Military Technology

: Take a leave!


Global Gaowu Record 7474192

The first chapter script is wrong

200 years, April 5.

on Saturday.

Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, Grade 3 Class 4 classrooms.

Fang Ping spent half an hour and finally determined one thing, not dreaming, not filming nonsense, filming can rejuvenate his classmates, and this crew can go to heaven!

After confirming the fact of rebirth, Fang Ping was a little nervous for a moment, and then he accepted it calmly.

As a young man with five poisons in the new century, who hasn't had any rebirth experience?

Even if you are not reborn, you will know by just looking at it, this is the supreme magic weapon for the short, poor and the poor to attack the tall, rich and handsome!

Besides, I want money but no money, I want girls but no girls, and I can live a few more years without doing anything after being reborn, no matter how it is considered a loss.

It was hard to get through until the bell rang at the end of get out of class, and some teachers who were familiar with the strangers just dragged on for several minutes before leaving reluctantly.

As for the last sentence the teacher said when he left, Fang Ping thought he had misunderstood.

"Wu Ke registration begins next week, and students who have ideas are ready."

Fang Ping didn't take it seriously. He heard that he had registered for the "liberal arts", and the college entrance examinations were all registered in advance, but the school usually did it for them, and there was no need to remind them.

The key point is that Class 4 of Senior Three is a science class, which has nothing to do with liberal arts, right?


But with the rebirth, Fang Ping didn't care about this little sesame mung bean.

At this time, Fang Ping was thinking about punching Jack Ma and kicking Ma Huateng.

Although the time period of year 0 is a bit late, can the rebirth not do something unexpected, can it be called the rebirth?

Or not in business, but in politics?

Fang Ping secretly calculated in his heart, and didn't even bother to chat with the classmates around him. .

These young people, how can they imagine the majestic goals in their minds, from today on, we are not people of the same world!

Just as Fang Ping was contributing to his future plans, the long, big-and-three-thirty student Yang Jian in the front row suddenly turned around and asked, "Fang Ping, Chen Fan, do you sign up?"

Fang Ping had a deep impression of Yang Jian, but it was not that Yang Jianshuai broke the sky.

The point is that after graduating from university, Fang Ping and his high school classmates gathered. Yang Jian, who had just graduated, had a beard and almost made Fang Ping think that Yang Jian's father was also attending the class meeting.

After that, Fang Ping hadn't forgotten the bearded student, whose characteristics were too obvious.

Thinking of something in his heart, Fang Ping didn't even think about answering for a while.

Fang Ping was at the same table, Chen Fan, who was dubbed by his classmates as one of the members of the "Ordinary Duo", at this time...Take a vacation and rest 1 Days (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading. Shaking his head: "I won't sign up, it's just a waste of money.

It costs ten thousand to apply for a name, and the designated test cannot be passed. With so much money, one year of university living expenses plus tuition is almost enough. "

Yang Jian sighed a little, "Yes, but I'm always unwilling. If I don't try, I'm afraid of regretting it forever."

Yang Jian’s tablemate is also a boy, whose name Fang Ping is a bit vague, and he turned his head to join the discussion at this time, with a sad expression: "This is the only opportunity for us to leap into the dragon gate. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with us."

The three of them were both embarrassed and regretful. Fang Ping was confused and inexplicable.


Sign up?

The "liberal arts" registration that the teacher just said?

The registration fee is 10,000?

This is 0 years. If I remember correctly, the housing price in the urban area of ​​Yangcheng at this time is only about 4,000 yuan. So much money to register for the exam?

Are these guys right?

Or was it cheated?

Fang Ping just wanted to intervene. Chen Fan at the same table helped his glasses and said with a firm face: "Even if you don't take the martial arts or liberal arts exams, you won't necessarily be able to get ahead in your life!

There are also martial arts training classes in the society. After we graduate and earn money, we can also study at that time. .

