Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1499: Serve softly?

Everyone also praised Wu Hao's proposition. As long as the case is made public and everyone can watch it, everyone will naturally know who the real thief is.

On the other hand, those who support the seven companies prejudice that a company that came out of a country full of counterfeit products can have its own technology in hand. These technologies must be stolen from others. Now it's really hateful to beat him up. As for the public case trial process, it is all about kidnapping the law and court, kidnapping the law and officials, and actually kidnapping the people, so as to achieve their own goals.

In the face of divergent opinions, the departments of commerce, foreign affairs and other departments have also stepped up and expressed their stance that they will fully support domestic enterprises in safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests overseas, and demand that countries must treat them fairly and impartially.

And came up with an old saying to warn some countries that “playing with fire will cause you to burn yourself, and those who are unscrupulous will kill yourself.” As the biggest beneficiary of the technology patent rules, if the public just maintains the rules, it is tantamount to breaking the rules. After opening Pandora's Box, it is only oneself who will suffer in the end.

This kind of support can be said to be very strong, and it also reduces a lot of pressure and obstacles for Wu Hao and the others. For example, after the news came out, some people came to the door through various forms, some were persuading, some were threatening, some were slanderous or slandered, and some even said that the overall situation should be taken care of.

And this public statement of relevant departments is undoubtedly qualitative for this matter. This has also cleared the obstacles for them, so that they can get the support of more people to concentrate on dealing with these cases.

Of course, the seven companies that were indicted are not waiting to die. On the one hand, they actively organized a legal team of lawyers to respond to the lawsuit, while on the other hand they sent a professional business team to contact Wu Hao and the others to seek peace talks.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others smiled slightly and did not respond. How can they be so easily convinced that they have the initiative. What's more, as many people have guessed, they can take advantage of the situation to make big moves in other areas.

In the office, Wu Hao is watering several pots of succulents. This was specially selected and sent by Lin Wei for him, so Wu Hao didn't give it to others, but took care of it personally. Unless he was on a business trip, he would let others take care of it.

The door of the office opened, and with a heavy footsteps, Wu Hao knew who was coming without having to bow his head.

In a hurry, what's the good thing?

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "The fruit guy is here again, I still hope to see you."

Ha ha, go through them again. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Zhang Jun took a can of drink for himself, then walked to the rest area and sat down, watching Wu Hao's pot of succulents, jokingly: "Isn't it just the pots of succulents? As for the meticulous care. I think. Just leave it there and don’t worry about it. It grows well. The more you take care of it, the faster it will die."

Ha ha, Wu Hao laughed when he heard the words. Indeed, this is the trouble that many people encounter when growing flowers. Don't do it, really when you get started and master the habits of each flower, it's actually quite simple to raise it. They don’t need much, just a little sunshine, a little water, and a little fertilizer.

If you are not a fish, you know the joy of fish. Wu Hao picked up the towel and wiped his hands, then came to Zhang Jun and sat down: "Except for the fruits, what's the other houses?"

Hearing Wu Hao’s question about business, Zhang Jun also immediately put away the casual, and said to Wu Hao sternly: “At present, there are a total of five companies, and two of them have not come. One is a company from the country, and the other is S. Stars.

Judging from the information we have received so far, Li Guo, an enterprise, must not be able to survive, and it is definitely one of the most probable enterprises to proactively settle. The reason why it hasn't moved, I think it should still be in internal controversy, I believe there will be results soon.

But the S star is more troublesome, so far there has been no movement. You also know the nature of stealing people. They even dare to steal our traditional festivals, Chinese characters, and Hanfu, let alone other things.

So I think the lawsuit with it is definitely inevitable. With the status quo of stealing the country, we cannot be the first to win the lawsuit in the country. However, the significance of winning the lawsuit in our country is actually not great and the influence is not enough. I think the battlefield between the two sides should be in Europe. Of course, Southeast Asia is not excluded, because the S Star has also been operating in Southeast Asia for decades, and they can't just retreat so easily. "

Wu Hao nodded and smiled after hearing this: "This is also to be These two companies are actually the same as their countries, and they have inherited the tradition perfectly. Well, the companies in the country have naturally inherited the country The glorious tradition of being good at surrendering, they will not carry on for too long, the problem is not big.

As for the S-star who steals the country, just like stealing the country, they belong to the kind that they don’t even recognize even if you throw the iron proof on their faces. Don't worry about it, we will fight it sooner or later.

Let’s talk about these five companies in Anxi. Have you figured it out? "

Hearing his question, Zhang Jun nodded, and then handed a document he had brought to Wu Hao: "Basically, it is clear that these five companies have come to Anxi so actively, without exception, they are definitely seeking reconciliation.

Since these companies dare to steal our technology, they must have done a lot of legal risk assessment before. Although they didn't admit it, they knew it well.

This time we gave them a surprise attack. It can be said that they were caught off guard. After each of them came, they asked us what we meant and what we wanted.

Generally speaking, these five companies are willing to seek reconciliation, but the premise must be the concessions and compensation they can accept. And these companies demanded at the same time to let us rest our business and not let this matter continue to ferment. "

Why, I'm scared. Wu Hao smiled.

Zhang Jun smiled and nodded his head: "These five companies are all listed companies. After this incident came out, their company's stock price fell by an average of 78%. This is a very large drop, and it is not Stable, the market value has evaporated by hundreds of billions of dollars.

Judging from the news we have learned, they are also making relevant preparations, including forming a delegation of lawyers to prepare to respond.

Of course, they certainly don't want everyone who is rioting to be known, so they come to us for peace talks. "

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