Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: Cat stealing parrot

  Chapter 1351 The cat stealing the parrot

  As the weather gradually cools down, an early snow envelops the whole of Anxi in silver. The sudden arrival of winter made many people feel uncomfortable, and influenza broke out immediately.

  Some girls who are still bare-legged, after taste the power of winter, reluctantly put on their pants.

  As for the employees of Haoyu Technology, they are also enjoying the warmth of spring in the sunshine greenhouse of the headquarters park in the suburbs.

  The intelligent cooling system of the Yaoguang Building has been cooled by various supercomputers and servers. The hot water not only supplies each building, but also the glass corridor between the seven buildings in the central area.

  This makes the entire glass corridor warm like spring, with various flowers vying to open up and beautiful. Some artificially raised small animals, such as parrots, squirrels, rabbits, and peacocks are active among these green trees and red flowers.

  After work, the employees like to come here very much, sit down and order a cup of coffee, and enjoy the leisure time quietly. Or buy a bag of corn or nut feed to feed these little guys.

  Wu Hao likes to take a walk in this glass corridor. While enjoying the scenery of the park through the glass, he enjoys a leisurely afternoon.

  The employees were quite ordinary about Wu Hao's appearance, and after enthusiastically greeted him, they immediately went to their own business. Wu Hao is also happy to be clean, if too many people bother him, he will feel tired and tired instead.

  Don't run, stop it quickly.

  While Wu Hao was stretching his waist for a walk, there was a sudden commotion. In between, several security personnel wearing black training uniforms and gardener technicians in the park were running towards him, shouting.

   Just when he thought something major had happened, he saw an orange fat cat rushed out of the crowd, then jumped up and jumped onto the big tree in the green belt. He squatted there immediately, staring at the bottom warily.

  Wu Hao took a closer look, and the fat cat seemed to have something in his mouth.

  The security guards and gardener technicians who came after saw Wu Hao, they stopped one after another, and then greeted him breathlessly: "Wu, Mr. Wu."

  What's wrong, I'm so embarrassed. Wu Hao smiled and joked.


  Hearing his question, everyone was a little embarrassed. One of the young gardening technicians explained to him: "Mr. Wu, a cat broke into our glass corridor for unknown reasons, and ate a parrot. We are catching it."

  Oh, where did the cat come from? Wu Hao looked at the cat sitting on the branch and couldn't help showing an interested look.

  I don’t know, maybe who brought it in and ran away. A security guard replied at him.

  The company does not prohibit employees from bringing pets, and there are special pet storage rooms and keepers and veterinarians to adopt and manage these pets.

  Not only helps them feed these pets, but also bathes them, kills insects and treats diseases. So many employees like to bring their pets here, and then take them away after get off work.

  Of course, in order to facilitate management and improve service quality. The pet storage room will charge part of the service fee, which is relatively high compared to the outside, but the service is very good.

  This is also an entrepreneurial project encouraged and supported by the company. Many employees in the pet storage room are deaf and mute and disabled.

  In addition to charging a little management service fee, the company also charges free for other fees like venue leasing. In addition to paying the salaries of the deaf and disabled employees, the profit income from these pet storage rooms will also be allocated to a special charity fund to help the deaf and disabled people in need.

  In fact, for such charity projects, Wu Hao and others still have a lot of them, such as waiters in cafes, and they also hire related deaf-mute people with disabilities.

  Many of these people are young people, and some of them are children who are in school. The company provides them with such a position, which can help them obtain a stable income and improve their lives.

  Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at the people who were sweating on his forehead: “You have to pay attention to the way to catch a cat. Just like you, how can you run past him and contact the owner of the cat?”

  "Contacting, no one has come yet." The security officer who answered the question just replied.

  Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the big orange cat walking slowly on the tree and smiled: "Let everyone go away. If there are too many people, the cat will be frightened."

Yes! The security personnel responded, and immediately began to evacuate the onlookers: "Come on, come on, let's all be scattered, there is nothing good to see, just a cat. Everyone is around here, it will be nervous, and all of them are scattered."

  Under the persuasion of the security personnel to evacuate, the employees who watched the photos and videos finally dispersed.

  On seeing this, Wu Hao told the gardening technician on the side: "Go, come with that larger net bag."

Yes! The young gardener answered, and ran out in a hurry.

  Wu Hao then tried to tease the big orange cat to see if he could lead it down. But after trying for several minutes, it seems to have no effect. The big orange cat just walked back and forth on the branches, watching them warily, and didn't come down.

  It seems that this cat is frightened, so let’s find the owner as soon as possible. Wu Hao said, looking at the garden technician who came running with a big net in the distance.

  Mr. Wu, this is the net bag that we usually clean up the trash on the water surface. I wonder if it’s okay? The garden technician motioned to the net bag and asked.

  Yes, go take your time, move slowly! Wu Hao ordered.

Ok. The gardener immediately raised his net bag and approached it gently. But before getting close, the big orange cat vigilantly jumped from this tree to the branch of the tree next to it.

  When the gardening technician approached another tree, the big orange cat UU Reading jumped flexibly, and then ran to a flower cluster in the distance.

   Seeing a few security personnel were about to chase, Wu Hao hurriedly called out in a low voice: "Don't chase, approach slowly, and surround yourself."

   Hearing Wu Hao's instructions, these security personnel and gardening technicians stepped lightly, and then scattered around.

  Egg yolk!

  Along with the shouts, a security guard ran over with a young girl carrying a cat bag.

  Mr. Wu! After seeing Wu Hao, the girl cried slightly.

  Don’t cry, the cat is fine. Wu Hao smiled comfortingly.

  Hearing Wu Hao’s comfort, the girl immediately cried and felt more aggrieved: "I put the egg yolk in the cat bag to buy a cup of milk tea, but it was thrown out.

  Mr. Wu, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. "

  It’s okay, just pay attention to it in the future. You are optimistic about a little life that was given to the wreck by this guy. Wu Hao comforted.

  Me, it was really not intentional. The girl cried even harder.

  (End of this chapter)

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