. To be honest, although there are water-cooled air-conditioning fresh air in the entire Tianshu Activity Center, but so many people are present, and Wu Hao is giving a speech on stage, so many spotlights on him still feel very hot.

After some preaching, he was already dry. So he must take the opportunity to add some moisture and moisturize his throat. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would have heatstroke due to the high temperature and lack of water, and even fainted on stage, which would be great fun.

Returning to the middle of the round stage, Wu Hao sorted out his thoughts a bit, and then smiled and preached at the audience.

"The artificial vision system in the experiment you just saw is just a prototype experimental device. Our real goal is to make it into an intelligent electronic artificial eye the size of our human eyeball.

In this way, it can be completely implanted into the eyes of blind patients to replace our eyes. Let our blind patients be able to rebuild their light through this intelligent electronic prosthetic eye. It can also guarantee the integrity of the facial features of the blind patients, and re-establish the dignity that a normal person should have, and will no longer be discriminated against, ridiculed and even unnecessary mercy. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled pretentiously and pretended to be mysterious: "Moreover, our smart electronic prosthetic eye will also be able to have some functions that our real eyes cannot have, so that our wearing users have more extraordinary information acquisition. ability.

First of all, because it is a smart electronic eye, we can assign the functions of our smart AR and even VR glasses to the smart electronic eye.

In this way, our intelligent electronic eye can have a full-view immersive VR virtual world visual experience.

You can also have a virtual reality visual experience that combines the display and the virtual world brought by smart AR glasses.

In other words, our intelligent electronic prosthetic eye can not only restore the brightness of the blind, but also allow them to experience VR and AR technology that they have never experienced, and experience the convenience and happiness brought by new technology. "

Bang bang bang...

As soon as his words fell, enthusiastic applause broke out from the audience, and many people even stood up directly.

On the Internet, this has aroused praise from netizens.

"This is really good. If this technology can really be realized, it may help more than 30 million blind patients in our country to see the light again."

"No, not all of these 30 million people are suitable for wearing this kind of smart electronic prosthetic eye. There are many people who only need to transplant the cornea and iris to restore the brightness. If you want to wear this smart electronic prosthetic eye, you must The entire eyeball of the blind patient was dug out before it could be installed."

"Dig it all out, I'll go, this is too scary."

"What's scary, aren't all the original artificial eyeballs worn like this."

"It's really great to be able to increase the viewing angle of AR and VR. I am highly nearsighted. If this technology is mature, I don't know if I can change to this kind of smart electronic eye."

"Crazy, no matter how bad my eyes are, they are my own flesh-grown eyes. Don't you feel awkward and awkward if you replace them with such cold electronic eyes."

"Upstairs, you don't understand the pain of our highly myopic patients. The experience of getting up in the morning and touching glasses everywhere is really painful. If this smart electronic eye technology is really mature, I would also like to replace it. ."

"+1, I changed this to the third pair of glasses this year. I played basketball last week and was slapped down by my opponent. Then my teammate next to me stepped on it. I was blind at the time and couldn't see clearly. I ended up with my roommate. With the help of, it took more than a thousand to get a new one."

"I'll go, do you dare to exercise vigorously when you are myopic?

"I like to play, and I'm not so unlucky, just pay attention."

"How to pay attention on the court, brother, I advise you to have a mouse tail juice. My eyes were smashed by a basketball on the court, and my retina was detached. Then I went for an emergency operation. Although my vision was barely restored, my vision was narrow. Normal eyes see The picture I got was an ultra-wide giant screen, and mine was the original big-head TV screen. So if this kind of smart electronic prosthetic eye comes out, I will definitely have to replace it for myself."

"I am a floater patient, and my eyes are densely packed. I went to consult a number of hospitals and basically no treatment. If possible, I would also like to change a pair of eyes."

"I can't understand, but I am very interested in this kind of intelligent electronic prosthetic eye, so that even in class meetings, I can sneak a fish."

"666, according to what you said, isn't the exam crooked?"

"You think too much, ordinary exams are not necessary. Big exams will definitely have related measures and regulations. For example, it is not allowed to wear smart electronic prosthetic eyes, or to block the Internet."

"Impossible, it is not allowed to use it. How can these blind patients take the exam? Even if the network is blocked, it's okay, as long as you can store things."

"Don't be so stupid as others think. After this smart electronic prosthetic eye goes on the market, the relevant systems and laws will keep up. So, it's best to study hard."

"I think it's good. With this pair of smart electronic prosthetic eyes, I don't have to worry about hurting my eyes anymore when I play games and watch movies, so I can swim in the game world."

"The eyes do not hurt, but it hurts the brain. This uses electromagnetic and electrodes to transmit picture information to the brain. If it is used for a long time, it will definitely cause damage to the brain."

"Didn't Wu Hao say that the experiment did not affect the brain?"

"Please, watch the press conference well. What Wu Hao said was that the test did not cause any significant changes to the animal's brain. The human brain test has not been performed yet, so many are hard to say."

"Agree, take a wait-and-see attitude. This thing is good and can bring light to the blind, but it should not be deliberately exaggerated and treated rationally."

"Don't think about It may be years before this smart electronic prosthetic eye is going to be marketed. After all, whether this thing affects the human brain or not, it is still hard to say. So it must be a long time. In addition, this thing needs to be reviewed by the health and medical device regulatory authorities. After this process, even if it is accelerated, it has not been able to be marketed in a few years.

Then there is the price. You must know that this kind of high-tech product, and the research and development of medical products is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, so the cost price is definitely not low. To be the most conservative estimate, one smart electronic prosthetic eye is 100,000, and a pair is 200,000. Are you willing to pay for this? "

"Is it a lot more than two hundred thousand? As long as the light can be restored, even if it is more money, I am willing to pay."

"Not everyone is a tyrant like you. The 200,000 yuan is a huge sum of money for many people. These are blind patients, and they don’t have much labor. It’s probably very expensive for them to spend so much money. It's hard to afford."

"How about 200,000 local tyrants? If a person can see it again and return to normal, even the poorest family will be willing to pay for it."


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