Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1317: Unplanned advertising

"As for the first model on the left, which is the basic model of this single soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, the dark red paint on the right, and the slim and compact shape of the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton, is this single soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton. A light version of the exoskeleton equipment."

Wu Hao pointed to this lightweight single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment and introduced it to everyone.

"Compared with the basic version of the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment, this lightweight individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment uses a lighter carbon fiber material, so it is lighter overall and smaller in size, which can fit us tightly. The physiological curve of the worn lower limbs is perfectly fitted.

This also makes this lightweight individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment suitable for a variety of environments, easy to hide and easy to wear.

In addition, it has the same ability as ordinary individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment. It can provide our wearer with additional lower limb support. It can not only slow down soldiers for a long time, but also reduce the physical consumption of soldiers for long-distance marching on foot. Exercise fatigue of lower limbs after prolonged and heavy exercise.

In addition, it can also enhance the strength of the wearer's lower limbs, allowing him to run faster and jump higher and farther.

Similarly, it also has a strong carrying capacity, able to carry a load of almost 80 kilograms. And can perform some high-intensity exercises and large movements under such a load.

Compared with the army, this kind of lightweight individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment is more suitable for some special services to try out, or to perform some special tasks.

At the same time, this lightweight single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment has another function, that is, it can help some paralyzed patients whose lower limbs have lost mobility to stand up again, and can walk, run, and even do like normal people. Able to perform some simple sports.

Of course, he can also be used for some old people who are frail and have limited mobility. Wearing it, the elderly can walk with confidence. It can provide extra lower limb support for the elderly. "

Hearing his introduction, everyone present couldn't help but become interested in this small and light individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment.

Let’s not talk about other things, just say that this exoskeleton product can make some patients with paralyzed lower limbs stand up again and restore their normal mobility. This is very exciting.

It can also make some old people who are weak and disabled can also restore their mobility by wearing it.

Anyone present does not have elderly people in their homes, let alone those who have customers with paralyzed patients in their homes.

Prince Maiha looked at this lightweight individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment with excitement: "Wu, my dear friend, can it really make the paralyzed patient stand up?"

Wu Hao looked at the appearance of Prince Maiha, nodded slightly and replied: "Of course, I have already had many cases of paralysis who have regained their feet with the help of this intelligent exoskeleton product."

"Really, great, you know, my sister has been in a wheelchair for more than ten years because of a car accident. She is very eager to stand up again, although we have invited many neurosurgery professionals from all over the world over the years. Experts and professors, but without exception, they have failed." Prince Maiha said brightly in his eyes. As his brother, he very much hopes that his sister can stand up and lead a normal life.

Wu Hao heard the simultaneous interpretation through the smart voice assistant in his ears. He couldn't help but looked at the Prince Maiha with a gentle smile and said: "In fact, compared to this lightweight single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment, we There are also medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products specially developed for such patients.

If you can trust us and your sister is willing to come to our country and go to Anxi for treatment, we are willing to provide her with our most advanced medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products.

In less than a year, we will be able to get your sister to stand up again, not only to walk normally, but also to jog, and even perform some simple sports. "

My friend, of course I believe you. I immediately let people inform my sister, I believe she will be very happy after hearing the news. But why does it take a year? It's a bit too long. Prince Maiha raised doubts.

Not only Prince Maiha, but everyone else present also showed a puzzled look.

Seeing all this, Wu Hao replied with a smile: "This is mainly because the patient needs a process of acceptance and adaptation. Although this kind of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton is nowadays, it is only a tool, and it is the patient who really uses this tool. itself.

Therefore, patients must first learn to use this tool before they can use it proficiently to stand and walk, and even perform some exercises.

Because the length of time for patients to be paralyzed varies, the duration of the entire adaptive training is also different. You may be able to stand up in two or three months and move freely in about half a year.

If you slow down, you may be able to stand up in about half a year, and walk in about a year.

Everyone has different adaptation time and acceptability, so the length of time is also different. The one year I mentioned is only a conservative number, and the specific time will have to be diagnosed based on your sister's condition. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Prince Maiha nodded and understood: "It turns out that this is the case, then I will contact my sister immediately and arrange to go to Anxi as soon as possible."

You can rest assured, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, we must provide her with the highest quality medical technology resources to help her stand up as soon as possible. Wu Hao said with a smile.

This can be regarded as an unintentional move. I originally wanted to continue the air show to advertise and promote their individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment, but I did not expect to take the opportunity to also promote this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton product. .

Not only did they attract a high-quality patient, but they also won the friendship of Prince Maiha and even his entire family.

The other people who had been listening to the dialogue between the two couldn't help but talk about it. It is indeed very rare to have such an opportunity on such an occasion. Nothing can make a person who has been paralyzed for a long time stand up again and become more attractive.

This also made several people present eager to try. They also have similar relatives and friends. It would be great if they could have such an opportunity.

These were naturally seen by Wu Hao, so he smiled and said: "In fact, we have already released this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton product at the company’s previous summer conference. If you are interested, you can go to Pay attention. Because of time, I won't talk about it here."

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