Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: Long-endurance air defense intercepts cruise-type attack drones

Wu Hao's remarks will naturally be recorded. When they return, they will be compiled into documents. After hundreds of them are reviewed by him, they will be distributed to various departments and branches for execution in the name of the chairman and CEO.

In fact, this kind of staff job department redundancy is very common in large companies, and it is also called a large company disease. Simply put, the company is growing rapidly and large in scale. There will be a series of symptoms such as overlapping of functions of some departments and positions, too much leadership, slow decision-making, over-management, poor execution, difficult coordination, low efficiency, and brain drain.

This is difficult to avoid in large companies. Although the major giants have thought of many ways, it is still difficult to cure. The intelligent management system used by Wu Hao can transmit high-level instructions to each employee, and this intelligent office system also greatly reduces the bloated organization of the company. The company is still running fast with a lightweight body.

However, as time passes slowly, there will always be some problems. In particular, the company has more and more employees, but the number of people who really do things and ‘fight’ has not increased much. Instead, the number of idlers has increased.

Therefore, Wu Hao proposed at this time to be good at embarrassing himself, good at finding faults for himself, setting up a simulated blue army, and conducting internal confrontations. This method is very suitable for the current company, which helps to enhance the company's overall combat effectiveness.

Moreover, Wu Hao also plans to set up a professional blue army team within the company after the end of this large-scale troop training activity to conduct simulated attacks on various departments of the company, including the leadership and decision-making level, in order to enhance the company's response to various crises. ability.

It should be the same technically, especially in the final acceptance process, and there must be a team of experts who are good at finding faults to conduct a full range of fault finding verifications on these upcoming products, so as to ensure that the quality of all launched products is guaranteed. .

The meeting was still going on, Wu Hao directed at Lin Jiaming and said: "In this test, the excellent performance of these two air defense systems will definitely be spread after the people from the military return.

I think people from various units will come to the door soon and seek trial installations of these two sets of weapons and equipment.

For us, this is also a very rare opportunity to select a few troops and then pull these two systems for trial installation. Through actual use, it can reflect many things that we can't detect in the test.

In addition, the locations of the various units are different, and the use environment is also different, so this is also conducive to testing the performance of our two systems in different environments.

So you have to grasp this aspect yourself, and carefully select a few elite troops with real combat effectiveness. Only the first-hand information obtained from them is more valuable and more convincing.

As long as our weapons and equipment have conquered them, there will be no big problem in passing the verification to formally deploy the troops. "

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Lin Jiaming was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Wu, we are a group of scientific researchers. Let us directly contact the military personnel. This is not an embarrassment for us. We have no problems with technical exchanges, and can be involved. In other respects, we are a little struggling."

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand after hearing the words: "Don't worry, I won't ignore you, I will arrange professionals to help you connect with the military personnel.

The next step is the technical aspect. You have to send engineers to squat by the troops and use the first-hand data of these troops in the process of using them.

In addition, you should solve some problems encountered during the actual use of the troops to ensure that the entire trial process is carried out in an instant. "

Hearing him say this, Lin Jiaming, including many people present, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Lin Jiaming even smiled and said: "No problem, I will go back to organize a few technical support teams composed of our scientific researchers, and then follow our equipment to enter the army to conduct technical support and related research during the trial period. Work until the end of the trial."

Well, these words of Lin Jiaming made Wu Hao smile, then looked at the other person and said, "This is also a rare opportunity. You should use this opportunity to collect as much as possible with the troops' permission. Data information is conducive to the development of our next-generation products."

Hearing what he said, everyone present nodded in agreement. Indeed, this is a very rare opportunity to contact grassroots troops at close range. Only by clarifying what kind of weapons and equipment the grassroots units need can they target in the future development process and develop weapons and equipment that can be liked and trusted by the grassroots units.

In addition...

Wu Hao looked at the people present and said: "Relying on our two air defense systems, our intelligent air defense system, and the automatic air defense interception system, we will continue to develop weapons and air defense systems suitable for various combat scenarios.

For example, our "intelligent snare system" relies on the current air defense interception and attack drones, and its suspended cruising time is too short.

So can we develop a long-endurance air defense interceptor cruise attack UAV specially used in the intelligent snare system on this basis?

In addition to enhancing the time spent in the air, the drone's information processing ability to deal with incoming targets must also be improved.

In this regard, we can continue to tap the potential of the cluster array control system, based on a one-time basis, to realize the information sharing, cluster control, task allocation and other operational capabilities of all long-endurance air defense interceptor cruise attack UAVs.

In this way, even in response to a large-scale swarm attack, UURead can calmly deal with it. "

Use the swarm drone to come to the other swarm drone? Hearing his words, everyone's glasses couldn't help but shine. This is indeed a genius idea.

There is no good way to deal with large-scale swarm attacks in the world, especially large-scale swarm drone attacks, which are even more difficult to deal with.

You must know that the cost of this kind of attack drone is very low, simple to manufacture, and convenient to produce, so it can be deployed on a large scale.

How to intercept such a large-scale swarm of drones to invade is also a headache for the militaries of various countries. Relying on the existing air defense system, intelligently launch missiles for interception.

But in this way, it is bound to consume the power of the defending party. If you wait until all of these ammunition are exhausted, how should you respond when the enemy invades again at this time? How to intercept such a large-scale swarm of drones to invade is also a headache for the militaries of various countries. Relying on the existing air defense system, intelligently launch missiles for interception.

But in this way, it is bound to consume the power of the defending party. If you wait until all of these ammunition are exhausted, how should you respond when the enemy invades again at this time?

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