Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1347: Transaction volume: 1.62.5 billion US dollars

  Chapter 1348 Transaction volume: 1.625 billion US dollars


  Airshow Professional Day lasts for three days. Except for the lively day on the first day, the remaining two days can be said to be relatively deserted. It's not that the exhibition site is not lively. In fact, the venue is also lively. Various media, various experts, and some self-media big V bloggers have come in.

  In addition, there will be some scattered small customers who will also choose to contact with their favorite weapons and equipment exhibitors in these two days. There is no way, because it is a small customer, so the big defense giants do not look down on these.

  Everyone's main goal and energy are also placed on the group of customers who came to visit on the first day. Among them, the most closely watched are the big dogs.

  So there are only two professional days left, and Wu Hao doesn’t show up at the exhibition very much. Basically, either to attend some meetings that he couldn't push away, or to talk about dinner, or to go to the negotiation scene.

  At least they are tens of millions of billions of contracts, so it is not easy to negotiate. Although these big dogs are rich, they are rich, but they are not fools. In real negotiations, there are still many demanding requirements.

  Therefore, the two sides naturally have to negotiate around these demanding requirements and related conditions. In fact, not all contracts reached can satisfy both parties. It's just that these contracts have reached the bottom line of both parties. Although they are not satisfied, they are all acceptable.

  Of course, for Wu Hao and the others, although the conditions are more demanding, the price is still very good. Especially these big dogs, the shots are really generous.

  Have a lot of money without blinking.

  This also made Zhang Jun very excited, and he worked hard every day at the negotiating table, vowing to strive for the greatest benefit.

  This black face was made by Zhang Jun, so this red face is naturally Wu Hao. Whenever the negotiation is about to go down, and it is deadlocked, Wu Hao always arrives on time at this time, and then relaxes the atmosphere.

  In this way, after intense negotiations, the two parties finally reached an agreement on cooperation.

  Papa Papa...

  In a burst of warm applause, Wu Hao and the big dogs signed the contract with this, and then exchanged the agreement.

  1.625 billion US dollars, this is the whole result of their trip to the air show. Although this achievement is far from the projects of billions or tens of billions of national defense companies, Wu Hao and others are still far behind. But this is also a very good result. When converted into RMB, it is more than 10 billion.

  Either say that the cannon fires and the gold is ten thousand taels. This sentence is not unreasonable. The arms market is huge profits.

  So that Zhang Jun, this kid, could not close his mouth from ear to ear with joy.

  "Wu, my dearest friend, when you go to my country, I will treat you warmly with fat lamb." Prince Maiha and Wu Hao hugged and said goodbye.

   "Haha, then I will definitely try it if I have time. His Royal Highness is also welcome to visit us in Anxi. The lamb over there is also very good." Wu Hao replied enthusiastically.

   "Of course, yes, I will go to see my sister." Prince Maiha said happily.

  His sister is also ready to set off from West Asia. The first stop is Beijing, and the second stop is Anxi. It is said that he also brought a team of medical experts from multiple countries to come over to further investigate the technology of medical mechanical exoskeleton.

  Wu Hao smiled slightly and said nothing about this. As long as people arrive in Anxi, they can still make her go back.

  As for General Abu, this is their biggest customer this time. Wu Hao also specially prepared some gifts, and then gave them to the other party.

  Of course, relative to the depth of friendship, he still can't keep up with Prince Maiha.

  As for the old Suha, he also took out more than two billion US dollars this time, but compared with the previous two, it is far behind. No way, the strength is there, this is already very good.

  At the farewell, Lao Suha’s mood was actually not very good. He heard that there was another internal problem, so after saying goodbye to Wu Hao and the others, he boarded the special plane to return.

  As usual, the last two days of the air show are open to the public. This is also the busiest time of each air show, and there will be a large number of tourists influx into the venue.

  At that time, there will also be various performances. For example, our national flight demonstration team will perform flight formations on public open days. With the continuous expansion of the scale and influence of these several airshows, more and more foreign military flight demonstration teams have joined them, bringing more performances to the public.

  In addition, some of our military’s long-lost advanced weapons and equipment, fighters will also be shocked on this day, and then appear on the headlines of major media.

  For example, this year, in hiding in recent years, H20, who has never appeared in front of the public, flew over the exhibition and made the headlines of major domestic and even international media.

  Compared to its shock, the series of advanced weapons and equipment displayed by Wu Hao and others at the exhibition is just an addition to the report.

  However, for many exhibitors, they are actually not willing to participate in this kind of public carnival. Many sophisticated or sensitive weapons and equipment have basically been withdrawn before the public day. What remains are many models, and some conventional weapons and equipment.

  Like Wu Hao, they removed many exhibits from the booth after the professional day ended, but left some models here, and even some briefing materials were also put away.

  As for the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeletons, only the two half-length ones were left for static display, and the full-length ones were also removed.

  Originally, the exhibitors wanted them to make a dynamic demonstration, but Wu Hao and the others flatly rejected it. UU Reading is no longer what they were a few years ago, and exhibitors will not upset them because of this.

  If it was not a rigid requirement, it is estimated that Wu Hao and the others would have moved out of the exhibition a long time ago, and they would have left the building empty. Not only them, but most defense companies are the same.

  So after the public opening day, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun did not show up at the exhibition.

  After sending away many customers, they did not continue to stay in Pearl City, and immediately returned to Anxi by special plane.

  On the one hand, it’s okay to stay in the Pearl City, so I'll go back as soon as possible. Golden kennels and silver kennels are no more comfortable than their own kennels.

  And I have been away for several days, and the company's No. 1 and No. 2 companies are all gone, and they have accumulated a lot of things waiting for them to go back to deal with them.

  On the other hand, they also don’t want to do nothing and cause some extra trouble. Since he and Zhang Jun came to the Pearl Market, many people have followed them.

  All kinds of invitations continue, in addition to local ones, there are also neighboring regions and even neighboring provinces, and even more so, invitations from across the river are also sent.

  So when the matter is over, they leave immediately, never stay here too much, and give these people a chance to entangle.

  (End of this chapter)

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