Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1472: High-tech "mosquito killer"

  Chapter 1473 High-tech "Mosquito Killing"

  As the weather gets hotter, Anxi also enters summer. Anzai in summer and Anzai in winter are completely two worlds. In winter, Anxi is polluted by smog because it is in the north. The sky is always grey and there is rarely blue sky.

  In the summer, Anxi is exceptionally clean and fresh. The sky is always blue and the trees are shaded. The whole city is also noisy.

  As bamboo shoots have sprung up after the rain, some barbecue skewers stalls are also flooding the streets and alleys of Anxi, becoming a place for people to cool off and entertain.

  Wu Hao in the Linghu Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park in the depths did not feel too much heat. The huge Linghu wetland next to it acts as a temperature and humidity regulator.

  So this makes people in Linghu feel very comfortable, not as hot and dry as people in the city feel. Therefore, on weekends and festivals, there are more and more people on Linghu, and most of them come out of the city to cool off.

  Of course, the positive side of everything will naturally also have its disadvantages. The huge Linghu Wetland Reserve cools down the Linghu area and provides comfortable humidity.

  But it also brings another problem. There are many water tanks and lakes in the huge field protection area, so some mosquitoes, especially mosquitoes, are breeding.

  The Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park, which is close to the wetland park, has naturally become a key disaster area. Hundreds of millions of words made the employees feel annoyed. Various anti-mosquito and anti-mosquito tools were used in the park. Although they have some effects, they cannot cure the mosquitoes.

  In fact, it is not impossible to eliminate these mosquitoes. There are many ways, the simplest and the most rude, of course, is to spray mosquito killer. There are many such mosquito killers, and many of them are very effective.

  However, it cannot be used or implemented. If you want to kill mosquitoes, it is useless to kill only this part of the company park, because there will be a steady stream of words in the wetland reserve flying in.

  So if you want to kill mosquitoes, you must kill mosquitoes together with the entire wetland reserve and even the entire Linghu area. In this way, although it can temporarily solve the mosquito disaster. However, the side effects of a large number of mosquitoes will have serious consequences. First of all, such a large amount of mosquitoes will definitely cause environmental pollution, which will have a serious impact on the surrounding environment and even the ecosystem. Even while killing mosquitoes, it also kills other insects by mistake, which leads to a series of ecological problems and may even eventually affect people's health.

  In addition, although mosquitoes are harmful to human beings, it is necessary to know that mosquitoes not only bite people and **** blood, but also spread a series of infectious diseases. So people have been studying how to exterminate this species.

   However, after in-depth research, it was discovered that although mosquitoes are harmful to humans and have no benefit, they are an important part of the natural ecosystem. It is the food that many small animals depend on for survival, such as bats, lizards, fish, insects such as dragonflies, and so on.

  If the mosquitoes are eliminated, it is equivalent to cutting off the rations these animals and insects depend on for survival, which will cause the survival of these animals, and the disappearance of these animals will cause a series of ecological reactions.

  So it is impossible to put anti-mosquito agents on a large scale to kill mosquitoes. Therefore, for Wu Hao and the others, they can choose only small-scale chemical control and physical mosquitoes that are safer and more environmentally friendly.

  For example, use mosquito killers, mosquito killers, etc. to physically kill mosquitoes. But this method is inefficient, and only some mitigation can not solve the problem.

  So we must choose a safer and more effective anti-mosquito or anti-mosquito technology, which has also become the interest of many researchers in the company who are suffering from mosquitoes.

  Even some scientific researchers have set up some mosquito-killing technology research project teams privately and spontaneously, specializing in this area of ​​research.

  The technologies studied by these project teams are all sorts of weird. It is hoped that the mosquito species will not be harmed by genetic means, so as to change their habits so that they will no longer attack humans to **** blood.

  Be aware that when mosquitoes come out to **** the blood of humans and animals, they will also **** the juice of some plants to feed them, and male mosquitoes do not bite people, only female mosquitoes bite people and **** blood.

  So this research team hopes that it can modify the genes of some mosquitoes through genetic technology, so as to change the habits of mosquitoes, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling mosquitoes.

  I have to say that this is indeed a very good research direction, but it is not known for the time being that we use genetic technology to edit mosquitoes, and then let them answer whether this technology is safe in nature and whether it is harmful to the ecology. Even if this technology is successfully developed, it will take a long time to verify its safety. Even if the safety of this technology is verified, I am afraid it will not be so easy to put into use, because a series of ecological, ethical, and moral issues have to be designed.

The second technology is also biological genetic technology. This research team hopes to develop a biological genetic medicine that specializes in oil brake female mosquitoes. This way, it can solve the mosquito infestation without causing too much damage to the ecology. Big damage.

  This kind of technology is the same as the first one. Security is a big problem, and it is difficult to apply it, especially at the company level, which requires a lot of risks.

  The third technology is relatively This research team is going to develop a biological agent, and then make this biological agent into perfume, or a large-scale scent diffuser. This kind of biological agent is colorless, tasteless and non-toxic. Humans can’t feel it, and it’s not human. It can cause harm to pets and small animals, and it won’t even harm mosquitoes.

  Spray the perfume made by this biological agent on the person, or the relevant area, or place it in the relevant area for dispersion.

  In this way, mosquitoes that are more sensitive to this odor will not come to the relevant area and will not attack humans.

  This technology is more reliable. Therefore, it has received relevant support from the company. With the support of the company, the work of this research group has made great progress.

  They succeeded in extracting a substance from an aquatic plant. This substance emits a very faint smell that humans and animals cannot feel, but mosquitoes and some small insects are more sensitive to it.

  So their research team made a spray of this extracted substance and started a small-scale experiment with good results.

  At present, this kind of biological anti-mosquito spray and anti-mosquito perfume have been used in a small range within the company. The feedback structure is very good and it is welcomed by everyone.

  (End of this chapter)

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