Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Achievements of Shale Farm

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Originally, all agricultural products produced in the farm, whether they are vegetables, fruits, or cash crops such as grain, are directly packaged and shipped directly to the coastal provinces in the inland through green logistics channels. It's just that the tourists came to ask about the purchase with a strong willingness, and coupled with the request from the Tiemen place, they believed that this move could drive the local economy and consumption of Tiemen.

So we have been thinking about it again and again, and finally decided to open a window for these tourists who come to travel to buy directly.

In fact, the selling price of this window is much higher than our supply price. It did not bring any loss to the farm, but instead brought a good income. "

After Zhong Xiaoling's words fell, Du Xiuming also immediately said: "Our intelligent unmanned farm project is itself a public welfare project to promote the development of the local economy.

I think this is also a good way to attract more tourists to come and play, and to promote local economic development.

Therefore, we retained this project and communicated with the local area to form a formal tourism project.

As for Tiemen, after having tasted the sweetness, it also gave us a lot of convenience.

Including our third and fourth phases of construction land, the approvals were very happy. "

Wu Hao and Xu Xiaoya Yang Fan both nodded when they heard this. This is the so-called vote for me and repay Li. In layman's terms, this is mutual benefit and win-win results.

Seeing the smiles on Wu Hao and their faces, Du Xiuming immediately took Zhong Xiaoling’s words and continued to introduce to everyone: “Since we started the intelligent unmanned farm construction project here, our Shale Farm has developed rapidly. It has developed very well in the past few years.

At present, our third and fourth phase farm expansion projects have been completed, and the fifth phase expansion project is under study and planning.

Among them, the first phase and the second phase of the farm have 1,500 hectares of various types of land, the third phase of the farm expansion project, an increase of about 2,000 hectares, and the fourth phase of the farm expansion project, an increase of 3,000 hectares at a time.

So at present, our farm has a total of more than 6,500 hectares of land. In terms of conversion, there are about 100,000 acres of land.

These lands are divided into multiple areas for growing different crops. Some specialize in growing melons, fruits and vegetables, some specializing in growing food, and some specializing in growing cash crops that already have pasture and fodder.

At present, these vegetables, fruits, and grains have been transported through our green agricultural products logistics channels to supermarkets and other sales outlets in coastal provinces, and sold through the official authorized stores and fresh channels of ali's shopping platform.

The cash crops are mainly sugar beets and cotton, as well as peppers and tomatoes.

These cash crops are directly processed and produced in factories set up in Tiemen, and then sold throughout the country and around the world. "

Zhong Xiaoling on the side also took Du Xiuming's words and introduced them to them.

"This beet is mainly used to squeeze sugar, and cotton we grow high-quality long-staple cotton, which is mainly used for textiles and partly for export.

As for pepper, it is used as an extract of capsaicin and capsicum. As you all know, this chili red is a high-quality natural red dye, and the lipstick dye used by our girls is derived from it.

We have reached agreements with famous domestic and international cosmetics companies to supply them with high-quality paprika dyes.

As for this tomato, it is the tomato sauce that everyone likes better. It can be said that eighty to ninety percent of the tomato sauce in the world comes from Western Xinjiang.

The tomatoes grown by our pollution-free technology and the tomato paste produced by strict hygiene standards have been trusted by European and American manufacturers. Basically, 80% of the shipments are exported overseas. Twenty percent has been digested domestically.

However, we can see from the feedback from the retailer that our products are also recognized and loved by our domestic people, and we are now asking for an increase in production. "

Upon hearing Zhong Xiaoling's words, Xu Xiaoya also nodded and smiled: "That's right, indeed, many retailers are responding to us to increase supply.

Not only that, but the vegetables and fruits produced on our farm are also very popular. Watermelons, melons, tomatoes, etc., as well as the wheat, rice, corn, and the sunflower oil that we produce here are very popular among the people.

One of the purposes of my visit this time is to discuss with you and see if we can continue to increase production.

This is a very large market, and our output alone can't meet the needs of the market.

Especially in recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the people continue to attach importance to health preservation.

These green pollution-free vegetables have also become everyone's new favorite.

As for the vegetables we supply, there is no problem at the source. People can see the growth of vegetables here at any time through the Internet, so they have gained the trust of the people.

And our large-scale intelligent and unmanned planting operation also reduces production costs. Therefore, when these green pollution-free vegetables are in the hands of retailers, their prices are only 50% to 80% higher than those of ordinary vegetables. This is still very competitive in the market.

To be honest, now I, including many people around me, are loyal consumers of our vegetables, fruits, and grain and oil products.

Even when they encountered something difficult to buy, these people called me to go through the back door. "


Hearing Xu Xiaoya's words, everyone laughed.

Wu Hao also smiled and nodded: "It's really good. UU reading is green. I won't say anything about safety. What everyone likes is the taste. Xijiang is a place where drought and sunshine time are relatively good. Long, large temperature difference between day and night. In addition, we do not use too much pesticides and fertilizers, so these vegetables and fruits taste very good, which is much better than those of greenhouse vegetables."

That's right. Xu Xiaoya nodded: "It stands to reason that the retail prices of our vegetables, fruits, and grains and oils actually have room for price reduction. Originally, we planned to lower it.

In this way, on the one hand, more people can enjoy healthy, safe, and green high-quality agricultural products. On the other hand, we can also use this to expand market share.

However, after visiting the relevant departments, we dispelled this idea and deliberately increased the retail prices of these vegetables, fruits, and grain and oil products.

This is also to prevent our vegetables, fruits, and grain and oil products from entering the market on a large scale, which will have a huge impact on the market. "

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