Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: Insidious big boss

   Chapter 1477 The Sinister Big Boss

  Wu Hao glanced at the middle-aged man with a beard, and then said: “In the face of disease, money is not everything.

  Out of our original commitment and taking into account the patient’s special situation, we agree to the patient’s return to China to continue treatment. Of course, we are also willing to provide patients with a series of follow-up treatments. However, our technical staff cannot stay with them for a long time, and there are more jobs waiting for them. "

  We are willing to pay them twice, not ten times. The middle-aged man with a beard hurriedly spoke.

   Ha ha ha ha, hearing the words of the middle-aged bearded man, everyone present chuckled.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, and then continued to say to Princess Anani: "So we need to contact your private medical team, who will be responsible for your follow-up training and rehabilitation work. And we provide relevant information. Medical guidance services, and guarantee that every month will come to the door to personally perform some diagnosis and treatment, and formulate follow-up related treatment plans.

  This is normal. If there is an accident or problem, our medical team will be there as soon as possible. Of course, all of the extra costs incurred during the entire treatment process will also be borne by you.

  This is currently the best solution for you, what do you think about it. "

Regarding Wu Hao’s words, the Princess Anani looked at Wu Hao for a while, and then nodded and said, “Indeed, I can’t let others lose the opportunity to stand up again just because I am alone. I support this approach, I am also willing to bear all the costs in the treatment process, these are not problems."

   Hearing Princess Anani’s answer, Wu Hao smiled and said: “The rest of the treatment process is very slow. To what extent do you want to recover, this requires your continuous efforts.

  During this period, you still need to come back for a follow-up visit every few months. We will also maintain and upgrade the medical mechanical exoskeleton system you are wearing.

  It may not be long before our more advanced products and technologies will be launched. At that time, maybe you can really get rid of this medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system. "

  Are you talking about intelligent bionic bone technology? Princess Anani asked immediately.

  Wu Hao was taken aback, then nodded and smiled: "Your memory is really good."

  Princess Anani shook her head: "No, it’s not that I have a good memory, but this technology will be my hope of returning to normal. I am deeply impressed and still fresh in my memory."

  Is there a breakthrough in this technology? When will it be available? I am willing to be the first batch of volunteers. Princess Anani immediately asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he saw it: "Not yet. I am afraid it will take a long time to put into practical use. As for the selection of volunteers, we need to choose the most suitable volunteers for this technology experiment. In this respect, your conditions are actually not quite satisfactory. This is not only because of your identity, but also because of your physical condition."

Seeing Princess Anani’s face getting more and more frustrated, Wu Hao immediately calmed down and said: "Of course, as the sponsor of our project, you certainly have the priority right to use it. Once this technology is successfully developed and passed After the relevant security tests, you will have the right to use this technology as one of our first users."

  Hearing him say this, the face of Princess Anani improved, and she nodded at Wu Hao and said, "Thank you."

  Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: “You can’t leave right now. Our medical technical team needs to conduct a final check-up on you and formulate a series of follow-up treatment plans based on your current actual situation.

  And they also need to communicate with your private medical team and give them a technical and knowledge training. "

  "It’s okay. I have been waiting for six months anyway. I don’t rush these days. It just so happens that I can still walk around in these few days.

  In the past six months of life, I have begun to like this city. If possible, I have settled here for reasons. "Princess Anani said with a sad expression on her face.

   "Hehe, if you like, you can come back to live at any time." Wu Hao said with a smile.

  Princess Anani glanced at the bearded middle-aged man, and then shook her head: "I have been out of my country for too long. Where is there a lot of things waiting for me, I have to go back quickly."

  Wu Hao nodded when she heard the words. Although Princess Anani hadn't finished her words, Wu Hao understood the meaning of her words. Simply put, she couldn't help herself. As a kingdom princess, she is still a favored job and is responsible for some affairs of the kingdom. She can't get away, and even more can't arrange her life freely. Although she is very favored, there are things she can't touch, let alone refuse.

  In fact, compared to the miserable experiences of other princesses, she is already much better, so she is already satisfied with what she has to ask for.

   So thinking of this, Wu Hao immediately got up and smiled: "Well, I won’t disturb your rehabilitation training. When you leave, I will see you off in person."

   "Thank you, Wu!"

The Princess Anani refused the support of others, and then stood up with some effort, and said to him: "You will always be my friend. Without you, I can't stand up. I'm here to invite you. , I invite you to come to my country as a guest at your convenience. UU Read and let us do the friendship of a landlord."

   "Hehe, there will be opportunities. I am also full of curiosity about your country. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely go." Wu Hao responded with a smile.

  It is rare for Princess Anani to have a hug with Wu Hao. Although it is very formal and courteous, it is absolutely not allowed compared to Western customs and traditions. Therefore, when the entourage of Princess Anani saw it, they couldn't help but look down.

   "Ansai came to Kumu (meaning blessing)!"

  Farewell to Princess Anani, Wu Hao came out of the rehabilitation training center, and Chen Yuheng, the head of the laboratory, also sent it out.

  Wu Hao, upon seeing this, whispered to Chen Yuheng and said, “You can communicate with them on the next specific matters and pay attention to the method and method. You don’t have to agree to it so happily. Anything you need to grind and strive for the greatest benefit.

  This is for the rich, so don’t begrudge anything, just wield a knife to kill. "

  Uh, understand! Chen Yuheng responded and wiped his sweat secretly. I couldn't help but spit out in my heart, my own big boss is too insidious, and I was talking and laughing with others just now, why do I have to put a knife in the back.

  (End of this chapter)

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