Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: Sit in rows, divide the fruit

   Of course, Wu Hao, including Lao Ma Xiao Ma, they still heard some other factors from the two people's words. It was definitely not accidental that these two people spoke first, they must have some measure. The same goes for Sun Shu and Liu Qixiang. Although the two did not speak, they could tell from the expressions on their faces that there must be a ghost in them.

   Everyone is not a fool, so everyone knows who has that little trick in his mind. So Wu Hao and the others didn't say a word, and watched them perform quietly, but this acting didn't pass the test very well.

   At this stage, the lithography machine still has to satisfy the construction of the Shudu factory before considering external sales. Moreover, our eight companies themselves have strong demand for chips. In a short period of time, it is impossible to satisfy us. Therefore, I think there is no need to consider the issue of outsourcing within five years. Tao Zhengyang said.

  Of course, we must first meet our own needs. There should be no different opinions on this point. Xiao Ma looked at everyone and smiled.

   Certainly, everyone present must have no different opinions.

   Liu Qixiang looked at the smiling people, and said with a smile: "Just a factory in Shudu, I'm afraid it will not be able to meet the new product needs of our eight major companies."

   Well, that’s for sure, we can’t just put eggs in a basket. Li Feihong responded immediately.

   So I suggest building a few more factories. Liu Qixiang looked at a few people, and then smiled: "We are interested in building a wafer fab in Beijing to meet our needs. Of course, this will be after the construction of the first and second phase of the Shudu factory. At this stage. In other words, we should give priority to ensuring the normal and rapid progress of the construction of the Shudu factory to quench our thirst."

   Hearing Liu Qixiang's words, Wu Hao and the others finally understood why these people came so late, it turned out to be the idea.

   So when he heard this, Tao Zhengyang couldn't bear it, and immediately said: "You know our situation. We have strong chip research and development capabilities, and now we lack the manufacturing link.

   If one of the few companies we are doing lacks chips more than us, it is undoubtedly us. You can still get overseas chips normally. As for us, we can only rely on low-made chips to support it in the past few years.

   So we need to be able to get the order of lithography machine first, so as to solve our existing dilemma. Of course, we are willing to pay all the fees that should be paid. "

  One factory cannot meet the needs of our eight companies, and expansion of scale is definitely inevitable. However, each has its own needs, and each has its own chip strategy. This factory is certainly not able to meet the needs of every family. So I suggest to meet the needs of each company first. Sun Shu spoke to everyone at this time.

   Actually, there is no need to cover up this matter. Everyone is a smart person, and everyone can see that little bit of intestines in their stomachs.

   During this period of time, everyone's private actions were actually not full of anyone. So let's just talk about it, it's good for everyone.

   Having said that, Sun Shu glanced at everyone present, and then said: "We Haichao need a chip factory to produce high-end server chips. As a shareholder of this project, I think we should give priority to meeting the needs of shareholders."

  We have been working hard to develop our own high-end chips. Having our own lithography machine will promote our research and development progress in this field and let our high-performance chips come out as soon as possible. Xue Bing said.


   Everyone smiled when they heard several people talking alternately. What kind of party is this? This is obviously a spoil-sharing party. That's right, now the fruit has finally come out, and it's time to "sit in rows and divide the fruit."

   "Don't make any excuses, saying that everyone needs it. Except for the bad things, there is also Haoyu Technology. We are actually the same.

   If you want to say who has a good reason, it must be the two of them, and it must be them if you want to be satisfied. "Little Ma brother bluntly said to everyone.

   Everyone was silent when he heard what Xiao Ma said. Xiao Ma is right, the truth is like this. To put it bluntly, this is a huge pie that everyone wants. These reasons are just excuses to cover up their greed.

   After taking a look at everyone, Xiao Ma went on to say: "Of course, our other six companies carry forward their spirits and give priority to meeting the needs of your two. This is definitely not acceptable, and it is not fair to our six companies.

   Although you are in a severe situation, it is not caused by us. Why should we be humble to you, and why should we sacrifice our own interests for you. A few of us feel uncomfortable, and our shareholders, employees, including our investors and stockholders will also be puzzled.

   So, I think it should be divided equally. "

   Lao Ma shook his head and said, "Don't divide it equally, just follow the shareholding ratio. Don't take advantage of anyone. If you don't think it's too small or dislike it, then you can only blame you for being reluctant to pay."

   I agree, Tao Zhengyang took the lead in raising his hand.

   And when Wu Hao saw it, he smiled and raised his hands and said, "This is indeed the fairest relaxation. Since you decide to divide, let's do it. I have no reason to object."

   This is definitely not good. According to the current production capacity, we don’t know what year of the monkey we will wait. Liu Qixiang shook his head.

   Then don't divide it. Lao Ma waved his hand and raised his voice, not giving him the face of his old friend at all.

"Everyone knows their small actions during this period. Some have bought chip R&D companies, some have bought land, and some have taken over bankrupt factories. Everyone thinks they are doing it very is very low-key, but just In such a big circle, who can hide from others."

   "Since you want to divide, then follow this plan. If you don't divide, then everyone should not be careful and work together to promote the development of this project."

   Lao Ma glanced at the people, and then continued to speak: "I think within five years, don't mention the word points.

   When the scale of the production plant can meet our basic needs, and the demand for lithography machines is reduced, after the start of external sales, we can give priority to meeting the needs of shareholders at that time.

   At that time, you wanted to develop your own chip production plant. I will definitely not stop it. I believe you will not have much opinion. "

  Everyone looked at each other when they heard what the old horse said, and then fell silent.

Wu Hao looked at the silent people for a while, then laughed: "We have taken over two chip production factories that have gone bankrupt. This is forced to us by the locals. I hope we can win a production for the locals. factory.

   Of course, there are also our wishes in it. You are all aware of the overseas environment we are facing, and we also all know that we have a strong demand for high-performance chips.

   So frankly, we definitely hope to have our own manufacturing plant. "



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