Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1313: The last barrier to protect the soldiers

Naturally, Wu Hao was very happy with everyone's strong request.

But, he wanted more than that, so he introduced Zhang Jun to everyone beside him: "This is Mr. Zhang Jun, the general manager of our company, this time he is mainly responsible for negotiating business cooperation with everyone.

If you have any questions or issues in cooperation, you will also contact him, consult and negotiate. We are willing to bring you a home away from home and quality service, so that everyone can return with satisfaction. "

After speaking, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun, and Zhang Jun knowingly smiled at everyone and said: "Hello everyone, I am Zhang Jun, the general manager of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. You can come to me if you have any questions.

If you are interested in what weapons and equipment, you can also come to talk to us, we are waiting for your arrival at any time. "

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Jun. General Abu, who was standing in the middle, immediately gestured to the subordinate next to him. Upon seeing this, the subordinate immediately responded to Zhang Jun.

When other people nearby saw this, they all flocked, and the scene suddenly seemed a little flustered.

Regarding this, Wu Hao smiled at everyone at the scene: "Let them talk first. I will continue to introduce some of the weapons and equipment we have on display. I believe everyone will be interested."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at him. The previous weapons and equipment are already eye-opening enough, I don't know what good things are waiting for them next.

Faced with the expectant gazes of everyone, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Whether it is the various types of aerial patrol surveillance drones in the previous intelligent unmanned patrol security system, or the second generation battlefield sweeper miniature I just introduced Unmanned attack drones, smart grenade small attack drones, or the "smart bullet" micro attack drones codenamed Killer Bee, have shown sufficient combat power to make everyone feel terrified.

Such weapons and equipment are definitely excellent in their own hands, but if they are in the hands of the enemy, opponents, or some militants, then it will be a huge threat to oneself.

Because we don't know when the other party will launch a sneak attack, and then unknowingly launch an attack on us, we were caught off guard and could not be defended.

If our soldiers, or even ourselves, encounter such weapons and equipment, how to defend, I think this is also a question that everyone is discussing in their brains after seeing the previous introduction of weapons and equipment.

In addition, in several regional wars and regional armed conflicts in recent years, various combat drones have become more and more important, and even in the middle and late stages of the war, they have played a dominant role in the battlefield.

In some conflicts, one party was beaten by the other party's attack drones and lost their helmets and armor, and the army was defeated.

So how to defend against these mysterious drones has also become the focus of research by various countries and armies. Although various countries have come up with many methods, they have also specially developed relevant countermeasure defense equipment. However, in my opinion, there is currently no professional air defense equipment that can truly target such low and slow drones.

Today, what we will introduce to you is the light field area air defense system developed by our company to specifically respond to this type of aerial threat. It will be the last barrier to protect our soldiers on the battlefield. "

"Light field area air defense system?"

"Yes, that's right." Wu Hao nodded, then pointed to the equipment in front of him that looked very like a small container, and introduced it to everyone.

"This is the light field area air defense system we have developed. It is an intelligent, modular, and area air defense weapon system developed by a capable research team composed of relevant elite troops from our institute.

Its combat objectives are mainly used to respond to the increasing number of drones, crossovers, light helicopters, missiles and other low-speed and small targets in the battlefield, counter-terrorism, public security and other environments. Regional air defense weapon systems developed.

Regardless of the size of this container, it is a small sparrow with all its internal organs. It is mainly composed of a radar detection part, an intelligent control system, a power supply system, and a transmitting unit, thus forming a complete air defense system in the field area.

At the same time, this light field area air defense system is a complete modular unit. It can be combined with other modular units to form a large area air defense system.

Even it can work with general short-range, medium-range, and long-range air defense missile systems to build a complete composite area air defense system. In order to set up multiple air defense interception barriers to deal with various incoming targets. It can also select the appropriate missile system for interception according to the incoming target, increase the success rate of air defense system interception, and prevent the breakthrough of enemy fighters and missiles. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused, glanced at everyone, and then changed his tone of voice.

"Of course, this is not his main feature or advantage. Its biggest advantage is that its biggest advantage is low cost, simple layout, quick response, and high hit accuracy.

We know that the cost of such small and medium-sized attack drones is very cheap. Even some small UAVs are modified with civilian UAVs or even aviation models, and the cost is very low.

But for this type of weapon, using our normal air defense system for defense is a bit of a cannon to hit mosquitoes. Not only is it overkill, but it also doesn't work well.

Simply put, it is not very cost-effective, UU reading www.uukanshu. A traditional air defense missile of com is hundreds of thousands of dollars, used to deal with this kind of suicide attack drone with a cost of only a few thousand dollars. Some are too uneconomical and the defense cost is too high.

Using this kind of missile to defend against such a low, small and slow target has a relatively low success rate.

The best way to deal with such targets is the combination of anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns and projectiles. However, the cost of deploying such a system is too high, and the cost of interception is also high. Among other things, the armor-piercing tungsten core ammunition used in this rapid-fire gun can cost hundreds of dollars per shot. It only takes a few seconds to hit dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of rounds. The converted cost has also reached a very high figure.

And what was intercepted was only a suicide-attack drone made by an enemy family for several thousand dollars, which can be said to be very uneconomical.

So is there such a cheaper anti-aircraft weapon that can be used to deal with this type of UAV target?

Yes, this is the light field area air defense system I am introducing to you now.

Its use cost is very cheap, and the interception success rate for these low, small and slow targets is very high, and it is simple to deploy and easy to control, which is very suitable for air defense in field areas. "

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