Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1307: Eliminate the threat at the budding stage

Hearing what Wu Hao said, whether it was General Abu, Mr. Suha, Prince Maiha, or many people present, they couldn’t help but show the drone that was only the size of an adult’s thumb on the booth. With an interested look.

The function and purpose of this thing Although Wu Hao just gave a brief understatement, everyone knows what this thing will be used for, and it is very practical.

Dear friend, how long can this small, small drone fly? General Abu stared at the miniature aerial patrol drone, and then asked Wu Hao.

Hearing this general Abu's question, everyone couldn't help but looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Panning everyone’s reaction, Wu Hao responded with a smile: “It’s relatively small in size, so its stagnation time is relatively limited. It can fly for about 20 to 25 minutes. As for the remote control distance, we can Do it for about one kilometer."

Such a small drone, able to fly for so long and so far, made everyone present nodded involuntarily.

It seems that in this field of special drone technology, Haoyu Technology has real technology in hand.

Although it seemed to everyone to be great, Wu Hao hadn't finished it yet.

I saw him, taking the transparent tablet in his hand to control the big screen, and introducing it to everyone.

"Because of its small size, it is very susceptible to airflow during outdoor flight, especially during long-range flight.

After all, the volume is too small, and the airflow is slightly stronger, it can affect it.

Therefore, in response to this situation, we have developed a flight attitude control technology for it and other UAVs.

This kind of flight attitude control technology can actively control the flight attitude of the aircraft when the aircraft is affected by the airflow, and carry out related autonomous attitude adjustments, so that it can maintain the flight attitude to the greatest extent and reduce the impact of the airflow on the aircraft.

In addition, don’t look at it so small. But to use an old saying from our ancestors, this miniature aerial patrol drone is a small sparrow with a complete set of internal organs. Basically, we have all the things on our ordinary aerial patrol drones.

Including the most important active obstacle avoidance and autonomous flight systems on our ordinary air patrol and surveillance drones. With it, it means that our miniature air patrol and surveillance drones can perform autonomous cruise alert and tracking surveillance in relevant areas. task.

There is no need for special rear controllers to remotely command, only need the commander to issue an order, the system can dispatch qualified drones to perform related tasks based on the actual situation.

What is a qualified drone? It is the best drone that can adapt to the on-site environment. For example, if we choose to perform patrol and guard tasks in a small and dense forest, ordinary aerial patrol and guard drones will not work. We have to use small aerial patrol and guard drones.

But if you want to carry out close and secret reconnaissance missions, and surveillance and tracking missions, then this kind of miniature aerial patrol and surveillance drone will come in handy. "

Through the intelligent voice assistant, Wu Hao's words can be translated in real time and transmitted to the ears of these customers. Therefore, after listening to his introduction, the customers present nodded one after another, showing a satisfied look.

Wu Hao poke the smart voice assistant on his right ear with his finger, and then continued to explain to everyone.

"In addition, we have also equipped the second-generation unmanned patrol security system with large and ultra-large long-endurance aerial patrol warning drones.

The large-scale long-endurance aerial surveillance drone uses aviation fuel engines, which has the advantages of long range, long time in the air, and large patrol surveillance coverage. It can perform patrol surveillance and tracking tasks in some large areas.

The ultra-large long-endurance aerial surveillance drone is developed on the basis of our domestic excellent Rainbow Four drone platform.

Regarding the performance of the Rainbow Four UAV platform, I believe everyone is also clear. The aircraft has a cruising altitude of 7000 meters, a maximum range of 3,500 kilometers, and a cruising time of up to 35 hours. With the support of this platform, our system has also reached the strategic level mission of regional cruise alert surveillance and tracking.

And more importantly, it can carry nearly 400 kilograms of payload. This also means that it has real-time air strike capability.

On this system, we have also retained it, and once again carried out further development on the basis of it, so that its strike capability has been further improved.

Below the wing of the Rainbow Four platform, there are four hanging points, which can be hung on four ground attack missiles. Of course, dual pylons can also be used, which can carry eight small missiles or precision-guided bombs.

We combined this air strike system with an intelligent unmanned patrol security system. Keep this air strike system on standby at all times. When our air patrol drones at all levels find relevant targets, and after confirmation, they meet the conditions for strike.

Then, under the command of the commander, the system will activate the air strike system and mobilize our drones to attack related targets.

The response speed of the entire system is very fast. It can be said that the whole process from discovering the target, analyzing and identifying the target, and then launching an attack can be said to be very short. Its length depends to a certain extent on the commander's decision time.

So as long as our intelligent unmanned patrol security system finds the target, it will not be able to escape the attack. UU Reading"

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the interested dogs and smiled with white teeth: "This is also the biggest improvement of our second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system. It can not only help our users to strengthen The patrol and surveillance of the relevant area can also effectively control the area.

This plays an important role in our common theater order management and counter-terrorism operations, especially during the war and post-war order management stages in the theater.

Through this second-generation intelligent unmanned patrol security system, we can perform round-the-clock patrol and alert tasks for a considerable area.

Let those enemy's remaining forces unable to launch counterattacks or retaliatory actions, and can effectively curb and counter such actions.

Once we find out, we can do it in time, and we can wipe out the threat in the embryonic stage even before the other party launches an action. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, the panting voices of many people in the room became thicker, and the three big dogs in the front line brightened their eyes, staring at the relevant information on the platform. The drone exhibits do not loosen.

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