Even if it is not as good as a military student, at least there is hope! "

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jian's deskmate also looked excited: "Yes, I take a liberal arts school and graduate, the salary will not be low!"

"I still want to try." Yang Jian hesitated, his family background is not bad, plus his physical fitness, he is not reconciled if he doesn't try.

Chen Fan did not stop Yang Jian's words, although hope was slim, but the opportunity was right in front of him, and there were always people who were not reconciled.

Although everyone is still young, they also understand that to discourage Yang Jian at this time, if he really wants Yang Jian to miss the opportunity, then he will forge a big feud.

When the three of them talked about the fire, Fang Ping was embarrassed at this moment.

What's the situation?

After swallowing, Fang Ping looked at the three of them for a while, but didn't see any joking or amusement. At this time, Fang Ping finally noticed something was wrong.

I was about to ask questions, but I was robbed of words again.

At the desk next to Fang Ping and them, there were originally two boys whispering. At this time, they probably felt that there were not enough people to discuss them.

When Fang Ping and the others calm down, a flat-headed boy at the table next to him was excited and overjoyed: "Yang Jian, Chen Fan, did you watch the news last night?"

Yang Jian and the two shook their heads. The college entrance examination is about to come, and now the housekeeping is strict, so there is no time to go.


Seeing the two of them didn't know, Fang Ping and the other boy were also at a loss. The boy with a flat-head smile suddenly said, "What a pity!

......Take a day off (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading. There was a big news last night!

do you know?

Master Ma has a breakthrough product!

Master Ma is less than 40 years old this year and is already the number one martial artist of the younger generation.

Yesterday, Penguin Group officially challenged the CEO of Google Asia Pacific and the veteran brand name Thiem! "


"real or fake?"

"Master Ma has broken through the rank? Didn't he break through the seventh rank only a few years ago?"

"Can't believe it!"

"Zhang Hao, please tell me, is it a public challenge or a private one?"

"The Battle of Product, I really want to watch it, but it's a pity that we are not qualified to watch the battle at all"

There are not many high, so the news that broke last night, although it has caused a sensation, but not many people in the class know.

The flat-headed boy, Zhang Hao, had just spoken in a very loud voice.

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When he finished speaking, before Fang Ping and the group had time to answer the conversation, all the students nearby became excited.

And Zhang Hao, at this time, also enjoyed the much-anticipated joy, and said with joy: "It's true!

Master Ma really broke through, not just us, who in the world can believe that he will break through so quickly?

So when the challenge book came out, the whole world was shocked!

As long as Master Ma defeats Thame this time, the Penguin Group will be able to march into Asian countries and become one of the dominant Asian groups!

In a few years, once Master Ma breaks through the 9th rank, the Penguin Group will become one of the world's dominant groups! "

"God, this is too fast, Master Pinzong!"

"Has the ranking of Grand Masters been updated? Master Ma is going to make the top 30!"

One second on the mobile phone provides you with wonderful

"Go to and it's still in the top 30. If you want me to say, the top 20 is okay."

"It's not like that, after all, Master Ma has just broken through, how can he rise to the top 20 so quickly, unless there is still a scene after defeating Thame."


At this time, the classmates had already started discussing each other, and everyone's eyes showed excitement, admiration, excitement, and desire.

Even those girls, this time is no exception.

For the entire class, the only exception is Fang Ping.

At this time, Fang Ping was confused and confused, and he was stupid.


What's the matter?

He understood what everyone said, and he certainly knew every word when it was written.

But why are they connected together, he doesn't understand it at all?

Who is Master Ma?

Penguin Group...Take a day off (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading. Of course I know that by the time the Penguin Group was already a dominant player in the industry.

He knows Google too, but it's strange if he doesn't.

What did Zhang Hao mean in his words, Penguin and Google's business competition?

But why is it so against!

Fang Ping's throat stirred again, and he felt that his lips were a bit dry. There seemed to be something wrong with this script!

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