Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1504: Greater "conspiracy"

In Shang Hai, Wu Hao landed steadily on a civil airliner, and then took the long-awaited convoy to the hotel. The company's business jet is in Europe and is used by Tong Juan and others, so Wu Hao chose to call it a civil aviation jet this time.

In fact, if he needs it, he can borrow a business jet, or rent a business jet. The former only requires a word from him, while the expenses incurred by the latter are nothing to him.

But in Wu Hao's view, isn't it just a trip? Taking a passenger plane is also very good. Anyway, the ride is in first class, and the ride environment is still very comfortable.

Of course, one thing made him somewhat unsatisfied. That was the first-class passenger who met during the ride. Although the flight attendant was organized in time, it still inevitably affected his ride experience.

Wu Hao came to Shanghai this time to attend the press conference of the new domestic EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine project, a public investment project of their eight companies and the Shanghai Institute of Microelectronics.

In fact, the development progress of this project has been lagging for a long time. According to the plan, it should be released last year, and it was postponed until this summer before this conference was held.

This is also enough to explain the difficulty of this project, especially how to break through these technical blockades and develop its own high-performance domestic new EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine under heavy blockade overseas.

Compared to Wu Hao's low-key, other people came in a high-profile, no matter what special plane fleet they were engaged in, or reporters accompanying them for interviews, anyway, there were many different kinds of talents.

In contrast, Wu Hao seemed a bit too low-key and unremarkable. But the more so, the more attention Wu Hao received during his trip.

Especially the large-scale patent rights lawsuits that are being carried out in Europe, and the news that Wu Hao and others are about to hold a summer new product & new technology conference, make these reporters swarm like a shark smelling blood.

Had it not been for the strong security of the hotel, I am afraid these reporters would have touched his room long ago.

According to the plan, the press conference will be held at ten o'clock the next morning, and the first night will be a private party. Hosted by Lao Ma, the meeting place was placed in a high-end clubhouse on the bank of the Huangpu River.

Tonight, the entire clubhouse is closed and closed, which means that the entire clubhouse is covered by the old horse. Standing by the window of the clubhouse, you can see the scenery on both sides of the Huangpu River very clearly. It can be said that it is the place with the best angle of view on both sides of the river.

And to be able to open such a high-end club in such a place, its background and ability can be average. Of course, no matter how powerful they are, they can't compare to these people who come to the party.

When Wu Hao walked into the clubhouse, Lao Ma was speaking with Brother Xiao Ma who had already arrived. Seeing Wu Hao coming in, these people greeted him with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao quickly smiled and apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I'm late, I'm late."

Upon seeing this, the old horse smiled and shook his head and said: "It's not too late, not too late, it's still early, besides, there are still people yet to arrive."

Oh, Wu Hao looked around for a while, then nodded, that's just those few people.

While Wu Hao was looking at the environment, the old horse smiled and said, "Let's go, let's sit down and wait for them while chatting. What to drink?"

Let's have a glass of juice. Wu Hao said, the tree fell.

Hahahaha, don't have any juice, let's have a glass of white wine first. Let's start the whole process when everyone is here. Lao Ma smiled at Wu Hao and greeted the waiter who brought a glass of white wine, and then said to him, Xiao Ma, and Tao Zhengyang who was Hwei.

Let me tell you that this time I have prepared two cans of good rice wine, which is really rare for 35 years of ageing.

Hearing Lao Ma's introduction, Xiao Ma couldn't help but ask: "Is it suitable to drink rice wine on such a hot day?"

Haha, Lao Ma smiled and showed off (introduction): "This rice wine is not only better for warm drinks, but also suitable for cold drinks. Put the clay pot containing the rice wine in ice cubes to refrigerate it to keep the wine's temperature warm. It has the best taste when it reaches about one degree.

Of course, for young people like you, you can just add ice cubes to the wine. "Lao Ma looked at Wu Hao and said.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said, "I don't have much research on drinking, anyway, just one, don't get drunk, just affect tomorrow's press conference."

"That's for sure, let's mainly retell the old tonight, and it won't delay things." Lao Ma gave Wu Hao a relieved look, and then changed the subject to teasing him.

"Hehe, your kid has been very prosperous during this time. Not only us, but also the technology and Internet circles all over the world, as well as the media are paying attention to you.

I have heard that many media directly surround the hotel where you are Yes, the flesh and blood cannot escape. Wu Hao gave a bitter smile, and then nodded helplessly at Lao Ma and the other two people: "If it weren't for the security of the hotel, I guess it wouldn't be possible to get out of the hotel if it wasn't for the hotel security."

Hehehehe, several people chuckled when he heard his words, and Xiao Ma asked immediately: "Why are you making such a big move? At the same time, seven companies are involved in lawsuits in 27 countries involving 1,439 patent infringement cases. This Is it too risky?"

No one will be slaughtered, and none of us can accept this. Lao Ma nodded and said: "But at the same time in 27 countries, seven companies are involved in 1439 patent infringement cases. This is a bit unwise. You should do it separately and focus on one family first. Then one family. One family, this is more secure than it is now, and it has a better chance of winning."

Of course, we originally planned to do it this way, but time is waiting for no one. Wu Hao sighed: "Our overseas markets have been jointly besieged by several giants. They are no longer limited to the European and American markets. Instead, they have turned their targets to Southeast Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, West Asia and other countries. And they have already started. We are eroding our consumer markets everywhere. Faced with such a situation, if we don’t take any action. Once these companies open the gap and expand rapidly, then we are trying to limit and organize each other’s expansion and growth, then It's even more impossible."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the three nodded. They should have thought that this matter is far from being as simple as it seems, and there should be other reasons. Now I know the answer from Wu Hao's mouth. Although Wu Hao only introduced the situation in this regard, he did not say much. But based on the rich experience of the three people present, they could think that Wu Hao and the others must have a bigger plan.

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