Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: Light field area air defense system

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Saying goodbye to Yang Fang and the others, leaving the Biological and Life Science Research Center, Wu Hao saw that there was enough time, and immediately came to the Institute of Aeronautical Technology and UAV.

As the company's earliest established research institute and the company's most important research institute, basically half of the company's business at this stage is related to it.

Therefore, Wu Hao attaches great importance to this research institute. Instead of taking advantage of his free time a few hours before boarding, he hurriedly came here.

Upon learning that Wu Hao had come, Zhou Yonghui, the head of the institute, hurried over.

After seeing him, he quickly apologized: "Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've been a bit busy at work these days, I've neglected, I've neglected, I thought you could not come.

Ha ha, Wu Hao smiled and said, "There are still a few hours before boarding, so I just stopped by and have a look at how I'm preparing."

Zhou Yonghui nodded and replied: "The preparations are almost complete. Basically, 80% of the equipment and exhibit models have been transported to the Pearl City. Our exhibition hall has also been set up, and the exhibition is being set up and debugged.

There are also some equipment, which will be packaged in these two days and then transported by land. It will be placed directly. It will definitely not be completed before the opening of the exhibition. There will be no problems. "

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's answer, Wu Hao paused slightly.

It has not been long since the opening of the biennial Zhuhai City Air Show, so he was a little worried and made a special trip to have a look.

Looking at the busy staff not far away, Wu Hao couldn't help asking: "Is that equipment to be shipped to the Pearl City Air Show?"

Following Wu Hao's gaze, everyone looked over. I found that the staff there was dispatching a small container painted in pure desert color.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded and replied: "Yes, this is our newly developed light field area air defense system."

Light field area air defense system?

Apart from Wu Hao and Yang Fan, the other accompanying people couldn't help but become curious.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded, and then introduced to the festival: "Yes, light field area air defense system.

Anyway, this thing is going to the air show, so it's okay to tell everyone about it.

The light field area air defense system is an intelligent, modular, area air defense weapon system that has been researched by a capable research team composed of relevant elite troops from our institute.

It is mainly used to respond to the battlefield, counter-terrorism, public security, the increasing number of unmanned aerial vehicles, cross planes, light helicopters, missiles and other low-speed and small targets and the development of regional air defense weapon systems.

Everyone, please take a look at the small containers painted in pure desert colors over there, which is our light field area air defense system used for field area air defense.

This light field area air defense system adopts a modular design as a whole, and is divided into several parts, including the radar detection part, the intelligent control system, the power supply system, and the launch unit.

At the same time, this light field area air defense system is a complete modular unit. It can be combined with other modular units to form a large area air defense system.

In addition, it can also build a complete composite area air defense system together with general short-range, medium-range, and long-range air defense missile systems, which can deal with various incoming targets and select appropriate missile systems for interception.

It is also possible to set up multiple air defense interception barriers to increase the success rate of air defense system interception and prevent those enemy fighter planes and missiles from attacking.

Speaking of our light field area air defense system, its biggest advantage should be low cost, simple layout, rapid response, and high hit accuracy.

First of all, let's talk about its cost. It can be said that compared to the general short-range missile defense system, including the artillery and air defense system, it is much cheaper.

Because of this, it is also more suitable for intercepting some low-speed and small aerial targets, such as drones.

As you all know, when it comes to drones, I am afraid that no one knows these drones better than us, especially small attack drones. "

Ha ha ha ha...

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, everyone present smiled. Although the protagonist of this stalk is no longer there, the most representative stalk has been passed down successfully.

Because we understand drones, we are also thinking about how to resist these drones that we have developed during the long-term research on drones.

Once the technology of these drones is taken away by the enemy, and then turn around to use these things against us, then we have a way to resist them.

We have developed them, we know their power, if there is no effective countermeasure, then we are likely to be attacked, annihilated, and killed by these self-developed weapons and equipment.

As developers of UAVs, we certainly hope that they will never have rivals and be in an invincible state. This is our dream and original intention.

But as a mature scientist, as a patriot, we must consider whether there is an effective way to deal with them.

Now that we have built a sharp spear, this solid shield must also be developed.

So we took the relevant attack and reconnaissance UAVs we developed as the target, and introduced many relevant information about these types of light attack UAVs today.

Then set up a special scientific research project team to develop a set of weapons and equipment specifically to deal with these UAVs.

So this light field area air defense system is also under the unremitting efforts of the project research and development team. UU read www.uukanshu. com finally has preliminary results.

Everyone knows that this kind of low-speed and small UAV is out of control and can't be defended against. I don't know when it will appear above our head and then launch an attack.

Therefore, it is more difficult to defend.

However, it is only more difficult, not unpreventable. General light air defense weapons are effective against such targets. For example, individual shoulder-fired air defense missiles, light short-range air defense missiles, integrated projectile and artillery systems, anti-aircraft artillery, rapid-fire guns, and even anti-aircraft machine guns.

It's just that the former has a relatively high cost of use, while the latter has a relatively low interception success rate.

Because of this low-speed and small light drone, the cost itself is relatively cheap, even the price of cabbage. For example, we often see reports that foreign militants use purchased civilian drones to modify, mount ammunition or artillery shells, fly over the target for bombardment, or directly hold ammunition to attack the target.

The cost of this type of UAV is very cheap. For this reason, a very expensive short-range air defense missile system, an integrated system of projectiles and guns, is arranged. Even if it is an anti-aircraft gun, the price is very expensive.

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