Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: Shipborne laser terminal self-defense interception system

  Chapter 1345 Shipborne laser terminal self-defense interception system

  【Unmodified version】

  "The current active defense system only activates a whole set of defense systems when the threat reaches the front, that is, at the end, and launches projectiles or rockets to destroy the approaching threat.

  This way is more extreme, it only has one chance to react. If it is not successful at one time and cannot destroy the incoming threat, then you may suffer a devastating blow.

  This is not the case with our laser terminal self-defense interception system. After sensing the incoming target, it will immediately control our laser weapons to destroy the incoming target.

   And according to the power of radar detection equipment and laser weapons, the interception distance will also increase or decrease. In theory, as long as the relevant conditions are met, this distance can be infinite.

  Take some current anti-tank missiles and anti-tank rockets as an example. In theory, we can achieve that when the other party just fires anti-tank missiles or rockets, we can catch them and destroy them. "

Having said that, Wu Hao turned his head to look at Cheng Haifeng and continued: "This laser terminal self-defense interception system can not only be used for the terminal defense of army armored targets and small fixed targets, but can also be used on ships. The near defense artillery and short-range near defense missiles together form the ship's terminal self-defense defense network.

  Compared with near-anti-cannon and short-range near-defense missiles, this laser terminal self-defense interception system can also make up the fire gap between the previous two and achieve continuous attacks without dead angles. "

  Hearing Wu Hao descended to the naval ship domain, Cheng Haifeng couldn't help showing an expression of excitement, waiting for Wu Hao to stop seriously.

  Even he took out a notebook, put on reading glasses, and took up a pen to record.

  Wu Hao hurriedly waved his hand when he saw this: "Cheng Suo, this is not a formal occasion. Let's just chat casually. There is no need to be so serious."

  In response, Cheng Haifeng smiled and shook his head and said: “People are old and have a bad memory. They always can’t remember things, so I’ll make a note.

  It’s okay, it’s okay, you say, I’m listening. How can your laser terminal self-defense interception system be able to fill the firepower air strikes of close-in guns and short-range close-in missiles, and do continuous attacks without dead ends? "

  Heh, you old fellow. Although Li Weiguo scolded with a smile, he didn't say anything, and signaled Wu Hao to ignore it and continue.

  Wu Hao nodded, then smiled and said, “These are the targets of penetration attack, or directly, anti-ship missiles, the nemesis of ships.

  Now these anti-ship missiles are so powerful that one anti-ship missile may be able to completely lose combat effectiveness of a 10,000-ton warship. "

  Current warships have anti-sinking design and excellent damage control capabilities. So as long as the warship is not broken in two, it is generally unlikely to sink.

  Of course, this is another matter for the navies of major powers, such as those that are relatively weak, backward in technology, and inadequately trained.

  There are countless examples of this, such as a navy ship of a certain country directly sunk in the dock, or a ship of a certain country stranded and sunk on the coast of one's own country, and so on.

   Normally, as long as there are people surviving on the battleship, unless the battleship is seriously damaged and cannot be maintained, the commander will not order the abandonment of the ship under normal circumstances.

  So how to defend against these incoming anti-ship missiles has also become the focus of naval research in various countries. At present, there are still many ways, there are long-range defenses, using ship-based air defense missiles to intercept these approaching anti-ship missiles.

  Then it is the world of close-in guns and one-way close-in missiles. They are responsible for the final defense task of warships. The near defense gun can fire tens of thousands of tungsten core armor-piercing projectiles within one minute, and intercept these enemy's incoming anti-ship missiles through a dense firepower net.

  In fact, it is not so much the use of rapid-fire guns to hit these incoming missiles, but rather the use of rapid-fire guns to weave barrage or firepower nets in the airspace where the missiles are attacked, and let the anti-ship missiles collide by themselves.

  This is currently the most important way for the navies of various countries to defend against incoming anti-ship missiles, and it is also an important main force in the process of defense.

  Secondly, it is a short-range near-defense missile. Its mission is also to intercept incoming missiles. Like anti-aircraft missiles, it can be launched quickly and intercept incoming targets.

  If both of these methods fail, then there is one last link, which is to release the decoy bomb. Use decoy bombs to induce anti-ship missiles to explode in advance, so as to prevent anti-ship missiles from hitting ships.

  But, when it comes to releasing decoy bombs for defense, this is just a chance. Perhaps luck would be so good. The decoy successfully deceived the anti-ship missile, and the ship escaped.

  But in most cases, it is not able to play its role. Therefore, generally at the same time as the decoy is launched, the commander starts to notify all crew members to prepare for collision prevention.

  These three methods are basically all the defense methods used by naval ships of various countries to deal with incoming anti-ship missiles, but they all have problems without exception.

  The biggest problem is the continuity of firepower and rapid response.

  To put it plainly, it's time. Yes, the entire naval anti-missile defense operation is a race against time.

  When anti-ship missiles are found, basically these anti-ship missiles have already approached the ship. Therefore, there is not much time left for ships, and interception and defense must be carried out as soon as possible.

  But now these anti-ship missiles generally accelerate at the end, which is what we call supersonic anti-ship missiles.

  Almost most of the anti-ship missiles will perform dive acceleration during the final attack, and many missiles will accelerate to supersonic speed during the final attack. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

  Therefore, there is very little time left for ships. At this time, time seems to be noble.

  In terms of anti-missile technology, especially the defensive anti-missile technology for this kind of supersonic anti-ship missile, in addition to the accuracy requirements, there are also rapid response capabilities and continuous firepower capabilities.

  Simply put, launch a large number of interceptor ammunition to the incoming target in the shortest time. Whether it is a tungsten core armor-piercing projectile or a short-range near-defense missile, it is necessary to launch as many as possible in a short time.

  In this way, the success rate of intercepting the incoming target is higher.

   However, even the fastest 10,000-round near-aircraft gun at present seems a bit thin when intercepting such supersonic targets.

  No way, the speed of the target is too fast, and even if the near-anti-cannon is shot out in a dense barrage, it is difficult to cover the entire sky in a short time.

  So in the end there will still be a great chance of penetration, so the result of waiting for the ship is self-evident.

  Wu Hao's laser terminal self-defense interception system can very well make up for the fire gap of the ten thousand rounds of artillery, and carry out continuous strikes on the target until it destroys the target.

  (End of this chapter)

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