Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: The pros and cons of genetically modified technology (complement)

In addition, in terms of ecology, if the relevant genes of genetically modified crops are transferred to wild relatives, it will contaminate the entire seed resource gene bank, thereby changing regional plant genes, and even global plant genes, which will cause great harm to the ecological environment. .

Moreover, human beings are also part of the natural ecosystem. People are worried that these genetically modified plants may endanger some of the animal genes that have been fed by plants, and ultimately affect human genes.

For example, the Pustai incident. In the fall of 1998, Pustai of the Rowett Institute in Scotland made a speech on the TV station, claiming that he fed the rats with potatoes transfected with the snowdrop lectin gene. The system is damaged".

The genetically modified rapeseed super weed incident of Canada Ma University. In 1995, J Ma Da first commercialized genetically modified canola through genetic engineering.

However, in the few years after planting, people discovered that individual rapeseed plants can resist 1 to 3 kinds of herbicides in the **** field, and some people call this "super weed". Later, after investigation, the reason for the production of this kind of rapeseed plant was that part of the farmers lost the genetically modified rapeseed seeds to the field when they harvested the genetically modified rapeseed. Caused by gene drift.

In 1999, the authoritative scientific journal "Nature" published a paper by Cornell University professor John Rossi, pointing out that beneficial field insects such as butterfly larvae would stunt and die after eating vegetable leaves sprinkled with some kind of genetically modified corn pollen. The rate is particularly high.

There are also many similar incidents. Although some incidents were officially misrepresented, they did not alleviate people's worries about genetically modified technology and genetically modified crops, but increased their distrust.

It is believed that since these genetically modified plants can affect other crops and even animals, then when humans come into contact with and use these genetically modified plants or plants, livestock and poultry contaminated by genetically modified animals and plants, it is very likely that human genes will also be contaminated. This will cause some diseases and cause harm to the human body.

In addition, genetic technology uses antibiotic-resistant genes to identify genetically modified crops. After genetic food enters the human body, it may affect the efficacy of antibiotics on the human body, and the mutant genes in the crop may cause new diseases.

The protein transfer in genetically modified technology may cause the human body to become allergic to foods that are not allergic. Whether the new protein properties after segmentation and recombination fully meet the needs of our assumptions needs to be studied to demonstrate its safety.

There are also artificial extraction and addition of genes, which may increase and accumulate the original trace toxins in the food, as well as unforeseen biological mutations, which will increase the original toxin level or produce new toxins.

Even for ecosystems, genetically modified foods are interventions for specific species, artificially making them gain competitive advantages in the living environment, which will surely destroy the timeliness of natural survival laws and cause changes in ecological balance. In addition, genetically modified organisms, bacteria, viruses, etc. enter the environment, and preservation or restoration is impossible. It is more serious than chemical or nuclear pollution, and the damage is even more irreversible.

Although people’s concerns about genetically modified technology have not yet been eliminated, in fact genetically modified crops have quietly entered our lives.

It is very possible that some of the raw materials of certain foods we buy contain genetically modified raw materials. And of the non-GMO agricultural products marked on the market, how many are real and how many are fake?

Of course, you don’t have to worry too much. Judging from the current series of research reports, genetically modified technology and some genetically modified crops currently on the market are safe and will not cause marketing or harm to people.

And many international organizations, such as World Health Organization (WHO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) International Science Council, European Commission and other international and regional organizations Both said that it has not been shown that the general public in countries where genetically modified food has been approved has any impact on human health after eating genetically modified food. All genetically modified foods currently on the market are safe and can be eaten with confidence.

From the perspective of the world's major development environment, even though genetically modified technology may have some negative effects, it is not worth mentioning when compared to the positive effects it brings and the huge achievements it has made.

After all, there are still tens of millions of people in the world who are below the hunger line, and there are more than a billion people who have a single type of food and lack of nutrition, which causes severe stunting.

So if this genetically modified technology can help these people get rid of hunger, achieve food and clothing, help those people achieve diversification of food types, enhance nutrition, and promote development.

Even if there are some risks, it is worth promoting.

However, in developed countries, they are still cautious about this kind of genetically modified technology and the related animals, plants, and crops used by genetically modified technology.

Our country is also very strict in the control of this area, and related experimental planting needs to be applied for. Only after approval can it proceed. Otherwise, severe penalties will be imposed.

For example, someone once planted dozens of acres of genetically modified corn privately. After being seized by relevant local authorities, they immediately pushed these dozens of acres of genetically modified corn, and collected all the immature genetically modified corn stalks for burying and burning.

In addition, the parties were detained and fined locally.

Therefore, even the various research institutes need to apply for UU reading when conducting related genetic modification technology trials.

For example, this new type of genetically modified Haloxylon tree, Yang Fang and others will put it outdoors for a certain scale of planting. On the one hand, it is to test the stability of the gene of this new type of transgenic Haloxylon, on the other hand, it is to test the performance of this new type of transgenic Haloxylon in the natural environment and the degree of adaptation to the harsh natural environment.

In addition to this new genetically modified Haloxylon tree, there is also a 100-acre rose garden promised by Yang Fang to Wu Hao, which also requires an application. Because the genetically modified roses that Yang Fang and others cultivated are also genetically modified crops that need to be strictly controlled.

And in accordance with relevant requirements, these genetically modified plants used for experiments must be strictly monitored to prevent their provenance from leaking. And it is required that related flowering plants, that is, seed plants, be removed and cleaned before the seeds mature, or be reliably protected to avoid the outflow of seeds and affect the surrounding natural ecological environment.

This is just an official attitude. In civil society, because of the unremitting efforts of some long-term anti-gene technology fighters, the folks treat genetically modified technology and genetically modified plants as scourges and avoid them.

So if you want the domestic people to accept this new type of genetically modified plants, I am afraid there is still a long way to go, let alone large-scale planting and application.

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