Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1467: New technology and product incubation base

Of course, in order not to affect the normal operation of the park, we vacant the number of people every day to ensure that the number of people in the park can be controlled at a reasonable stage at all times.

In addition, we also cooperate with the security department to ensure the safety and order of the park.

Speaking of this, Shen Xiaoxian hesitated and said to Wu Hao: "The Linghu Management Committee has always hoped that we can expand openings and restrictions and receive more tourists, but we have clearly rejected it."

Hearing Shen Xiaoxian's words, Wu Hao nodded and said: "We can definitely reject them in this regard. We are an enterprise, not a park or scenic spot. At present, the degree of openness is enough, and there is no need to continue to expand. He picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon."

Yes. Shen Xiaoxian nodded.

Well, Wu Hao nodded and asked Shen Xiaoxian, "How is the operation of the park at present? Are there any problems?"

Shen Xiaoxian shook her head when she heard the words: "There are no major problems. With the help of the intelligent management system, everything is running smoothly.

I usually deal with small things, such as someone stealing koi again, and someone going down to the lake without authorization. Last time, my security department caught a few people who streaked around the artificial lake in the middle of the night. "

Hearing Shen Xiaoxian's report, Wu Hao couldn't laugh or cry. What's this all about?

Indeed, as the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds. There are forty to fifty thousand people in the entire park, and there are indeed some strange things in these many people.

Not to mention, some foreign tourists are also received every day, and these situations will also exist. For example, someone sees that the koi in the lake is more beautiful, so they want to steal two.

Some people also saw the clear water in the artificial lake in the center, and there were artificial fish in it, so they thought about going down to the lake to swim around to see the artificial fish in it.

There are also some who pick flowers and fruits, catch some small animals without authorization, and some who urinate and urinate anywhere.

There were even a few people who met together in the middle of the night to run naked on the corridor by the artificial lake, which is said to relieve stress.

These intelligent management systems can't manage, but someone is responsible. Some security departments can be responsible, while some require the intervention of the administrative department.

Wu Hao smiled, then took the fish food from the staff on the side and lay on the railing of the stone bridge to feed the fish. Koi that smelled the food swarmed, and all of a sudden the entire stone bridge was filled with koi of various colors. These koi rushed to the surface one by one, looking up to ask for food. There are four splashes on it, so it's so lively.

"I plan to separate the logistics department from your administration department and set up an independent department, what do you think."

Hearing Wu Hao suddenly say this, Shen Xiaoxian was a little surprised, but then nodded and replied: "I have no opinion, I fully support your decision."

Having said this, Shen Xiaoxian hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Aren't you going to streamline the department and organization? If you are independent, it will be another big department."

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "What we want to streamline is some tedious institutions and departments, rather than deliberately pursuing absolute streamlining of personnel. Everything is still aimed at the normal operation of the company.

Separating the logistics department is beneficial to the overall management of the company's headquarters, various branches, and related logistics affairs of the scientific research base. In this way, the organization can also be streamlined. Unlike now, each scientific research base, branch company, and subsidiary company has its own set of logistical institutions, which are tedious and repetitive, and there are even some chaotic conflicts in functional management, which causes waste of resources.

Secondly, after the logistics department became independent, I decided to merge our infrastructure department and put it in charge of Dong Yiming and Dong Zong. "

This is what Wu Hao has been thinking about for a long time. Dong Yiming’s job function has not been clear, and he is basically responsible for infrastructure construction. And now the infrastructure department is relatively independent, and even a specialized infrastructure enterprise can be established. It has been suggested that it should be separated and a special subsidiary should be established.

So this involuntarily attracted Wu Hao's attention. If this matter is not handled properly, it is likely to cause a series of chain events. The most serious consequence is that the entire infrastructure department collectively quit, or left collectively, to set up an infrastructure company on its own.

Wu Hao now merges the two departments and puts it in charge of Dong Yiming. It is hoped that through the integration of departmental resources, the internal structure of the infrastructure department can be decomposed, and then digested slowly, so that this situation can be eliminated in the embryonic stage.

Moreover, the scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger, and it really needs a professional logistics department to be responsible for this aspect of things. Especially when it comes to infrastructure, time is pressing.

According to the relevant development plan, the construction of the business sea research base will also be put on the agenda. The current research center of Shanghai is only renting other people's office areas. As the number of personnel increases, then they must have their own research base.

At present, the local negotiations with Shanghai have basically ended, and the other party agreed to provide them with a free industrial land covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 acres in Qingpu for the construction of their research base in Shanghai.

Relevant preparations have already begun, and once it is ready, the research base over there will start immediately. At that time, a new scientific research center that can accommodate 30,000 to 40,000 people will be built there. Relying on the regional advantages of Shanghai, attract a large number of outstanding talents to join in and participate in the research work of various projects.

And this research base will also become the center for Haoyu Technology to attract outstanding overseas talents. All foreign scientific researchers who enter the company will basically work here.

In addition to the Shanghai Qingpu Research Base, Wu Hao and others will also establish two small research centers in Shenzhen and Yangcheng, each with a staff of about 10,000.

The two centers have their own focus, of course, the common purpose is to take advantage of the regional advantages of the two centers to attract more outstanding scientific research talents.

In addition to the research centers in these three first-tier cities, Wu Hao and others will also focus on building a Northwest Research Base. However, this research base is mainly engaged in the research and development of some large-scale and core technology projects.

In addition, Wu Hao and others will build a new park next to the Linghu headquarters. This park will become Haoyu Technology's new technology and product incubation base, and will also be responsible for the production of some core products and parts.

In fact, during the previous negotiations, the Linghu Business District had reserved land for them for development, which was about 4,000 acres.

This time, they will directly use 2,000 acres to build this new technology and product incubation base.

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