Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1455: Scramble

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Seeing the various wrecks scattered all over the distance, everyone, especially many people who have not seen this situation, couldn't help but be surprised and sighed.

The same is true for Wu Hao. Although he understands the performance and power of these weapons and equipment, when he really sees the ‘achievements’ created by them, his feelings are still very different.

Reason tells him that he is doing a right thing, doing a thing beneficial to the country. But after seeing this scene, I can't help but feel a little bit emotional in my heart. What we are dealing with now is only some weapons and equipment, missiles, rockets, and unmanned aerial vehicles. If in the future this system will deal with all people, what kind of situation will it be like?

Although sighed, Wu Hao does not regret it. Both air defense systems are defensive, and they deal with invading enemies. Since it is an enemy, it is not a pity to die. As long as they dare to invade in, they will be filled with hatred.

After making a circle around the scene, everyone drove away from the shooting range and went to the shooting range unit. The food was ready over there, and Wu Hao and the others were not long after they came back, and they were immediately told to eat.

According to the meaning of Wu Hao, Cui Changsheng and Lu Qingfeng, it is simple, so um, there is no special treatment. Everyone came to the unit canteen and had a meal with all the officers and soldiers.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others couldn't come in vain and brought a lot of condolences. Many of these condolences also appeared on the dining table, which also raised the standard of this dinner to several levels.

Because it is a meal, there is no prohibition on alcohol. But there are regulations. Wu Hao and the others are at random at this table. For the other tables, each person has a bottle of beer. After drinking, they can only drink.

For the officers and soldiers of these young boys, a bottle of beer is simply a pediatrics. It can make everyone happy, and it won't make people get drunk and delay things.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they didn't drink too much. One person is just one bottle. At the dinner table, the focus of everyone's conversation was still on today's test subjects. Obviously, everyone has a lot of opinions on the test subjects of today's two air defense systems.

Several researchers and experts were even excited once, and took Wu Hao and Lin Jiaming's hands to ask questions, happily claiming that their new paper had ideas.

After the meal, everyone rested for a while, and then a special seminar was held to summarize and discuss the test performance of today's two sets of weapons and equipment.

Compared with the meeting before the test, the atmosphere of the meeting after the test is more enthusiastic. Everyone spoke freely, each expressed their views, and rushed to express their views and opinions.

From the perspective of experts, they believe that these two systems are absolutely groundbreaking in related fields and some technologies. Especially this set of intelligent air defense system also has automatic air defense interception system, as well as intelligent net air defense system, etc., so many experts are bright and excited, and they think that these systems can be applied to other fields and play a huge role. The role of.

As for the chief officers of the army and air force brought by Cui Changsheng and Lu Qingfeng this time, these two sets of you systems really made them gear up one by one, and the light and sparks in their eyes have explained all the problems.

They only have one speech center. After affirming the powerful performance of these two systems, they hope that the two air defense systems can be equipped with troops as soon as possible. Some people even asked Wu Hao whether they could try to install these two sets of equipment first, so as to get more practical trial experience.

Regarding this, everyone smiled, how could their minds be kept away from everyone living here.

As for Wu Hao, he smiled and said nothing. In fact, for all troops, everyone is eager to obtain new weapons and equipment. In particular, weapons and equipment with excellent performance are the targets of competition among various troops.

These two air defense systems have already conquered everyone in the test, so everyone now hopes to be the first to be equipped with such weapons and equipment to enhance the combat effectiveness of their respective forces.

Especially in recent years, the military headquarters of the theater has made more and more stringent assessments of various units. With such new equipment, when dealing with severe assessments, you won't be flustered and feel lost.

In the future, how these two sets of weapon systems have obtained relevant approvals will definitely require a small-scale trial installation before they are formally equipped with troops.

Only through actual use by the troops can problems be discovered and resolved. Therefore, many weapons and equipment have to go through this trial installation process before large-scale equipping of troops.

Therefore, the trial installation of new weapons and equipment is also the target and target of various forces. Especially for this kind of weapons and equipment that can effectively improve combat effectiveness, it is even more delicious in everyone's eyes.

From the eyes of these chief officials, Wu Hao could feel the flame, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Maybe some Lin Jiaming and the others would deal with it in the future.

As for Cui Changsheng and Lu Qingfeng, their attitudes are actually very clear. The performance of these two air defense systems is indeed excellent. They have personally observed this point, which is certain.

However, if you want to promote the deployment of these two systems, it is definitely not enough to closely follow the live-fire target test. It also requires a very complicated process. Even they can't be the master.

They promised to report the test situation truthfully after returning, and promote the early equipping of the two systems with troops.

In addition, there is a series of follow-up cooperation. Especially with regard to the army, Lu Qingfeng directly sent an invitation to Wu Hao. I hope he can go to the capital to conduct a series of cooperation matters with the army. UU reading

Wu Hao also responded to this. You know, in addition to these two air defense systems, they also have other related products. Therefore, it is a rare opportunity for them to discuss future cooperation matters with the Army.

So they have to prepare well so that these results can be better displayed in the course of this cooperation.

As for Cui Changsheng and the others, they naturally also extended an invitation to Wu Hao, but they were talking about another cooperation. This is the project of ‘Fairy Smart Attack UAV’.

At present, the development of this smart attack drone has basically been completed, and trial production has begun, and more than a dozen smart attack drones have been trial-installed in relevant units.

Judging from the relevant information feedback obtained by Wu Hao and others, the performance of the Fuluo smart attack drones that were tested on a certain unit was very good. It is said that they have achieved very good results during the many exercises organized by the Air Force and the theater. which performed.

Now this 凫徯 smart attack drone is well-known in the Air Force and theaters. All troops know that this unit is equipped with a mysterious smart attack drone. Many military halls want it.

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