Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1276: P two biological laboratory

   Returned to the base for a short rest, and had a meal with the crew members of the Air Force transport plane and the experiment.

   Because it was noon, there was no drinking. However, the overall atmosphere is still very good. After all, the experiment was a complete success and everyone was very happy.

   After dinner, Wu Hao and the others left here after sending away the air force transport crew members, and after telling Zhou Xiangming with Yang Xiaoyun.

   Of course, Wu Hao did not leave the base because there are other things waiting for him in the base.

   According to the relevant schedule, he first came to the Haoyu Technology Biological and Life Science Research Center. Recently, a scientific research project here has achieved some results, and he is more interested in it, so he came here.

   Knowing that he is coming, Qin Yongchuan, who is in his sixties, and his subordinates waited for them at the gate of the Experimental Middle School.

   Wu Hao hurriedly greeted Qin Yongchuan's hand and said enthusiastically, "Old Qin, how can I let you wait here."

   "Hehe, Mr. Wu, you are welcome to visit our Biological and Life Science Research Center." Qin Yongchuan showed a hearty laugh at him.

   Wu Hao quickly shook his head after hearing the words, "What inspection? I just heard that your scientific research project has made good progress, so I will come over and take a look."

   "Haha, it's right for the leader to inspect the work, you're welcome. Go, let's go in and say!" Qin Yongchuan greeted Wu Hao, and then everyone walked inside.

  While walking, Qin Yongchuan smiled and joked at Wu Hao: "Your information is well-informed. You will know that this project has just made a little progress."

   "Hehe, I am more concerned about the work of our research center." Wu Hao smiled and said haha.

   "You!" Qin Yongchuan clicked on him with his finger, then smiled and said: "Xiao Fang, you are responsible for this project, so you can introduce it to President Wu."

"Okay, Mr. Qin." He said that a middle-aged man wearing a white lab coat, about thirty-five and sixteen years old, wearing a pair of glasses, taller and sturdier, walked up and rushed. He shook hands with Wu Hao and smiled: "Hello, Mr. Wu, I am the head of the P2 Biological Laboratory of our company's biological and life science research center, and my name is Fang Renzheng."

   "Hello, Dr. Fang, we met before." Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with the tall and strong Fang Renzheng in front of him.

   "Hehe, I didn't expect you to remember me." Fang Renzheng said in surprise.

   "Haha, this shows that you left me with a very momentary impression." Wu Hao smiled and said, "Is this P2 biological laboratory now your responsibility?"

   Seeing Wu Hao’s question, Fang Renzheng nodded and responded: “Yes, the biological laboratory was previously in charge of Mr. Qin. Later Mr. Qin took the initiative to let me take charge.”

After Fang Renzheng's words fell, Qin Yongchuan smiled and shook his head again: "What do you take the initiative to let the wise men? I don't have enough energy, and I have to be responsible for other projects, so I let Xiaofang take over the responsibility. That's right. In line with his profession, it is more appropriate for him to be directly responsible."

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words and smiled at Fang Renzheng and encouraged him: "Since Mr. Qin is optimistic about you, you should work hard to achieve better results, so as to prove that Mr. Qin's vision is right."

   Qin Yongchuan said with a smile upon hearing his words: "Facts have proved that Xiao Fang is still very capable. After taking over the laboratory for a long time, he has already achieved good results."

   "Hehe, this is inseparable from the company and the strong support of Qin Lao." Fang Renzheng smiled and responded, and then introduced to Wu Hao.

   "Before introducing this project, let me briefly introduce you to the basic situation of our laboratory.

   It has been almost two years since the establishment of the P2 Biological Laboratory of the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center, and currently has 57 relevant scientific researchers. Since the establishment of our laboratory, it has been mainly engaged in the research of general pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microorganisms.

  At present, we are actively preparing to apply for the establishment of a P3 laboratory. But you also know that our domestic management of the biological virus laboratory is very strict, and it is very difficult to apply for it.

   But we are confident, and we also have this condition, I believe that our P3 laboratory will definitely apply. "

   Wu Hao nodded and smiled after hearing the words, "I heard Mr. Qin and the others say in this regard that the company's opinions are still cautiously supported. On the premise of ensuring safety, the company will definitely support you.

   But you are also aware of the degree of danger in the P3 laboratory, so regarding this aspect, whether it is related departments or we must be cautious.

   And maintaining the operation of a P3 biological laboratory also requires considerable expenses. Therefore, there are different opinions among the company's senior management.

   So you have to make achievements, so that we can support you, understand. "


   Fang Ren nodded, and then continued to introduce them to Wu Hao.

  "After the laboratory was established, we have been screening suitable scientific research projects, and finally after screening, we still targeted the pathogenic bacteria on our human body.

   After repeated screening studies, we have targeted a pathogen that is very common in humans. It can be said to be second only to the existence of E. coli, and it is more harmful than E. coli, which is Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. "

   "Stomach Helicobacter pylori?" Everyone in Wu Hao became curious.

"Yes." Fang Renzheng nodded and introduced: "This is a very common or even widespread pathogen. According to statistics, half of the 1.4 billion people in our country, or 700 million people, have stomach infections. Helicobacter pylori.

   The harm of this kind of bacteria has only been discovered in recent decades, and it is one of the main culprits that cause stomach problems. UU reading

   It can be said that more than 80% of stomach diseases are caused by it, and it can even cause stomach cancer. It can be said to be a common and more harmful bacteria.

   At present, when treating some serious stomach diseases, the first thing to do is to remove and destroy Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

   But because this kind of bacteria invades the gastric mucosa, it is very difficult to eliminate it. Generally, it needs to be taken for several weeks. The usual treatment method is to use the internationally used triple antibacterial therapy or quadruple antibacterial therapy to continue taking the medicine for several weeks, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating and eliminating Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

   It's just that, whether it is triple antibacterial therapy or quadruple antibacterial therapy, the side effects are relatively large.

   We know that in the human stomach, in addition to some harmful bacteria, there are many beneficial bacteria. These antibacterial drugs will also discard many beneficial bacteria in the stomach and intestines, which will cause a series of adverse reactions such as imbalance of the gastrointestinal function.

   Moreover, this triple and quadruple therapy requires a relatively large amount of medication and a longer treatment period, which will cause a lot of stress and even damage to other organs of the human body, such as the liver and kidneys.

   Therefore, we are studying whether there is a safer and faster treatment method. So as to clear and kill the Helicobacter pylori in the intestines and stomach, and avoid the occurrence of stomach diseases. "


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