Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1521: Super big news

Although Wu Hao doesn't like being interviewed, in fact, he is constantly learning during these times when he faces the media. Among them, the most helpful thing for him is to greatly exercise his eloquence and let him start to tell stories.

In the past, Wu Hao might only answer some technical questions and some straightforward words. And now Wu Hao can bring everyone into the situation and atmosphere he created through storytelling.

Most of the media reporters who come to interview are women, or there are too many women, so they are more likely to be moved by such stories.

Sure enough, after Wu Hao finished telling the story, a media reporter asked: "How is this girl now, can we see her?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said, "Of course, if you are interested, you can see her in Anxi. Of course, I also hope and get rid of everyone and try not to disturb her. Compared to making her famous, I am actually I hope she can integrate into ordinary people and live the lives of ordinary people.

Her current life is very good. Not only is the school excellent and she has won numerous scholarships, she has also participated in many meaningful activities. For example, she climbed Huashan on foot on May 1st this year.

Everyone knows that Mount Hua is very steep, even normal people who want to climb it have to pay a lot of hard work and exhaustion. And this girl just climbed up with part-time perseverance, which can be said to have created a miracle. She has fallen in love with running recently, and it is said that she wants to prepare for the city marathon in the fall. "

Hehehehe, upon hearing Wu Hao's words, the media reporters present all smiled. This result made everyone feel warm. Many reporters are planning to go to Anxi now to meet this strong girl, and even write a special report.

"Besides, everyone knows that we have also been engaged in drug research and development. For example, at the end of last year, we released a special drug, super phage, specifically designed to treat gastric pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

At present, this specific drug has passed the second phase of clinical trials, and the test data is very good. Among them, the cure rate for the refractory and repeated infection of Helicobacter pylori interference cases has reached more than 99%.

We have compiled the relevant clinical data and submitted them to the relevant departments. Now we are beginning to apply for Phase III clinical trials.

If the Phase III clinical trial is passed, we will immediately apply to the relevant authorities for the new drug marketing authorization. If all goes well, it will be approved for conditional listing as early as the second half of next year. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and said: "Once this specific drug is launched, it will bring good news to countless gastric patients suffering from Helicobacter pylori infection in their stomachs.

And our scientists have found new ideas and are studying cells specifically designed to swallow cancer cells. If this scientific research is successful, it will save countless lives. Of course, this is just a good expectation, and we wish it success.

At this press conference, we will release several new blockbuster medical technology achievements. We said in the propaganda before that these technologies will become the annals of manned history and benefit countless people. This is not a lie, nor is it a lie. I can tell you now that these few technological achievements will potentially save the lives of hundreds of millions of patients around the world. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the scene suddenly boiled. This is definitely big news. Oh my God, what kind of new technology is it that can save hundreds of millions of patients' lives.

The sensation here naturally attracted the attention of media reporters and guests who were interviewing other guests. Many media reporters hurriedly interviewed a few words, and then hurriedly surrounded them. Only these guests were left standing awkwardly on the spot.

"Mr. Wu, can you tell us what kind of new technology it is?"

"Mr. Wu, is this news true? Have you really mastered the new technology to save hundreds of millions of patients?"

"Mr. Wu, are these technological achievements new drugs that overcome diseases?"


After the staff maintained order on the scene and silenced the media reporters, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Sorry, it's a matter of time, I won't introduce you one by one. If you are interested, you can then. Pay attention to our press conference, I believe it will definitely surprise you, and it will be very rewarding."

"Okay, the next question." Seeing Wu Hao finished, Shen Ning, the secretary on one side, immediately interrupted the reporters' questioning and took the lead.

Seeing that Wu Hao was unwilling to continue with this issue, although these media reporters were a bit disappointed, they immediately began to fight for it. In the end, a white reporter scrambled for this opportunity to ask questions, so he stood up and asked Wu Hao.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, my question is this 5nm EUV lithography machine you released Does the technology on it come from your own? Does it violate other companies? Patent rights."

This question is very acute and very specific. If Wu Hao answers incorrectly, then the other party can make a big fuss in this regard. Especially Wu Hao and the others are still carrying out technical patent protection operations in Europe with great fanfare. If the answer is not good, they are likely to give the other party a chance.

Faced with the white reporter, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: “Of course, all the core technologies on this 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine are independently developed by us. As for the series of technology patents designed by it. , We have obtained authorization from related parties.

You know that our country is not useless in the field of lithography machine technology. We have actually accumulated a lot of technology and successful experience before this, and have been able to produce chips with 28 or 14 nanometer process.

Today's EUV lithography machine with a 5-nanometer process can be said to be developed and developed on the basis of these achievements. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, the reporter was obviously disappointed, because this was not the answer he wanted in his heart. Just when he wanted to follow up, other reporters had already spoken out.

"Wu Sheng, hello, my question is such an advanced 5-nanometer process EUV lithography machine, will you consider selling it or even exporting it overseas."

Hearing such unfluent Mandarin and awkward addressing, Wu Hao already knew where the reporter was. Therefore, Wu Hao smiled and replied with a smile: “Of course, after meeting our own production needs, we will consider selling to the outside world. As for exports, we need to follow the country’s corresponding system. If possible, We are of course happy to help other companies and countries manufacture advanced chip equipment."

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