Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1292: Automated food processing plant

   One by one, huge sunflower cakes were loaded into the truck, and then transported to the huge drying yard of the farm.

Zhong Xiaoling on the side of    then relayed the introduction: "About 80% of these sunflower seeds are used to squeeze sunflower oil.

   Our sunflower oil is a pure natural, pollution-free, non-GMO food, and with the brand operation of our Shale Farm, our sunflower oil is currently regarded as a high-end non-staple food product in the market.

   For the remaining 20%, we will directly correspond to a nut processing factory here. They will buy, then fry and bag them, and then sell them all over the country.

   However, because of the strong market demand for sunflower oil, we have already reduced or even stopped supplying sunflower seeds to nut processing plants.

   Almost all the sunflower seeds are used for squeezing this year. Despite this, the market demand is still very strong.

   Therefore, we plan to expand the sunflower planting scale next year, from the current 100,000 acres to 150,000 acres, or 10,000 hectares. "

   Hearing what Zhong Xiaoling said, Xu Xiaoya nodded with a satisfied look: "No problem, let alone 10,000 hectares, even if it is several times larger, we can eat it.

   The sunflower oil produced by our farm is very pure, even if it is much higher than the similar price in the market, the sales are still hot.

   So with regard to expanding the scale of planting, I agree with both hands. "

   After speaking, Xu Xiaoya looked at Wu Hao.

   When they came back from the sunflower planting area, Wu Hao and the others went to several huge drying yards in the farm. There are various food crops on these drying yards, including corn, rice, and sunflower cakes that are being poured.

   On the huge drying yard, several small automatic equipments are constantly basking in these grains.

   On the side of the drying yard, several working robots are gathering to collect the dried food, bag it, and then transport it to the warehouse for storage.

Everyone immediately came to a warehouse. In this huge warehouse, it was divided into multiple granaries. There are various sensors in the granaries, which can monitor the real-time status of different grains stored in these granaries, such as temperature. , Humidity and so on.

   When needed, specialized equipment will release the grains in these granaries into bags, then process them, and then transport them to the mainland for sale on the market.

   After going around the warehouse, everyone came to several processing plants here again.

   First they came, naturally it was a sugar beet processing plant.

   The entire processing plant is not completely automated and unmanned. In fact, there are still some employees. Although the entire production process of beet sugar production can be fully automated, in order to prevent some accidents, someone needs to be on duty.

   Looking at the beets tumbling and washing in the drum, Du Xiuming smiled and introduced them to everyone.

   These beets harvested and transported from the ground will be washed first to wash off the dirt on their bodies. On the one hand, this is to ensure hygiene and prevent pollution, and on the other hand, it is also to prepare for the following processing.

  While talking, Du Xiuming greeted him, "Everyone, please."

  " After these beets are washed, they will be sent to the conveyor belt and shredded for juice extraction. The dry and thick beet juice will be dissolved in purified water, and then fully stirred to extract all the sugar in the beets.

   Immediately began to filter the beet juice solution to filter out all the cossette waste dregs inside.

   These cossette waste dregs, as well as beet stems and leaves, green heads, tail roots, etc., can be used as brewing raw materials to extract betaine, etc., and are high-quality juicy feeds.

   Of course, these are all accessories.

   Next, the beet juice solution that has been filtered multiple times will be washed to remove the non-sugar substances contained in it. If it is not removed in time, it will affect the quality of sugar. And once the sugar has thickened and crystallized, it is difficult to remove it.

   Next are the last four important steps before sugar formation, namely evaporation, crystallization, honey separation, and drying.

   The excess water is evaporated, the sugar is crystallized, and then the honey is separated, all the sugar is extracted from the waste residue, and then dried, and finally it becomes the finished sugar. "

   Du Xiuming pointed to the bags of white sugar coming down the production line, and said with a smile: "The quality of the granulated sugar we produce is excellent, and now the XPCC has also included it as a strategic material for storage.

   The remaining white sugar will also be scattered to various markets. Although the price is strictly controlled and cannot be increased, it is relatively stable. "

  Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words and asked, "How much can the gross profit margin be achieved during the entire process from planting to picking sugar?"

   Hearing Wu Hao’s question, everyone immediately showed interest. Du Xiuming was a little embarrassed about this, and immediately looked to Zhong Xiaoling to one side.

Zhong Xiaoling understood and answered generously to everyone: "At present, the overall gross profit margin of our beet sugar industry is about 45%. After deducting a series of costs, the net profit can be maintained at about 25%. To twenty-eight.

   Although the return is lower compared to other projects, the win is stable, which is why we chose it. "

   Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words: "Relatively speaking, it's not bad. Let's go, let's go to the next project."

   Seeing that Wu Hao did not express his opinion, UU read www.uukanshu. com didn't say good and bad either, Du Xiuming and Zhong Xiaoling couldn't help but mutter in their hearts. The two looked at each other with intent, and then followed.

   Next, under the leadership of Du Xiuming, Wu Hao and the others first went to inspect a sunflower seed oil pressing plant, and then they came to a food processing plant, to be precise, a tomato processing plant.

  Because it is a food processing factory, it is troublesome to enter. After everyone was refitted and disinfected, they finally entered this automated tomato sauce production factory.

   Like other video processing plants, these harvested tomatoes will be cleaned, and because they are food, the cleaning is extremely strict.

   After cleaning, these tomatoes will enter the conveyor belt, and then the moisture will be blown dry. Immediately go to the sorting area, and the automated equipment will sort and remove some of the tomatoes that do not meet the standard.

   Such as those green tomatoes that are immature, and those that are damaged and not cleaned.

  Finally, the tomatoes that have been screened will be prepared in the material preparation area. Then these prepared tomatoes will be put into the machine to be crushed and stirred into puree, and then proceed to the next step.

   After some preparations, these prepared tomato sauces will be packed into various prepared containers according to various specifications, then packaged, pasteurized, and finally labelled.



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