Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1359: Strong attention in the biomedical field

   Chapter 1360 Strong attention in the field of biomedicine

  It can be seen that Tong Juan is also very excited about this. After all, this can be regarded as her first big project after officially accepting the domestic market, so she naturally wants to make some achievements.

  So although Wu Hao had some different thoughts in his mind, he stopped talking in the face of such a confident Tong Juan. Let her go and let her hands and feet do it. Since this is handed over to her, she must fully trust her.

  Furthermore, under the current situation, the marketing plan that Tong Juan came up with is also very suitable for the case, and there is nothing wrong with it.

  Of course, for Wu Hao, this is only the impact of the first product at the press conference. The second technology and the third technology have caused a sensation in society that is not as fierce as the industry.

  As soon as the second technological intelligent unmanned mining system was released, it received strong attention from the entire mining industry. So after the press conference, Wu Hao received a lot of emails and various phone calls.

  There are higher-level related departments, major scientific research institutes, and some related associations in the mining industry. Of course, the most active ones are the major mining companies, as well as the heavy machinery and equipment companies.

  These companies attach great importance to this technology, not only sending emails, making phone calls, trusting relationships, and even some of the company’s vice presidents and CEOs have come to visit in person.

  If this technology can be implemented, it will greatly change the current status of the mineral industry, and the difficult problems that have plagued mining companies will also be solved.

  First of all, what everyone cares most is not profit, not making money, but safety. This is a Damocles sword hanging from the heads of all mining companies. In the event of an accident, these mining companies will suffer huge losses.

  And even more terrible, but also the chiefs of major mining companies are naturally worried about major safety accidents. Once it happens, even if it is reported to the rescue in time, in the end, it will still bear the relevant legal responsibility, even criminal responsibility.

  Especially today with the rapid development of Internet information technology, it is definitely impossible to hide things like in the past. If there is a little problem, it is very likely that the whole network will be known all night. In that case, the consequences will only be more serious.

  So the safety issue is the most important issue that all mining companies are concerned about. Now that this problem will be resolved, it will undoubtedly be a great happy event for mining companies.

  Of course, in addition to safety, everyone is most concerned about unmanned production. Unmanned production can not only solve the safety problems in the production process of mineral enterprises, but also greatly solve the production cost problems of the mineral industry.

  In the process of mining, a large part of the cost comes from workers’ wages. Especially as the wages of domestic workers continue to rise, and the mining industry is a high-risk special industry, the wages are inherently high. An absentee can now get a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month at random, and a little bit of skill will be higher.

  In the past, this was called life-saving money. Because the production technology in the past was backward after all, accidents were prone to occur, so only such high wages could attract people who worked hard to make money.

  Although there are a lot of technical improvements and safety improvements, the wages that follow are also rising.

  If there is such a set of equipment, which can operate completely autonomously and does not require human operation, then it is definitely very attractive for mining enterprises.

  Furthermore, according to Wu Hao’s press conference, this device can also achieve uninterrupted operation around the clock, and can run continuously for a week or even a month, which undoubtedly makes the eyes of the bosses of many mineral companies shine.

  Faced with these wealthy mine bosses, Wu Hao also had a headache. In their view, there is nothing that money can't solve. If it doesn't work, then continue to add money.

  Of course, Wu Hao and the others welcome such a cheerful boss. But the related cooperation on this technology can't be all money either. The gap and disagreement in concept, so that they are not very smooth in the negotiation.

  Of course, these rich masters, Wu Hao is definitely not willing to let go. But how to cooperate specifically, this still needs to be discussed.

  The third technology at the press conference, which is this new type of super phage that specifically targets Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, has attracted the attention of the world's biomedical research field after its release.

  Using bacteria to kill bacteria is not without precedent in the field of biomedical research. It is only used in the field of human disease treatment, but it is still a very new research field.

  All biomedical research institutions in various countries have researches in this area, but the relevant research results are only in the laboratory and presented in various papers.

  Now, at such a press conference, Wu Hao loudly announced to the world that they have successfully cultivated a brand-new super phage that can be used to kill Helicobacter pylori.

  It’s okay. There are a lot of studies on this kind of research around the world, and it doesn’t deserve much attention. But the problem is that this new type of super phage will soon enter clinical trials, so it is only a phase, and it is also applied to the human body, why is it not attracting attention.

  So after the press conference, some experts raised objections and objections, believing that before there is conclusive evidence that this new type of super phage is sufficiently safe and reliable, UU read www. should not conduct a phase one clinical trial. This is irresponsible to the volunteers, and it is a waste of life.

  Other experts and scholars, as well as some journal media organizations, are skeptical. They don't believe that a technology company like Haoyu Technology has not been in the biomedical field for long before it can produce such a major achievement that has a huge impact in the biomedical field.

  Especially some Western media and some scholars and experts have prejudice against us, believing that they are fraudulent in the research results.

  They suspect that the existence of this so-called new super phage is a problem. Even if it exists, its performance is not as good as Wu Hao said at the press conference. Therefore, they suspect that Wu Hao and their anxious announcement of entering the first phase of clinical trials must be for the purpose of collecting money or playing gimmick marketing.

  Other experts and scholars, as well as many people of all kinds, believe that this achievement will benefit all mankind. Therefore, Wu Hao and the others should make this result public, so that more research institutions and researchers can join in and conduct research together, striving for this new drug to enter the clinic as soon as possible, so that more patients can get rid of the disease.

  Wu Hao’s exclusive research now is a bit too selfish.

  (End of this chapter)

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