Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: Space-based laser strategic interception system


"You solved this problem?" Now it was not only Li Weiguo, but Cheng Haifeng and Wang Lianggong were excited.

Wu Hao nodded slightly: "It's not all solved, it's just that we have some ideas. At present, we can already use this compound lens technology to increase the joule of the laser beam by 7% on the basis of the same light source. Around ten, this is the limit we can currently achieve.

Therefore, if it can be equipped with a high-power laser generator, then it is possible to achieve this goal. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao turned around and smiled slightly and said, "Of course, it is not that simple to use lasers to attack satellites.

First of all, we have to locate the satellite. Only by knowing where the satellite is, we can carry out a targeted attack. Otherwise, facing the vast sky, we are like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, if you want to anti-satellite, you must establish a satellite monitoring system to know the location of the target satellite all the time. "

Seeing the three nodded, he continued: "Secondly, it is a set of reliable laser interception weapons. If you want to use it in actual combat and be able to deploy troops, then this laser strategic interception system must be light. Only in this way can it be easy to maneuver and deploy quickly. In addition, it must be reliable enough to function at critical moments.

Of course, compared with the long-, medium- and short-range laser air defense system, the maneuverability requirements of this kind of laser strategic interception system are not so harsh.

Moreover, this kind of laser strategic interception system is very susceptible to weather factors. If the clouds are too thick, the air will be dusted too much, and if it is too dirty, it will affect the performance of the laser weapon.

What Zhang Juzuo talked about was not nonsense, and there was a certain truth in it.

Therefore, we are more optimistic about the space-based laser strategic interception system. "

"Space-based laser strategic interception system?"

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Everyone was surprised again, Cheng Haifeng frowned slightly, and Li Weiguo's eyes brightened.

That's right, Wu Hao nodded: "Install a high-power laser interceptor weapon on the plane, and then attack the satellite in orbit at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.

In this case, the distance will be closer. Moreover, the high-altitude air is relatively lens-free and not affected by meteorological factors. Moreover, as a space-based platform, this space-based laser strategic interception system has strong maneuverability and easy deployment.

More importantly, it has a strong battlefield survivability and is not easy to be caught and attacked by the opponent. "

"At present, in the field of space-based laser strategic interception weapons, we have not yet touched it. However, the major foreign military powers have done research in this area relatively early, especially the Mi Army, which has started related experiments in this area very early and it is said that they have also achieved Some good results." Wang Lianggong introduced.

"No, the space-based laser strategic interception weapon of the Mi Army is only a conceptual weapon, and it has not really been put into service. Although several experiments have been carried out, the detailed data has not been released to the outside world. So for its real combat effectiveness, It's not easy to say now."

Having said that, Li Weiguo asked Wu Hao, "What platform do you plan to use as an air-based vehicle?"

The question raised by Li Weiguo is very critical. For Wu Hao and others, the vehicles that can be selected in China are very limited. There are only a few planes to choose from.

Wu Hao heard the words and tried to ask: "Can the civil aviation airliner C919 work?"

Hearing what he said, Li Weiguo waved his hand repeatedly: "Impossible, this is a commercial civilian airliner. Once it is used by our military, it may be criticized by others, or even sanctioned.

Omi doesn't want us to develop our own civil aviation manufacturing industry. You are giving others a direct offer and making excuses.

This will cause our newly emerging civil aviation industry to be hit hard again, so don't think about it, it's unrealistic. "

"What about luck 20?" Wu Hao then asked.

Li Weiguo waved his hands again and again: "Don't even think about it. There are many people who have made ideas, but they have all failed without exception.

At present, in accordance with the relevant development strategy of the headquarters and the relevant plan of the Air Force on the construction of a strategic air force, large transport aircraft is the top priority in the construction of the strategic air force plan. At present, all the heavy-duty strategic transport aircraft produced have to be installed in the first line, and other needs have to make way.

Besides, the cost of a Y-20 strategic transport aircraft is expensive, and it is impossible to leave it to you for experimentation. "

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this. He didn't expect these two aircraft at all. This was just paving the way for its next requirements: "That's not too much for a Yun-8 platform."

Hearing what he said, the three people present instantly knew what he was playing and noticed, so they all laughed.

Li Weiguo glared at him, and then said in a huff: "I know your kid's idea of ​​hitting it."

Speaking of this, Li Weiguo calmly said: "This is not difficult, you have to submit a formal application later, and then I will help you run away, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After all, you are also for the development of new weapons and equipment, and we should support it. Besides, this weaponry is also what we need most in building a strategic air force. "

"That's good, I'll submit the official document when I go back." Wu Hao showed a satisfied smile. This was not a waste of words, and it was a solution to their difficult problem.

Otherwise, for this matter, he might even take a trip to the capital.

"Why, are you so anxious? Your laser strategic interception system has been successfully developed?" Cheng Haifeng couldn't help but be surprised.

Wu Hao shook his head and smiled: "No, UU reading has a rudimentary form, and it needs continuous improvement and experimentation. That's why we urgently need an experimental platform."

Hearing what he said, Li Weiguo couldn't help but say: "The Flight Test Institute is in Anxi. You can cooperate with them. They have a special aerial experiment platform."

"Hehe, the experimental tasks on their side are also very heavy. We can't rank up at all, so this is not asking you for help." Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Of course, there are deeper reasons for Wu Hao and others. On the one hand, it is indeed because of this reason. There are too many projects in the Flight Test Institute, and it is simply too busy, let alone taking into account private enterprises such as Haoyu Technology.

On the other hand, this project is still in the development stage, so it’s better not to be too loud for the time being. Wait until you have achieved some results before you talk, then it is hard to speak. It's not like relying on a PPT to talk about it now, so people don't want to believe you.

Li Weiguo took a deep look at Wu Hao, then nodded slightly and said, "Well, I'll fight for you later, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Thank you Li Suo." Wu Hao smiled and thanked.

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