Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1525: Question

On the Internet, I was caught in an atmosphere of celebration. The top rankings of the hot search lists were all about lithography machines and news related to today's event.

How many people’s dreams have finally come true today, which makes people inevitably have an illusion, is this news reliable?

Or is it true that this 5nm EUV lithography machine turned out to be real? Isn't it a gimmick or joint fraud by several companies?

There are not a lot of such doubts, and even many big V have joined in and raised doubts about this.

No one believes that in such a short period of time, these companies and a research institute can produce a lithography machine. And this release ceremony is relatively simple, just show it, and it is still separated by glass. As for whether the lithography machine inside the glass is real or not, it is still an empty shell as many people have guessed.

In this regard, many people began to discuss this issue.

I think it's true. Each of these eight companies is an industry giant, not to mention the most authoritative research institute in the field of microelectronics lithography machine technology in China. If this matter can still be falsified, then there is no real thing.

Agree, I also think it is true. Although the launch ceremony was concise, but the specifications were high, and the leaders that should come have come. If it is not true, there can be no such treatment.

That's right, these companies can be said to be leading companies in various industries in the country, with super high influence. They cannot risk falsifying things like this. If it is falsified, once it is disclosed, it will be a shocking scandal, which will have a significant impact on the company's image and even the company's stock price. It is impossible for them not to know this, and the CEOs of these eight companies gathered to release together, it is clear that this lithography machine is real, and they have broken through the technology in this area.

If you can't say that, capitalists are simply not credible. As long as there are enough benefits, these capitalists will risk being beheaded to reach out. And the image of these companies doesn't seem to be very good. What good things can they do if they get together.

It must be fake. The country has spent so much money and so much time and hasn't got it out. How can it be possible for several of their companies to get it out in such a short time.

I also think it is not credible, not that this lithography machine is fake, but that this matter is adulterated. Everyone should know that these companies are good at playing gimmicks. Maybe tomorrow they will redefine what is independent research and development and what is successful research and development.

The brothers upstairs think highly of it. Perhaps it is another "Hanxin". This lithography machine is a casing, and the contents inside are bought from someone's lithography machine and polished off their LOGO, and then printed on their own.

This is a lithography machine, you think it is a chip. This kind of 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine can only be produced by Helan in the world, and the destination of each one is transparent. You say they are casings. May I ask where the casings come from.

Oh my god, there are still people who believe in capitalists' nonsense these days. For the capitalists, there is nothing that the capitalists can't do, provided that there are sufficient benefits. The first domestically produced 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine, such a big honor, such a generous market interest, will surely prompt these companies to take risks.

Yes, there is nothing you can't buy, as long as you pay more. Maybe this one was bought and then OEM. It is not necessarily the purchase of Helan, but it may also be the second-hand purchase of other chip companies. In addition, how can such an absolutely confidential business transaction be disclosed to the outside world? So I suggest not to boil, first check if this is true or not.

I don't believe anyone rushes to falsify such a big thing, unless they don't want firepower. They must not forget whether this is domestic or not overseas. They will not be clear about the price of deceiving and deceiving the world to cause public outrage.

Yes, I can't believe in other companies and their bosses, but I believe in Wu Hao. Not because I am his diehard fan, but because he has never falsified or even exaggerated, his character is still worthy of trust.

People will always change if they are a fan. Wu Hao is no longer the Wu Hao who just walked out of campus. He is now the owner of a hundred billion net worth, and once this person has money, he will go bad.

This matter is actually very simple, and you will know after a while. Didn’t it say in the This 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine and the subsequent 5-nanometer EUV lithography machine will be shipped to the capital of Shu, where a large fab is being built. .

According to the construction progress of the fab in Shudu, it will not be long before they will be put into production there, and then everyone will be able to know the authenticity.

Yes, time is the most appropriate way to check authenticity. Whether it’s a case, etc., the lithography machine is not a chip. The fact that they can case one does not mean that they can case more. A fab as big as Shudu is waiting. If it is fake, it will soon reveal itself.

Let the bullet fly for a while, knowing its authenticity.

Actually, I would rather it be true. On the one hand, this is the long-awaited good news for all of us. Its success means that we have broken the blockade from overseas and bankrupted the enemy's conspiracy. And our domestic enterprises no longer need to be controlled by others and look at the winks of others. On the other hand, if this matter is false, then the negative impact it will bring will be incalculable, which is a complete disaster for everyone.

Because of this, I think they have to stand up and say it clearly, and produce practical evidence to prove its authenticity. If there is a problem, take advantage of the fact that the incident has not expanded, and stop it in time to minimize the loss and negative impact.

This is what Lao Ma and Wu Hao said right, it is true. The lithography machine and chip manufacturing industry can drive the development of the entire industrial system. The various benefits and influence brought by this will also be huge. More importantly, it complements the weakest link in our country's industrial structure. Its strategic value is extraordinary.

This is true. High-performance lithography machines are important strategic materials in any country. We have them, which means that we don't need to be threatened in this regard.


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