Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: ‘Wu Quxing’ General Satellite Platform

  Chapter 1326 "Wu Quxing" General Satellite Platform

  One is a state act, the other is a civil act, what do you think? Wu Hao looked at Old Suha and said with a smile.

  Hearing his words, everyone present instantly understood.

  To say that these two methods can send their astronauts to the sky. It's just that the astronauts sent up by private means can only be called space tourists. Only astronauts dispatched by the state can be regarded as real astronauts.

  Wu Hao looked around the crowd, then smiled and explained.

  "I believe everyone is aware of the gap between the two. I think that everyone spends so much money to send astronauts to the sky, and it is not just a space tour.

  So in the long-term development, I personally suggest that you still cooperate through official channels.

  The achievements of our country in manned spaceflight are obvious to all. I believe that if you can join in, you will definitely gain a lot.

  Of course, in the future we will launch the world’s first commercial space station. At that time, we also welcome everyone to join in with the relaxation of non-governmental cooperation and participate in related research projects together.

  Secondly, our commercial space station is more open to the outside world, so everyone can use this platform to complete a series of related space experiment projects. "

  Wu Hao's remarks are clear enough, not that he doesn't want to make this money, but that he can't make it. Regardless of the circumstances, their interests must be consistent with national interests. If there is a conflict, the national interest must be the top priority.

  This is the bottom line they stick to, and they will never be allowed to touch it.

  Furthermore, they are already under the leadership of the aerospace authority and should be subject to their management.

  Finally, it is their positioning. Their positioning is a private commercial-level space cooperation project. If there is official participation, the nature will change. It is impossible for Wu Hao to know this.

  Although Wu Hao's introduction is full of enthusiasm and the atmosphere on the scene is very high, but there are not many customers who are really interested in these aerospace projects, only a few.

  This is mainly because these space projects are too tall. Although these people are very eager, but they are not strong enough. Even if you have some money in your hand, you can use it to buy weapons.

   Even if it is needed, it may be used to launch satellites.

  Sure enough, when Wu Hao took everyone to the last platform of the aerospace technology exhibition area, everyone instantly became interested in the one-to-one satellite model above.

  Faced with the interested eyes of such people, Wu Hao smiled and introduced: “This is a small general-purpose satellite platform developed by the satellite project research and development team of our company's Aerospace Science and Technology R&D Laboratory, code-named'Wuquxing'.

  This ‘Wu Quxing’ universal satellite platform weighs 115 kilograms and is a 50 by 60 by 80 cm cuboid. It is equipped with a foldable solar panel to power the entire satellite. In addition, the satellite is also equipped with our new lithium battery, which can provide sufficient power for the satellite.

The propulsion system on the   satellite can maintain the orbital height of the satellite, and it can also support multiple orbit changes.

  The biggest advantage of this ‘Wuquxing’ general-purpose satellite platform is that it can be equipped with different functional modules to play its different roles.

  We have many types of satellites worthy of now, including communication satellites, visible light and infrared imaging reconnaissance satellites, radar detection satellites, meteorological satellites, geodetic satellites, earth resource satellites, navigation satellites, and broadcasting and television satellites.

  There are also some scientific experiment satellites, technology experiment satellites and so on.

  The types of these satellites are diverse, with various functions. However, most of these satellites are toys of major countries, and it is very difficult for ordinary countries to obtain them.

  On the one hand, a large amount of money needs to be paid, and on the other hand, some additional conditions have to be agreed upon.

  Not to mention additional conditions, but in terms of funds, not everyone can pay.

  It is very expensive to develop a dedicated satellite, let alone for sale.

  So so far, many developing countries and underdeveloped countries have very low satellite utilization rates, which severely hinders the development and progress of countries.

  Even in the military field, various satellites have played a very important role in safeguarding national security.

  So on the one hand, many countries cannot afford it, and on the other hand, those so-called developed countries sit on the ground and raise prices, taking the opportunity to blackmail.

  So, is there a satellite that can be used by these developing and underdeveloped countries? We have also begun to continue to explore.

  Finally, we decided to develop a general-purpose satellite platform, and then add various functional modules to the existing general-purpose satellite platform to realize various functions.

  For example, when we install an optical imaging camera, it becomes an optical imaging reconnaissance satellite. We installed a communication module, which can immediately become a communication satellite, we installed an experimental module, and it can then become a scientific experiment satellite.

  In this way, we have realized the versatility of the satellite platform, thereby greatly reducing R&D and manufacturing costs.

  In this way, if you need any satellite in the future, you only need to choose a suitable general-purpose satellite platform, and then choose to install different functional modules according to your own needs.

  We provide all of these for you. You can choose the right combination as if you were choosing goods in a supermarket or ordering a meal in a restaurant.

  The next work is left to us. We will assemble and test for you, and then use our collapsible rocket to help you launch to your designated relevant orbit. After the test is completed, UU read to confirm that the satellite is functioning normally, and then deliver it to you.

  The whole process is very convenient and the price is very low.

  Of course, it is the most attractive for everyone, and it is also the biggest advantage of our general satellite platform, that is, we are purely commercial, without any additional conditions.

  So everyone can rest assured to talk boldly, we will not use other crappy reasons to trap you and force you to submit. "

   Listening to what Wu Hao said, the scene suddenly became lively and chaotic. For the customers present, especially the dark-skinned customers, this is simply too attractive.

  There is such a good thing. Can you get such an advanced satellite without any additional conditions? These people even can't believe it.

  This is equivalent to dropping a pie from the sky, and dropping a large piece of pie, and then directly hitting them on their heads, making them stunned.

  And what makes them even more excited is that the price of this satellite is very cheap, which means that they can finally afford it and can afford it.

  Don't talk about these customers, even the big dogs in front of them agreed to show interest.

  (End of this chapter)

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