Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1506: This technology is worth 10 "Nobel Prizes"

   Upon hearing Wu Hao’s introduction, the three nodded in agreement. Indeed, no matter how good this kind of intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye is, it is not as good as its own naked eye.

   And as Wu Hao said, no matter how advanced it is, it is not expensive as an electronic device.

   Xiao Ma asked immediately: "So how to use it, is it to be worn directly, or is it surgically implanted, is the process complicated?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: “I’m not responsible. There are two steps to use and wear this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye. The first is the surgical part. We need to go through surgery to remove the lost eyeballs and then clean the eye sockets. The residual tissue inside. Then through fundus microsurgery, a tiny brain-computer connection device is implanted. It can also be seen as a socket for connecting this smart bionic electronic artificial eye.

   We need to undergo surgery to implant this tiny brain-computer connection device in the fundus of the eye, which serves as a bridge for transmitting relevant data to the brain and the brain issuing control commands to the intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye.

   For the entire fundus implantation operation, we will use our self-developed miniature multi-tentacled intelligent robot to perform the operation. Each tentacled manipulator arm of this miniature multi-tentacled intelligent bionic robot is very slender, which is very suitable for such precise microsurgery.

   This kind of fundus implantation operation may take more than ten hours if it is a conventional operation, and it takes seven or eight hours if an advanced Da Vinci surgical robot is used.

  Using our miniature multi-tentacled intelligent bionic robot can shorten the entire operation time to about two hours. Greatly shortened the operation time,

   reduces the risk of surgery, alleviates the pain of surgery and postoperative patients, and greatly improves the success rate of surgery. "

   "After completing the fundus implant surgery, we need the patient to have a process of adaptation and recovery. This process usually takes about a week.

   During the recovery period of this week, we need to continuously test the performance of the brain-computer connection device implanted in the fundus, and will perform two or three surgical repairs depending on the recovery.

   Everyone knows that everyone has different individual differences, so the recovery situation and other factors are also different, so this depends on the situation, there is no more uniform standard.

   After a week, the patient is recovering well and meets the relevant standards, so he can now wear a smart bionic electronic eye.

  Because the patient has long-term blindness, it must be a process of adaptation to restore the light. At the beginning, it is sure to be able to restore the sense of light, that is, to be able to feel the light. With the optic nerve and the visual cortex of the brain responsible for vision, that is, the occipital lobe, it also requires a process of adaptation and habituation.

   This process will also depend on the acceptance of each person's physical fitness. With the gradual adaptation of the brain's visual cortex, the patient begins to slowly see the light from the intelligence, and then becomes fuzzy ground glass vision.

  In other words, you can already see things, but it's still hazy, a bit like looking at things through frosted glass, you can see the outline, but you can't see the details.

   After a period of recovery and adaptation, the patient will see more and more clearly, and eventually return to the normal vision we expected. "

  "At this time, it’s not over yet. We still need to train patients how to use this intelligent bionic electronic eye. Including the usual wear and removal, as well as maintenance, and how to use some of its functions, etc.

   The entire recovery period may last for three months or even more than half a year. In addition to the need to be hospitalized in the early stage, patients can be allowed to go home and recover on their own in most of the later stages. Regular review is enough. "

   Hearing Wu Hao’s introduction, the three nodded. It seems that this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye and the entire rejuvenation treatment process are not as simple as they thought.

   In their imagination, they only need to wear this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye directly into the eye, and they can immediately restore the light and see things.

   I did not expect such a complicated treatment process and such a long time. However, it seems more reasonable to ask them to believe that wearing an intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye can help the blind restore their light. Even if Wu Hao said it, they would not believe it.

   But when Wu Hao introduced the entire complex systemic treatment plan in more detail, they actually felt credible. This is the point where the current level of technology can reach.

   Of course, the three of them also understand that this kind of intelligent bionic electronic eye-related technology has reached the world's leading level in related fields. Especially in the field of brain-computer connection systems, Wu Hao should be said to be at the forefront.

   is really amazing. This technology alone can save countless blind people around the world and restore their light. In this respect, ten Nobel Prizes are not an exaggeration. Lao Ma exclaimed.

   Hearing Lao Ma’s praise, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Compared to the Nobel Prize, I actually value the recognition and praise of the people more. This is priceless."

   You are right. Lao Ma nodded and then asked him: "How much is this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye and the entire treatment process cost."

   I want to set up a charity fund in this area to invest and raise some funds specifically to help those blind children restore their light. "

Count me in. Xiao Ma asked.

As for Tao Zhengyang, he smiled and said: "Our company also has related charity funds, and we can do something within our capacity in this you. Wu Hao said, "Compared For our smart bionic electronic prosthesis, the cost of this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is relatively cheaper.

  Why? Because our eyeballs are actually the same size, unlike the limbs that are too different. Therefore, we can completely subdivide it into different sizes for mass production. In this way, we can lower the price of this intelligent bionic electronic eye, which is expected to achieve a price of about 100,000 yuan each. "

   The price is ideal. Xiao Ma exclaimed.

   Lao Ma also nodded and smiled: "It's not expensive, but it's not cheap. But compared to restoring the light, the price can be said to be very cheap."

   is indeed very cheap, the price of each smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is 100,000 yuan, which seems to be very expensive. But in terms of medical equipment, it can be said to be very cheap. Among other things, it is a ‘cochlear implant’, which is an ENT device. The price of this kind of cochlear implant is very expensive.

   But when you talk about technology, it's actually like that. Compared with this kind of intelligent bionic electronic artificial eye, it is definitely not comparable. So the price of 100,000 yuan can be said to be a boon.

   After all, compared with ears, the role of eyes in normal life is really too important.



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