Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1270: Special job benefits

   Everyone understands what Wu Hao meant. Although this is also a method, it is so weird in my heart to use this method to fool my friends, classmates, and juniors.

   It is of course a good thing to introduce the job, and the salary for this job is also very good. It's just that, it seems to be a little bit hard.

   Well, not one point, but one hundred million points.

   Regarding employee recommendation and introduction of classmates, friends, and younger brothers to work, this is also very common in major companies, and there are even related incentive mechanisms.

   For example, introduce someone to successfully enter the job, how much is the reward? Some companies even gave it a very good name, called the ‘Bole Award’.

   Facing the strange smile of everyone, Wu Hao also smiled and said: "So, you don't even think about it. Instead of letting HR help you recruit talents all over the world, it's better to do it yourself.

   You have been studying and working in your respective fields for so long. You must know some talents with ability and strong skills.

   I will tell you, there are rewards. The better the digger, the higher the reward. If you dig an expert or professor, I will give you a big red envelope. "

   Hearing his words, everyone present burst out with more enthusiastic smiles and applause.

   Seeing everyone's reaction, Wu Hao picked up the water glass and drank water with satisfaction.

   Is there any more? Yang Fan on the side asked Zhou Xiangming.

   Zhou Xiangming thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "The rest are just a few small problems, not worth talking about at the meeting."

   That's OK, then it's over. Wu Hao said to everyone.

   Hearing his words, Yang Xiaoyun on the side stood up and said, "Mr. Wu, I have arranged a dinner for you to meet the dust. Welcome you and Mr. Yang to visit the Northwest R&D Center again."

   Wu Hao heard the words, got up and waved his hand: "Don't be so troublesome, I don't like these."

   Talking, Wu Hao clicked on Guo Yulong over there and said, "Let's do it, the others will just leave, all busy, don't care about me.

   As for Mr. Guo, you and Xiang Ming, the three of you, let's have dinner with us.

   just go to the restaurant and eat whatever you like. "

   How can this work, I... Before Yang Xiaoyun finished speaking, Zhou Xiangming interrupted: "Let's just follow what Mr. Wu said, he doesn't pay attention to these."

  Haha, Xiangming still understand me, let's go! Wu Hao waved at several people, and several people began to head to the restaurant.

   There are many restaurants in the entire Northwest R&D Center, and this time they went to the restaurant in the Aerospace Technology Research Zone.

   This restaurant mainly faces all the staff in the aerospace technology research area. The area of ​​the restaurant is not too big, but it is also very rich. Basically, you can eat food from all over the world.

   found a place, everyone sat down, then ordered a few small stir-fries, and then chatted.

  Wu Hao smiled at Yang Xiaoyun and asked, "I remember you should be from the south of the Yangtze River, how about it, are you used to coming to this Northwest?"

   Yang Xiaoyun heard Wu Hao’s question, and then nodded and smiled: “Yes, I am from Zhejiang Province. The climate and life here are still far from my hometown, and the habit of talking is lies.

   However, I have experience working in Beijing, so I am relatively able to adapt to the environment here. And the diet is more diverse, I can also eat a lot of hometown dishes, so there is no problem. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard Yang Xiaoyun’s words, and then said with concern: “Personal protection is still necessary. The climate here is relatively dry and the sun is also relatively strong. So you should also take personal protection after work. problem.

   Don't stay for a few years and go back, the family won't recognize it. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao couldn’t help asking: “I remember that I promised the staff of our Northwest R&D Center a benefit, which is to give everyone a personal protection subsidy and regularly distribute some sunscreen and skin care products. Are you continuing?"

   is continuing. Yang Xiaoyun nodded and said: "This benefit can be said to have won the hearts of all the staff in our base. Everyone is very satisfied. Especially now that the base is cooperating with an international brand-name cosmetics company to concentrate on purchasing related sunscreen and skin care products. Very happy.

   Many of them even give away things they can’t use as gifts to their friends and family. "

   "Oh, this is a good thing." Wu Hao said with a smile.

   "What I said at the time was that girls are given twice the standard for boys. This is mainly because girls have more delicate skin and more protection.

   The living and working conditions here are tough, especially for women, so they must be taken care of. "

   When Wu Hao was talking, the food they ordered directly had been delivered to the table by the service staff.

   The five of them ordered seven or eight dishes. Not too many, but they are also very rich. There are various cuisines, such as the squirrel mandarin fish from Jiangnan. Shredded pork in Beijing sauce from the capital, Baobao pork from the northeast, twice-cooked pork from Sichuan and Shu, boiled beef, and kebabs from the northwest, large plate chicken from Xijiang, etc., and finally there is a soup.

   Of the five of them, four of them are men, and they are all science men. They are carnivores, so they all ordered meat dishes.

   But fortunately, although Yang Xiaoyun is a girl from the south of the Yangtze River, she is used to working in the north. She has a hearty personality and can accept these hard dishes.

  Furthermore, the first two dishes with squirrel and mandarin fish are also taken care of her hometown dishes, and the other dishes are not very greasy. UU reading naturally has no problem.

   Mr. Wu, drink a little? Zhou Xiangming suggested to him.

   Wu Hao looked at Guo Yulong who was sitting across from him, then nodded and said, "Just a few bottles of beer, not too much, there will be business tomorrow."

   It’s okay, beer, not too much. Besides, let's just drink casually, not drinking too much, it will definitely not affect tomorrow's work. Even though he said that, Zhou Xiangming didn't ask for more, that is, one bottle per person.

  Everyone is a very self-disciplined person, knowing that there is a job, so naturally they don’t drink too much.

   A few people were eating and chatting. After chatting some gossip, they finally came to the topic involuntarily.

  Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming, then wiped his mouth with a tissue, and asked, "Can you reserve a 20kg load for me on the lunar rover."


   Hearing his words, Zhou Xiangming, Yang Xiaoyun, and Guo Yulong all stopped, and then looked at him.

Zhou Xiangming was a little surprised by the content of his question, but he wiped his mouth with a tissue, then shook his head and said, "Now the lunar rover itself is already overloaded. We are worrying about how to reduce the burden. You let us again. Reserve a load of 20 kg.

   With such a heavy load, how many experimental instruments we have to cut down. "


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