Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: The nemesis of small attack drones

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Seeing the unmanned aerial vehicle wreckage wrapped in various electronic components, metal and plastic, all of them were surprised.

The power of this light field short-range air defense laser interception system is indeed a bit beyond everyone's expectations. With such a rapid response time, precise capture and lock, as well as powerful power, and ultra-high interception rate, it is simply a perfect one. Anti-aircraft weapons.

It can be said that it will become the defensive shield and life guardian on the heads of soldiers in the future. With it, you don't need to be passively beaten when facing a surprise attack by these tiny and small targets.

In several regional armed conflicts and wars in recent years, there has been no good way to target such micro and small drones. And this time, it can be said that it is the nemesis of these small attack drones.

When I thought of this, the eyes of everyone present at Wu Hao changed. Not only these customers, but also representatives of weapons and equipment exhibitors and observers from various countries.

The light field short-range air defense laser interception system displayed by Haoyu Technology at the air show is so powerful, so they are not used for export, and they supply the military’s light field short-range air defense laser interception system technology and products. How strong should it be.

Generally speaking, these weapons and equipment exported by foreign trade are basically the losers in the domestic military weapons and equipment bidding.

Even for similar products, foreign trade exports will basically lag behind by a generation, thus ensuring the country's technological leadership in weapons and equipment.

If it is not one generation ahead, these weapons and equipment exported by foreign trade will also be castrated and cut, and the performance will be much lower than before.

For example, some of Maozi’s exported weapons and equipment often do this, and they are willing to pay the bill, and one of the big countries in South Asia is always happy.

Moreover, this is only a light field short-range air defense laser interception system, so how powerful is the medium and large area air defense laser interception system, and the Anshe strategic air defense laser interception system.

Everyone couldn't help but imagined, and then swallowed and took a breath.

This kind of light field short-range air defense laser interception system can easily pay for these small attack UAVs, so medium and large air defense laser interception systems can easily intercept all kinds of incoming missiles and all kinds of aircraft. .

For experts with many holes in the field, this light field short-range air defense laser interception system is not the most powerful, but the laser cannon and energy supply system.

The first is the laser cannon, which can exert such great power in such a miniaturized situation. This shows that Wu Hao's introduction in the exhibition hall is true. They did use a new technology on this laser gun, the so-called compound lens technology.

This technology was unveiled earlier, but it has been kept strictly confidential and more mysterious. Regarding its true structure, as well as its processing and manufacturing technology, they are kept strictly confidential.

After the announcement of this technology, the top research institutions and technology giants in many countries are conducting research, but without exception, it seems that no good progress has been made.

It now appears that Haoyu Technology has gone further and overcome the problems of productization and large-scale production.

No, this technology must be obtained. Many exhibitors of weapons and equipment present, as well as these observers, as well as many customers, were salivating for this light field short-range air defense laser interception system that was preparing to leave the field on a trailer.

As long as you get it, then through reverse imitation research, you can crack the technology.

It is absolutely impossible for them to come forward and buy these to buy this light field short-range air defense laser interception system. Don't say whether they will save this face, just say that Wu Hao or the country is willing to sell it to them.

Therefore, these people couldn't help but focus on the customers who were seated on the rostrum. It is much easier to get equipment from these countries than from domestic and from Haoyu Technology.

It's just that these people have thought that if this technology is so easy to overcome imitation, then the relevant departments will run Wu Hao and they will also use this technology to export and sell related products.

Wu Hao and the others are not fools, so how can they let this technology be lost?

Of course, this light field short-range air defense laser interception system has another key technology, which is energy supply technology.

We must know that many countries have developed high-power laser guns, and some very successful experiments have also been carried out. For example, the Mi Army conducted a lot of high-power laser cannons to target and intercept experiments, using this high-power laser cannon to attack and intercept some unmanned drones, target ships, and incoming missiles.

Even Mi Jun used this high-power laser cannon to carry out some anti-satellite experiments. Of course, it was carried out in secret, and it has not been admitted until now.

It is said that when the satellites of many countries pass over North America, they will be quietly taken care of by the high-power laser cannons of the Mi Army.

Of course, some countries are not good candidates, especially a country that has always been a leader in laser technology. It also enthusiastically took care of the transiting Mijun occupancy satellites on a certain day, a certain month and a certain year.

It is said that there are many such things, but the two sides have formed a tacit understanding, and they have not made it public.

Although many such experiments have been conducted, this laser weapon is actually equipped with very few troops, or only a small part of it.

Why is there no large-scale armament of troops? Apart from the immature technology of this laser cannon, it is a problem of energy supply.

This kind of laser cannon consumes too much energy and requires a lot of electricity, so it cannot be lightened, so it is currently not used as a fixed ground interceptor, or is equipped on some surface ships or large aircraft.

Of course, I heard that a certain country is in a leading position in laser technology and laser weapon technology, so it can reduce the weight of laser weapons, so it can be equipped on some mobile vehicles for use. But there are also some large vehicles, and there are more than one, requiring multiple battery cars for power supply.

However, Wu Hao and the others can fit the entire laser weapon system in the size of a small container. This technology is very rare.

Especially in terms of energy, it is necessary to know that general chemical batteries are not enough. The current solution is to use flywheel batteries for driving.

However, Wu Hao and the others did not use flywheel batteries, instead they used a new type of lithium battery they developed. Many people admire and admire the technology in this area.

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